Just follow GT Web and you will be rich. He is an expert on revenue names. Of course, he's still in school, so he doesn't really have a lot of experience with investments and rates of return. The bottom line is that if you are looking to write someone a check for $3,000 and then make that back in one year while sitting on you ass, then it likely won't happen for you. If the revenue was legit you would be paying lots more than 8 and 10 years revenue for these names; not just months.
Once again, most people making comments about revenue have very little historical understanding of rates of return when it comes to money. Billionaires have been made by the steady compounding of rates that you guys suggest are way over-priced. So, if you are going to play the one and two year revenue game, just please understand that for the most part you are just a sucker, because if the names and revenue were legit, then billionaires would be sprouting up with regularity off of these names....at least multi-millionaires. There are exceptions to most every rule, but for the most part strong PPC earnings just aren't going to happen unless you have great names with tremendous traffic, or you are playing games. PPC money is pretty much just bonus money for 99 percent of the people.
If you think the experienced domainers are going to sell you good traffic names for anything less than 100 months PPC revenue then you are smoking too much crack. If you want the diamonds in the rough you need to think outside of the box a little bit. Putting a Names Wanted post on Dn Forum and offering to pay 12 months revenue leaves you squarely inside the box.
The biggest prices come from end-users who don't frequent message boards...and they never ask for stats. Happy trading.