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Rick Schwartz Says Some Domainers Will Get Rich in the Recession But Not With Domains

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Domain Magnate™
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 17, 2005
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I'm not necessarily talking about Rick, decent guy, did domains well and made it big and I respect his opinions most of the time......but it gets so damn old constantly hearing what people think. LinkedIN, here, DNJ, everywhere...suddenly everyone is a damn expert you know? Like the guy that owns 3 hyphen .coms and he's giving people appraisals on linkedin...lord have mercy. The domain market is down...the market is up..thats a good name, that isnt a good name...develop it..should I sell it...wheres a good place to sell...who knows man...

heh I know exactly what you mean. Seen a couple people like that on linkedin and other social circles. The funny thing is many others who know even less actually listen to them. But that's how it is: the ones who know what they are doing, do it and those who don't, go and teach others :D


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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Rick could be right, just as he was right with his .mobi predictions.



Level 7
Legacy Gold Member
Dec 20, 2007
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Must be gearing for some new pitch soon..


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 31, 2006
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heh I know exactly what you mean. Seen a couple people like that on linkedin and other social circles. The funny thing is many others who know even less actually listen to them. But that's how it is: the ones who know what they are doing, do it and those who don't, go and teach others :D

Starting to sound a lot like the stock market. :undecided:


Level 7
Legacy Gold Member
Dec 20, 2007
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It is the stock market . . . Hm a creative name. . . Domain Name Market . . People are constantly trying to get someone or another interested.


Buying Premium Domains
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 26, 2007
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I am wondering what he have seen someone else doesn't. IDNs? or something else ?


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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I predict I am going to light this joint up and check my stats... :smokin:


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 3, 2005
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Listen he's talking about me when saying someone's gonna get rich and it's not domains i'm gonna win the lotto ;-)


Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 12, 2006
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I wonder if it's related to "mass development" :D
Goes without saying I think.

But the stuff available currently are not really upto spec.



Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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Goes without saying I think.

But the stuff available currently are not really upto spec.

Perhaps he is talking about a lot of things that fits him, his lifestyle, and his inner circle.

This is where you, as an individual and a domainer, needs to step up and offer suggestions or a better way of doing it.

The biggest issue I see are people relying on someone else to take the helm all the while everyone else is hanging on and going for the ride.

Mass development is not going to be perfect and is not going to suite everyone.

Learning skills, like WordPress which I am currently teaching myself, is a step towards self reliance.

Self reliance is the key to success. You can not copy someone else's formula for success and expect the same results. Before you know it, every one has copied the same formula and expecting the same results. Your effort is now duplicated and dilutes the market.

Again, those that are fresh and outstanding will stand out above all the fray.

If you are not prone to be creative and don't want to work at achieving this, then take your ideas you have for improvements and modification of these mass build sites and offer your constructive criticism.

Idea people are needed just as much as the hands-on craftmanship.


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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I just woke up..my prediction came true! Amazing... :smokin:

Stats are good! Parked.com rocks


Level 7
Legacy Gold Member
Dec 20, 2007
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I know that I have a few ideas that are brewing in my brain that I have not gotten from anyone other than my own imagination and how I view things in what I think is needed. I think there needs to be more development and less parking. I also think there needs to be more creativity when developing these places. I know we all want money and we are constantly trying to find places that will pay us the most for what we want.

Just like what Doc said, Rick is going by what suits him, his inner circle and what will benefit him in the long run. We should also do that, hook up with people that you'll be able to tolerate or heck maybe you'll even like each other and start your own inner circle, learn skills together, partner in whatever the other person lacks.

I for the longest time saw myself as not worthy of doing anything because I tend to have ideas and the written stuff about it. Then I started getting out there and meeting new people and trust me when I say this, you'll run into a lot of people who interest you but you'll not see eye to eye in regards to what each of you want in business.

I see a few things happening in my world, I can't really speak on other people's world's but I know I'll be coming out with a software and I also know that I'll have 25 websites created that will eventually generate a cash flow so I can work on some of my dream sites.

Take this time to really ponder what you are doing in business. Some will want to make a difference while others may just be looking to make income.

my 7th grade teacher use to tell me and she still does today at my tender age of 28, that you can have a dream, build on that dream and the income will follow from that. It made sense to me, and hopefully it'll make sense to you.

Another thing that I just thought of is that, if you are open, accepting and wanting to help others. Your dreams will come at an even faster pace than just doing it yourself and relying on just yourself. I definitely agree that self reliance is key but reaching your hand out here and there won't kill you, might hurt a little here and there but you will become stronger.

I think I rambled enough, hopefully this reaches you in a positive space.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 22, 2008
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can't blame the guy for feeling like donald trump,making predictions and all that.he's sold like 15 names each in the range of xxx,xxx - x,xxx,xxx. i think that's why he has such a cult like following of people both newbies and veterans.

his article was one of the reasons why i got into this.but now honestly i can't see myself listening to what he has to say for the simple fact that he has some priceless names acquired in the early days.i don't own gems like that so i gotta work around the product that i own and trying to sell.

i'm a newb at this game for sure,but i'm trying to take a different approach than a typical domainer.I see no value parking a domain unless you own a gem like candy.com,or forums.com,you can't go wrong with those names regardless.

my goal is to not mass develop, but develop for the masses.all while selling domains for profit.(that's why i'm learning php)if I can get 1-2 of my domains to get 100k visitors a day,then i believe that name will be as valuable if not more than a premium domain that is just parked.rick schwartz to me is more a hype man that anything else just like donald trump.


Level 11
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 21, 2006
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i do love the insane amounts he gets for domains though

ireport and candy for example

if he wants to be taken seriously as the 'king' he needs to buy kingsblog.com though
i've heard he can get it as cheap as 750k ;)


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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i do love the insane amounts he gets for domains though

ireport and candy for example

if he wants to be taken seriously as the 'king' he needs to buy kingsblog.com though
i've heard he can get it as cheap as 750k ;)
Hell, he would just do Blog. com
Sit your ass in the back seat, *****.:eek:


DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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I'm not necessarily talking about Rick, decent guy, did domains well and made it big and I respect his opinions most of the time......but it gets so damn old constantly hearing what people think. LinkedIN, here, DNJ, everywhere...suddenly everyone is a damn expert you know? Like the guy that owns 3 hyphen .coms and he's giving people appraisals on linkedin...lord have mercy. The domain market is down...the market is up..thats a good name, that isnt a good name...develop it..should I sell it...wheres a good place to sell...who knows man...

Duke is like the Oprah of domaining

if he writes a story on you after your interview on bido, will people begin to say the same about you?

but i feel your point.

Rick said... Frank said... Yung Ye said... Rockefeller said....

Simon says put your hands on your head.

everybody reads DNJournal, and they all wanna be featured, so he's the real King-Maker! :)

Tia Wood

Web Developer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 11, 2006
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Rick said... Frank said... Yung Ye said... Rockefeller said....

I know what Rock's saying....but who else do they have to learn from? Before Rick, Frank, Yung Ye, etc it was "learn on your own". Whether people like it or not, this is the "educating professors" of the industry. Plus it's nice to have an opinion or insight from people who have "been there, done that". Idolizing them is a different story. Learning from them is the main point.

btw, Rockefeller, my new name for you is "The Rock". :D Do ya smell what the Rock is cooking? Do ya?
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