another strong geo high value cpc business term
ok tld
if you do MINOR seo development and make it a squeeze page that generates LEADS, it's worth close to 1,000 in income a month IF you pop it on page 1 google for
'san francisco real estate'
once you score that position, you merely call every realtor on page 2+ of google until you find an owner willing to pay monthly fees for this gem
you can add revenue with map and ppc work too
a real estate account in a city like SF is worth between 1K to 2K in monthly management fees
and their site is irrelevant to the big picture
they want to be page one for SF RE terms
this gets it
once you find a client you add their info the squeeze page
and yes 1K to 2K is the monthly range of income from just one term like this on a RENTAL basis
forget all that adsense minor money stuff
the money for these terms is minor development then monthly income from end user
anyway, once you have income these are the values
36Xmonthlyincome wholesale value
72Xmonthlyincome book asset value
when you realize you can manipulate this site into 3 revenue streams with an owner, organic seo, maps placement and ppc, yep, 2K a month is realistic money you can make
IF you do minor seo work and then find an end user
without development
low xxx
with development
36x1,000+ (wholesale value)
72x1,000+ (asset value)
so if you make 12K to 24K a year with this, then what will you sell it for?
36x monthly is market
an asset is valued usually at 6 or 8 to 1 value/earnings
like a stock is, p/e 8 to 1 (old standard value in fixed earning company)
anything above 8 to 1 p/e is speculation value
so 6 to 1 v/e is the value we put on the books once a domain has income, conservative IMO
8 to 1 is what an account would recommend
so to say it is worth wholesale 3 to 1 v/e or 36 x monthly is a nice estimate for this ONCE you pop it page 1 and find an end user
you build it, they will come
you pop page 1 google for real world terms that business buy and you learn to make a good squeeze page
you can turn gems like this into monthly residual all day long
great name
good luck
no develop minor value low xxx
minor develop
monthlyincome x 36 = wholesale value
monthlyincome x 72 = book asset value
estimate of monthly income for properly developed name is 1K to 2K a month from an end user
very nice
and the .org don't matter for SEO development value
an owner wants the phone to ring and emails
you learn squeeze page techniques
this makes leads every day
so the owner will be happy to stroke that 1K to 2K check every month
residual income is the future of that domain
or you sell it for almost nothing to an end user who probably never gets it to page one
so the key is putting on page 1 with minor seo and a squeeze page that gets responses
you do that, instant income for an end user
once you have that, then you can sell it for 36X's the monthly income
but why would you?
residual income is NICE