Originally posted by GT Web
problem with Meta tags fixed. I can't figure out how to take some of the white space out though....the code is so spread out....argh
I'll never understand why PHP authors insist on spreading their code out all over the page. Usually, when I get my hands on some decent PHP script, I spend a few hours reformatting the script first so that I can read it and make a bit of sense out of what the author is doing.
Proper reformatting also helps to reduce file size and server load requirements.
Reformatting Tips
If you don't already have it, do a search for and download the 100% free Programmers File Editor, and use this to edit your PHP files in using the replace feature -
1. Replace all
tabs with a single space
2. Replace all multiple spaces with a single space
3. Replace all space + line-return combinations with a single line-return
4. Replace all line-return + space combinations with a single line-return
5. Get rid of all spaces before and after all parenthesis and curly-brackets
Once all of this is done, it's just a simple matter of indenting each line so that it falls into a logical position within the PHP and HTML statements.
Good luck.
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