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Sedo: Please show the proof of fraud

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Professional Dealer
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Feb 25, 2004
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jdk said:
You park your domain with them and earn a PPC. It is up to them to use the name and their sales skills to advertise and convert sales.

You took the words out of my mouth ! That's exactly what I am saying, I only bring in traffic and clicks.

jdk said:
Now if you were bringing in all sorts of traffic and getting near 100% CPM then I think they should be worrying. If you are not receiving that many clicks I am not sure what the situation may be.

This is my stats for June :

Visitors: 54,189
Clicks: 5,584
Click rate: 10.30%

jdk said:
I am sure if you contacted them via email or PM you would get the problem solved faster than posting on here. Of course if they are unwilling to help post away. :)

I am tired of there emails and pm's ... they keep apologizing and saying, "You know where we stand" said:
I believe sedo themselves are the ones committing the fraud and I am considering the possiblility of taking them to court, would anyone be interested in joining in a class action against them, I am sure sedo would love to spend weeks upon weeks preparing all their documentations for a court hearing.

Count me in buddy; I would like to see there accounting process, papers, sales representatives, advertisers and how would they defend themselves in court.


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 28, 2004
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DomainDealer said:
You took the words out of my mouth ! That's exactly what I am saying, I only bring in traffic and clicks.

This is my stats for June :

Visitors: 54,189
Clicks: 5,584
Click rate: 10.30%

That's pretty good traffic, what are some of your domains that they are complaining about? It should be really easy to tell if the traffic is good. maybe we can help you convince sedo they're ok.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 23, 2004
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Interesting...Jay is online and not replying here. You may want to PM him. You can always post the comments of the PM here. I think he will be more likely to help through PM then on the forum.


The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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I think Jay has said what he has had to say without actually saying what he had to say


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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I've moved most of my domains elsewhere.


The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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ditto.. have now removed 99.9% of my portfolio away from SEDO in the last 48 hours.. just weeding out the last few. I am so dissapointed with them..


I'm sorry to hear that you're moving your portfolio elsewhere. I'd like to follow up with each of you later about this as I think we can offer you more than anyone else can.

I'm happy to speak about Sedo policy and products publicly and I do bring back all of your feedback to our Marketing meetings but in regards to the case in this thread I can't address specific account information publicly because of our privacy policy. That's why I've been using pms and email to correspond about specifics.

[email protected]


The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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Jay.. thanks for the sentiment, but to be honest its too little too late.. this really is not your fault, this is more of a SEDO in general issue.

with regards to the specifics of the case above.. we did not expect any information that would breach any privacy.. however DomainDealer did raise some valid questions and issues, and all the answers were somewhat clandestine and confusing and the PM's posted made no sense as to what you were eluding to..

I have said it before, this is just a serious of unfortunate events... over the past few months these issues are becoming more frequent.. clearly SEDO are understaffed and are unable to cope.. bad decisions and kneejerk reactions have left a sour taste.

You have to appreciate that to some people this is a livelyhood, we are generating huge revenue for SEDO and in return we ourselves expect a certain level of service after all we indirectly employ SEDO to manage our portfolios, and I can tell you know if any of my employees acted or did not perform as realistically expected.. they would not be in a job..

You can not play judge and jury and supress peoples rights.. what right have you to do this? either you censor it all or you censor none, at least this way you are consistant and you can claim that its policy..

Maybe in the future I will try SEDO again.

As always I wish you every success.


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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I've found out that the old saying "don't put all your eggs in one basket" - or something like that - applies with PPC parking as well. Currently testing various other PPC providers for conversion and payment rates.

DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 17, 2005
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SedoCoUk said:
I'm sorry to hear that you're moving your portfolio elsewhere. I'd like to follow up with each of you later about this as I think we can offer you more than anyone else can.

I'm happy to speak about Sedo policy and products publicly and I do bring back all of your feedback to our Marketing meetings but in regards to the case in this thread I can't address specific account information publicly because of our privacy policy. That's why I've been using pms and email to correspond about specifics.

[email protected]

Jay, what you fail to realize and we will be speaking on the phone soon, is that you cannot send a form email to your clients, telling them that their domain traffic is not up to standard and you are not paying them for it after you have received the traffic for multiple months and paid for it, and then wait 10 days into a month and close the account down and decide you are not paying them for the previous month and the 10 days of this month.

It makes you look like YOU ARE COMMITTING THE FRAUD , it looks like a staged ploy and that you preform this ploy to make extra revenue for you / your company.

From the looks of the post here, you have lost at least 5 clients so far and I am sure there are more that are being cautious. You may say, so what, but believe me, this can have the snowball effect and as this snowball hits the top of the hill and starts to roll down it will get bigger and bigger and move faster and faster.

I will not let this go, some of my fellow domainers may not have the lawyers and / or resources to pursue this, but I do. You may owe me only a few hundred dollars, but I am not involved in domaining just for the money, I love the life and I will spend the necessary legal fees to help stop someone like you and your company from frauding others.

You and Sedo need to step up to the plate and realize that your current policy of cancelling an account, sending an email stating you are not paying for services rendered is unethical and possibly illegal. You may or may not be able to avoid a legal battle at this point but if I were in your shoes, I would be looking for an option out of that.

Again, my names are removed from sedo and I do not plan to do any more business with you or your company until you change your business practice and even then I am not sure.



DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 18, 2003
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I dont have too many domains at sedo because of time constraints. I have about 20% of my names there.
so far I have listed about 1000 names.
I will be definately moving them. and it has nothing to do with the people from Sedo on this forum, which are most friendly.
Sedo is about to implode.
If 'Sedo' as an entity can not see that, well, I guess all businesses make mistakes.
I am afraid this will be a great one.
Sedo was a great success story.
People who have been on the net long enough know many, many such stories, now buried in the archives of history.
time to face the future and leave back the backbone of bureaucracy and too little too late philosophies, especially from a company that had so much to offer and delivered so little.
I still wish Sedo all the best.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 23, 2004
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Lucky I only have a few names there.


Professional Dealer
Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 25, 2004
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I will try to keep this short but I don't think I can, I need to get some stuff of my chest .......

I will not tolerate fraud accusations, I have removed 100% of my domains. The accusations against me of being fraud ... I will repeat are 110% false !

(1) Sedo is just using the excuse of that the old owner(s) of the domain(s) are still sending traffic to the domains not to pay me. Of course I have no idea who is sending the traffic. If they have proof against me sending the traffic, I give Sedo the full right to post it on this forum.

(2) When I ask Sedo, to show me proof, they come out with the argument that my traffic is not generating sales ? what ? I signed up for the ppc program. I only generate traffic and click, not sales.

This is a a little story about Johnny and his new Lamborghini :

Johnny was promised by the Sedo Parking Company that they would pay him pay per click if he park's his my new Lamborghini in there parking lot. Johnny agreed and parked his new Lamborghini in the Sedo parking lot.

There are many bystander, customers, kids, etc walking by and looking at the car (traffic). The elder man ask for the keys (click) and takes the car for a test drive on site. Unfortunatley, the elder man is unable to buy the car due to having surgery and being warned by the Doctor, not to drive fast cars.

Johnny brought the customers (bystander, customers, kids, etc), Johnny's car key's were used (clicks), but there was no sell. One month later, Sedo parking Manager now is upset with Johnny because he made no sale. Johnny tell's the Manager, "I am not the salesperson, I am only responsible for my car". The manager, informs Johnny that they are not satisfied and refuses to give Johnny the money. Johnny sends couple of emails to the Manager and the Manager informs Johnny there was actually fraud. The fraud accusations were that Johnny was the one who sent the customers to the parking lot for a test drive :rolleyes: !

Moral of the story: Sedo You Scammed Johnny


Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 14, 2004
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I have 10 names there...gonna move this asap. They never generated that much for me anyways and I hate to see fellow domainers get screwed. I think reputation is everthing in this business.

Jay my advice would be for you to play the nice guy here and come to an agreement with the OP. The real power of the web is that consumer now has a voice. I can walk out of walmart screaming I hate the place and it won't effect them at all. But if I started to post around the web how Amazon screwed me over others take notice.

It is a snowball effect. You can't please everyeone but in this case it appears from what has been said that what you are doing is wrong. You should pay up till the point of cancellation. You have the right to cancel any account but I do agree that withholding payment may be illegal. You will have to prove he defrauded you but if you can't then he proves that you are trying to defraud him. I wonder how that case would look on websites all over the place? I can imagine every domainer reading how you defrauded a domainer.

You already have a lot of competition in the parking industry. This is actually where you should reconsider your stand. Why does anyone use Sedo? That's the question everyone is asking. I hear no answers.


Hello all,

I need to state emphatically that we have not suspended anyone's revenue without good reason. We are obligated to our advertising partner not to intentionally accept untargeted promotional traffic because of the detrimental effect it has on the value of the ads and the ability of them and us in turn to offer a premium price for that traffic.

Our parking program is very liberal. We accept traffic from all over the world and it would be crazy for us to randomly remove, even a portion of someone's revenue. It is a competitive market.

Our ability to offer high paying clicks is tied directly to how well this traffic converts to sales. If the sponsors don't generate sales from the ads they're placing through our advertising parter they won't buy future ads and prices per click will be brought down for everyone accross the board.

Although there are people who are intentionally trying to defraud us I have not accused anyone here of doing that. Many times a domain with bad traffic is parked with us completely unbeknownst to the parker that the traffic is bad. Many domains picked up from drop catch services have this problem. They were former websites, tgps or portals that were aggresively promoted by the former owner through link exchanges, unsolicited mail and promotional software and other means of generating untargeted traffic, then left to expire.

Of course, I cannot go into the details of our internal procedures to prevent unnatural traffic. However, I can say our parking department does regularly audit traffic to make sure everything we're sending to our advertising partner is good. Unfortunately this is a manual process and it takes time to make a thorough investigation.

As I've mentioned before, if anyone has any questions about their traffic please do contact me. I'll include my number and if you are not in the US and would like to speak to someone by phone please pm or email me your number and I will ask someone in our Cologne office to contact you.

Jay Finnan
(617) 758-4268
[email protected]

DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 17, 2005
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SedoCoUk said:
I need to state emphatically that we have not suspended anyone's revenue without good reason.

Jay, the pattern is just TOO CLEAR, sedo accepts the traffic, uses and makes money off the traffic, and then a day or two before it is time to pay for the traffic, the traffic is now no good, so you dont pay for the traffic,

then sedo claims that their clients are not making money off the traffic and they dont want to pay for the traffic, well that all sounds good, but not once has sedo brought forward a client to make such a statement. Maybe that is a violation of your privacy policy! Well when sedo is drug into court to produce such proof, tell the judge that.

Sedo is already being judged on their unethical and illegal practices right now.



Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2005
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Yeah, seriously, it makes me question Sedo's integrity. To remove funds and ask questions later makes me want to remove my domains and let Sedo ask the questions later.

Good job on the customer support as well, but as stated before "To little to late". Kiss my domains goodbye as well. Maybe Sedo can remove their head from where it is currently at and offer some justification before it goes removing revenue.

DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 17, 2005
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PapaStiz said:
Yeah, seriously, it makes me question Sedo's integrity. To remove funds and ask questions later makes me want to remove my domains and let Sedo ask the questions later.

Good job on the customer support as well, but as stated before "To little to late". Kiss my domains goodbye as well. Maybe Sedo can remove their head from where it is currently at and offer some justification before it goes removing revenue.

Jay, bring that back to your boss, here goes another domainer saying good-bye to sedo, not sure the count but I believe in this thread alone there are now 6 that have posted their decision that sedo is not worth the risk.

How many more are not going to join and how many more are leaving and just not saying anything. Maybe we don't matter to sedo, but I think that we domainers on this board have a different feeling about that, we know we matter and we are making our statement heard.
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