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SEDO says shift away from typos

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** Mr. Pink **
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 6, 2002
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I don't have a problem with generic typos, in fact I think that was a smart play in the past. I've played in ppc for years too. I just have seen actions being taken now that may eliminate much of the viability of the typo revenue model. It's obviously a sore point with those who have used this model for some time. They don't want to see their portfolio income and sales prices go down, but that's exactly what I think will be happening. It wouldn't be hard for Google et al to find and eliminate MYsspace.com etc from it's payment program due to a large suit, or just to clean up their results. But the arguments from the squatters are all on replay, so I'm going to refrain from answering posts, and just post the related news (like I did for this thread) and leave others to form their own opinions. I don't need to make anything up, it's happening out there now.
Domain Days 2024


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 5, 2004
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But the arguments from the squatters are all on replay

As well as yours, make signature like this and that would do it: "Typosquatters are scum, thieves, stealing money from honest American companies, they should get life sentence, they are shitty foreigners from stinking countries like China or Botswannaland which USA does not need at all, USA would be best to left alone from rest of the world, USA does not need nobody, USA is so rich and this foreign scum is stealing our money, our jobs" (just rephrasing some of your "pearls" which you was so kind to excrement here on DNforum).

And it is not I "enjoy" the typos, I just go the way of "lowest resistance", I work with ROI 50~100%. Once this source of income will no more be so lucrative, I will cook up something else instead...


The One
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 8, 2005
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you can always forward your typos to your websites and still make money. I can't wait for the prices to drop so I can buy them cheap :)


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 5, 2004
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Hey Buffon, talking about morality - how come you are linking in your signature to a domain which is parked @ Sedo (SkaterVideos.com) ? The TOS of all parking companies explicitely FORBID such cheating !


DNF Member
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Oct 6, 2004
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Stocdoctor said:
It's obviously a sore point with those who have used this model for some time.

...But the arguments from the squatters are all on replay,
It's not a sore spot for me, it's more of an unbias, common sense issue if anything.
I'm a generic domain owner and I still stand by my sentiments regardless.

--.com, ------.com, ----.com to name a few of my generic holdings. [EDITED FOR PRIVACY]
Point is, I'm hardly living off of typos. In fact, I'd say it's < 5% of my residual income - if that.

Yet even withstanding the above, like I said, I stand by my comments. This is not an issue of denial, I assure you.


** Mr. Pink **
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 6, 2002
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denny007 said:
make signature like this and that would do it: "Typosquatters are scum, thieves, stealing money from honest American companies, they should get life sentence, they are shitty foreigners from stinking countries like China or Botswannaland which USA does not need at all, USA would be best to left alone from rest of the world, USA does not need nobody, USA is so rich and this foreign scum is stealing our money, our jobs"
No thanks. Stupid suggestion.
just rephrasing some of your "pearls" which you was so kind to excrement here on DNforum.
Don't "rephrase" or put words in my mouth Skipper. You got to get a life and stop trying to bait me every other post.
And it is not I "enjoy" the typos, I just go the way of "lowest resistance", I work with ROI 50~100%. Once this source of income will no more be so lucrative, I will cook up something else instead...
Phishing more profitable for you is it?

denny007 said:
Hey Buffon, talking about morality - how come you are linking in your signature to a domain which is parked @ Sedo (SkaterVideos.com) ? The TOS of all parking companies explicitely FORBID such cheating !
The name is for sale. Doesn't have anything to do with cheating or trying to pump up traffic and dump which seems to be the menu of the day for a few of the newer guys here. I've never cheated once on any traffic names, and have sold thousands over the years.

You need to stop trying to bait and insult me Denny. I've told you for the sake of the forum I don't want to carry on this flaming stuff. I'll still post news on the Typo topic, but I'm not interested in arguing with you anymore.


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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edited to save baby tree frogs :)

Cash Is King

Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 20, 2003
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Hey StocDoctor

If this thread allows you to purchase a bunch of typos over the next few days, I would have to say you are brilliant. :)


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 5, 2004
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Don't "rephrase" or put words in my mouth Skipper. You got to get a life and stop trying to bait me every other post.
Buffoon, here is some of your excrements, word from word:

--Just some more bad faith slimeball squatters hiding in someplace like Botswannaland, China or Ping Pong etc. Making money by leeching off US trademarks, and misdirecting US traffic. Don't ya wish they would just leave the US alone and go screw up their own country's businesses?

--The Chinese are famous for ripping off US patents and copyrights.

--...places like China were they do everything in their power to censor or block outside sites etc. but seem to endorse the theft of patents or copyright property from other countries. That's pretty slimy on the part of the whole stinkin country.


I will consider to move to some EU based registrar
--Why would you move your names to Botswannaland

Phishing more profitable for you is it?
Dunno, never done that, you tell me...

I've never cheated once on any traffic names
You are doing it right now with your signature, Baffoon. Sedo TOS:
"Domain owner may not generate traffic to their domain name...by any of the following methods:
listings on discussion boards (with the exception of "domain for sale" postings)"
Your signature is NOT "for sale posting", is it...NOW you changed it, after we caught you on cheating Sedo !

Honest citizen respecting rules like you claim to be, would link to the sale page like this one:

You need to stop trying to bait and insult me Denny.
I got teeth, Buffoon, surprise. Now I am suddenly Denny, before always Skipper ? Keep calling me whatever, I like calling you Baffoon, as it describes you pretty well. You think you can get away with calling me thief, foreign scum, that my mother knows how to give birth to idiot and many other insults ? And commenting on my bad english while you can speak only one language like every uneducated peasant can ?

You remind me of a Ku-klux-klan guy, which starts to beat an un-tall Chinese guy. When appears, the he can beat him back, he got black belt in Kong-Fu, the coward Ku-klux-klan start to complain "stop beating me, get a life"...

Maybe I skipped the Bad Faith, TM squatting, fake traffic, pump and dump, no ethics part, but it would appear that you and Denny007 and Sassysquatch et al have that area pretty well covered.

See ? You do not see the different between TM typo domain traffic and cheating concrete persons, scamming, phishing etcetera. You might not even see the different between jaywaling and robbing either...

For me it "would appear" you are bold ugly peasant making out with farm animals, but I am probably wrong - as well as you are.



Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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edited to prevent forest fires :)


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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edited to save electricity :)


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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edited to save the trees :)


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 5, 2004
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The only people I've had a real problem with in any threads are you, Denny007...

Opposite is true, Baffoon. I have had problems WITH YOU. I never started calling you names - you started calling me "Skipper" - I call you Baffoon. You started calling me thief, scammer, phisher, criminal - well, I just strike back. You call China "stinkin country", you call EU "Botswannaland", when i caught you "pants down" of breaking Sedos TOS you do not admit it publicly but just delete the link. Etcetera - it is YOU who started, I am just replying at the same low level as you.


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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edited to protect the innocent :)


** Mr. Pink **
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 6, 2002
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denny007 said:
Opposite is true, Baffoon. I have had problems WITH YOU. I never started calling you names - you started calling me "Skipper" - I call you Baffoon. You started calling me thief, scammer, phisher, criminal - well, I just strike back. You call China "stinkin country", you call EU "Botswannaland", when i caught you "pants down" of breaking Sedos TOS you do not admit it publicly but just delete the link. Etcetera - it is YOU who started, I am just replying at the same low level as you.
As most know here, the only reason I have names at Sedo is for the sales. I have done PPC, but not heavily, and not at Sedo. The first time I put any names on there was about 3 months ago, and again for the sales. I removed the link to those two names in my signature becasue you told me it was not allowed. I didn't know you couldn't have a link to them, so as soon as I find out about anything against the rules, I fix em, unlike you Skipper. Oh and on the name "Skipper", it's beacuse you have an exact replica hat that the "Skipper" wore in an old American TV series. (Gilligan's Island) Also, I am not a racist as you suggest, and have nothing against the people of China like you want to blow up. I do NOT like the Country's censorship,and policies of allowing TM or piracy, nor the fact that they allow crooks to hide from the US courts over there.

I'd bet you'd just like me and my posts to go away Denny, just as I would yours. How bout we just put each other on ignore and go our seperate ways?


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 5, 2004
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I have been asked by stockdoctor to remove our flamewars from DNF. I rejected that and here is the answer I wrote to him:

I am not ashamed of anything of what I wrote. I do not care your attacks and I am obviously just defending myselves. Which not only does NOT make ME look bad, it helps me - since we started the flamewars, I got so many PMs and emails of support, people asking me, how to get TM typos, I bought out 3 complete TM portfolios for slightly over 1 year revenue and I am getting unregged OVT lists for free. I am not removing nothing, sorry.


** Mr. Pink **
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 6, 2002
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denny007 said:
I have been asked by stockdoctor to remove our flamewars from DNF. I rejected that and here is the answer I wrote to him:

I am not ashamed of anything of what I wrote. I do not care your attacks and I am obviously just defending myselves. Which not only does NOT make ME look bad, it helps me - since we started the flamewars, I got so many PMs and emails of support, people asking me, how to get TM typos, I bought out 3 complete TM portfolios for slightly over 1 year revenue and I am getting unregged OVT lists for free. I am not removing nothing, sorry.
Have to give credit to Mocus who contacted me and proposed the joint removal of the negative posts. I agreed and passed it on. You don't, too bad.
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