Talking of domain 'hacks'... it appears that the DotMP
registry are now getting in on the act, as evidenced by
their current eBay auction sales.
They are listing several, that include for $35,000.
But rest easy, the $35K does include registration for 3
whole years!.. lol.
Frankly, I can't see them getting a tenth of that, even
on their best day. But my own 'take' on the short domain
debate is that single letter/number + TLD will always be
sought after, and that also goes for excellent short 'hacks'...
Where the power becomes diluted a hundred-fold, however,
is where we get in to the territory of, e.g. a name
that means nothing, has no natural type in, and fairly poor
branding potential.
Is the exception?.. There will always be exceptions!
I'd be interested to hear what other think about this 'though.