I agree, but I haven't seen many .ca that get type in traffic unless
1. they are strong generic words, or
2. typos/variants of established popular .ca or .com sites, or
3. the exact .ca domain of a popular .com site
even utube.ca has some overture w/ext.
guaranteed traffic domains are the best strategy, but having strong keyword names or good brandable type domains can also work if you develop the names, because then you can get some search engine traffic.
I think a keyword name like 'homegym' is valuable even if it has no traffic, because xx,xxx searches are done for that term every month. website development is getting cheaper so to build a 1-5 page site for domains like this can work. Every year there seems to be more that you can do with domains than just park.
Many big portfolio holders of generic terms are only starting to develop their names in the last year or so - and take them off parking pages. It's cheaper/easier to add content now that ever before. I think this will be the trend, to have at least some content on pages instead of parking only.
Keyword .ca's have been bought up over the years by the biggest .ca holders, and I'm betting they all don't get traffic.
With $1,000 a person can keep about 75 .ca domains regged every year, so this isn't a large investment to at least have a foot in the domain market.
I think .ca is established well enough in Canada, and there are so many people out there that will need domains in the future for business, etc., which will push the secondary market up.
These are just my thoughts. Like I mentioned, I do agree that you can't go wrong with traffic names. I personally have a mix in my portfolio. My biggest problem right now is developping pages for all my domains, and making them into at least some kind of information source for the keywords.
Domainers should think of themselves as being in the 'Media' business. So with a domain like 'airlinedeals', put up at least a small site with some travel articles, some Adsense, and maybe a travel affiliate program or two, for example.
a 3 number.ca is only worth reg fee at this point
I always say a domain is worth what someone is willing to pay for it.