I've never sold any of my .ca, but I've had offers of $100 to $1000 for some of them. All the offers were just in this past year. My general feeling is that .ca sales have slowed down since the start of summer, I'm thinking that things will pick up again in the fall. Few .ca sales have been reported lately in the dnjournal cctld weekly sales report. I've also read that country code domains are still experiencing healthy growth in general, specifically .de and .co.uk, but it applies to all cctlds, and especially those with heavy internet using population. Personally I'm not eager to sell unless I can get end-user or close to end user price. If you have good .ca's why sell them cheap, better to park or develop them and wait. The most interesting thing going on right now is the realization by big corporations that they NEED to have a web presence, no matter what business they are in. People are spending more time online than watching tv or reading newspapers, so if companies want to reach the masses they have to advertise online or have a web presence. As more and more companies realize this the resale value of good domains will go up. I just read an article in the weekend Globe and Mail that a Quebec company, Transcontinental, is moving fast to get more of an online presence. They want to beef up the 70 websites they own, and include more of a social aspect where users can interact. They want to be making 50 Million in annual revenues from their online division within a few years. Online Ad spending is increasing, and companies are even moving to advertise on popular blog sites. It's an important trend, these huge companies rushing online and putting up websites and advertising, and this mad rush to move online will have an effect on the domain market. It might seem expensive to pay $10,000 for a domain, but when you realize that these companies are spending tens and hundreds of millions in their online efforts, then 10k isn't that much. And not just the big companies, but the small to mid size companies will drive the domain market, although with smaller budgets. I think this fall and winter will be very interesting times for the .ca domain market, as we see this rush to move online.