Speaking of Sibername, I am very frustrated with their auction. Has anyone else had this problem.....The domain is sitting at 90 dollars, so I bid 100, and now i am top bidder...however, I put in a Maximum bid of 300. The auction has 12 minutes left...well within the sniping range. Well, now there is only 1 minute left, and someone has outbid my 100 dollars, but not reached the Maximum of 300. Sibername starts the clock over again for a full 3 minutes and does not even send out an "outbid" notice. Pool and other professional auctions do not add minutes until the Maximum bid is reached. Because there was extra time involved, I had to pay more for the domain because there was more time for bidding. I raised these concerns and they acted like they would fix it, but that was not the case today. :-(((((((((