Originally posted by domainAddict
Regarding those sick and murder related names.. Dont you watch Jerry Springer? Thats my vision of 70% Americans
I about spewed my coffee on the monitor when I got to this line from laughing so hard.
How little you know about the real America... Trust me when I say this, but the real America isn't shown on T.V. There is a good reason for that. You'd be bored to tears if all you saw were average people going off to work everyday, coming home to do homework with their children, and occasionally going out with some friends once in awhile. That's America. I suspect you could say the same for the UK as well. The stuff you see on t.v is hyped, and sensational to keep brain dead people like you glued to the station.
As far as American's bombing "people we don't like". I suggest you do a little research. America is the only real superpower left that will hold dictators accountable. (Bosnia, Somalia, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Panama) We do owe a debt of gratitude to the UK however for being early supporters. Without them, we'd really look like "war mongers".
After the Soviet Union broke up there has been an increase in rogue nations getting out of line. If we do nothing, as was the case with the genocide that happened in Yugoslavia, your pathetic arse would be next!!!! "If you bury your heads in the sand long enough, you will be doomed to repeat history"---izopod circa 2002"
Now that was my .04 for today. I get irritated when I read posts like this. Is America perfect? Most certainly not. Do we always agree with what our government is doing? No we do not. In fact I would venture to guess that we are evenly divided on what to do with the Israeli/Palestine conflict. Sharon is no saint in my book and I don't blindly back Israel on every incursion. They are just as guilty for the mess over there as the palestinians...
note: My apologies to the author of this thread. My post was more of a rebuttal to D.A's post, then keeping with the intent of this thread. My feeling about people "buying up names" to exploit bad situations is that there is nothing you can do about it. We've had "evil doers", "opportunists" around for thousands of years. I am not sure what the answer is but I do know this, you'd do more harm then good by putting certain domain names off limits because they might fall prey to abuse. The reason is where do you draw the line between which names should be reserved and which ones shouldn't?? This isn't a freedom of speech issue, as much as it is a "power" to censor issue. The best thing to do is to be one step ahead of the "domain opportunists".