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closed Sick domain names and their buyers.

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Level 8
Legacy Gold Member
Oct 5, 2002
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Some time ago a little girl was murdered in England. Recently her parents decided to set up a commermorative web site only to find that the four obvious names had been registered the day after her murder. The same person had registered them all and it seems he was a school teacher. The matter was sorted out by him losing his job and having to give up the names. I understand this was local pressure and nothing to do with the Internet.

The same sick attitude seems to have caused a lot of people to register names realted to the American terrorist tragedy. I can't understand why these names have any value and how people expect to profit from them. Could someone please explain to me why some people consider them to be worth registering.


Level 8
Legacy Gold Member
Oct 5, 2002
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Child pornography and pseudo-cp are a different issue. I'm actually starting a small list of adult that promise not to include or link to this.

It was more the fact that someone felt it worth reg'ing 4 domains in a murdered girls name presumably for profit. I just wondered where and what the value could be. I don't know anyone that would want a link from a site like that, and I know more than my fair share of dodgy characters. The thing that corncerned me about this was that the teacher had some sort of mental empathy with the murder.

I also find it difficult to understand how people could or would want to make money out of the American tragedy.


Level 8
Legacy Gold Member
Nov 15, 2002
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You must be naive then.. Dont you know how many people actually hate America? A lot, and even more and more by each day. And hatred will keep growing, until America stops bombing everyone who they dont like, and keeps minding their own business. Thats how many people see their actions and therefore, anti american sites are well visited.. Not that thats my oppiinon or anything, just explaining why these sites are being registered..

Regarding those sick and murder related names.. Dont you watch Jerry Springer? Thats my vision of 70% Americans :) Funny thing is, that most of them are even proud of them selves being what they are... And that show explains acts like this perfectly :)


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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Originally posted by domainAddict

Regarding those sick and murder related names.. Dont you watch Jerry Springer? Thats my vision of 70% Americans :)

I about spewed my coffee on the monitor when I got to this line from laughing so hard.

How little you know about the real America... Trust me when I say this, but the real America isn't shown on T.V. There is a good reason for that. You'd be bored to tears if all you saw were average people going off to work everyday, coming home to do homework with their children, and occasionally going out with some friends once in awhile. That's America. I suspect you could say the same for the UK as well. The stuff you see on t.v is hyped, and sensational to keep brain dead people like you glued to the station.

As far as American's bombing "people we don't like". I suggest you do a little research. America is the only real superpower left that will hold dictators accountable. (Bosnia, Somalia, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Panama) We do owe a debt of gratitude to the UK however for being early supporters. Without them, we'd really look like "war mongers".

After the Soviet Union broke up there has been an increase in rogue nations getting out of line. If we do nothing, as was the case with the genocide that happened in Yugoslavia, your pathetic arse would be next!!!! "If you bury your heads in the sand long enough, you will be doomed to repeat history"---izopod circa 2002"

Now that was my .04 for today. I get irritated when I read posts like this. Is America perfect? Most certainly not. Do we always agree with what our government is doing? No we do not. In fact I would venture to guess that we are evenly divided on what to do with the Israeli/Palestine conflict. Sharon is no saint in my book and I don't blindly back Israel on every incursion. They are just as guilty for the mess over there as the palestinians...


note: My apologies to the author of this thread. My post was more of a rebuttal to D.A's post, then keeping with the intent of this thread. My feeling about people "buying up names" to exploit bad situations is that there is nothing you can do about it. We've had "evil doers", "opportunists" around for thousands of years. I am not sure what the answer is but I do know this, you'd do more harm then good by putting certain domain names off limits because they might fall prey to abuse. The reason is where do you draw the line between which names should be reserved and which ones shouldn't?? This isn't a freedom of speech issue, as much as it is a "power" to censor issue. The best thing to do is to be one step ahead of the "domain opportunists".


Old Timer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 3, 2002
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Originally posted by domainAddict
You must be naive then.. Dont you know how many people actually hate America? A lot, and even more and more by each day. And hatred will keep growing, until America stops bombing everyone who they dont like, and keeps minding their own business. Thats how many people see their actions and therefore, anti american sites are well visited.. Not that thats my oppiinon or anything, just explaining why these sites are being registered..

Regarding those sick and murder related names.. Dont you watch Jerry Springer? Thats my vision of 70% Americans :) Funny thing is, that most of them are even proud of them selves being what they are... And that show explains acts like this perfectly :)

Americans have a variety of views and attitudes, not the least of which is demonstrated by the roughly 50-50 split between democrat and republican votes. While there are many American actions in other countries that do good and present a positive image... unfortunately many people of other countries only "learn" about America through movies and television, the international face of large for-profit corporations, and military action. If I did not live in the U.S. and were to learn about Americans through such sources... I might well think that American seem to be generally greedy, hedonistic, materialistic, godless people. Some are. However, many Americans are as turned off by many of these negative things coming out of portions of the U.S. as are many people in other countries, but in the absence of direct connections (such as student exchanges, peace corp, charitable services, etc.) this is not known. It probably goes in the other direction as well, when all the American see of a given foreign country is negative stuff but there is much good stuff in the general population and culture.

Perhaps we can each work in our own small way to help correct/balance views of other counties toward America based on trash like Jerry Springer and to help correct/balance views of Americans toward other countries based on the actions of a hateful few zealots.

One of my students wants to take a pilgrimage to Mecca next semester, requiring her to miss a month of classes. I was very happy to affirm her faith by making special effort to work it out so she can still take the class (including videotaping). Its a small effort on my part to offset a negative response to Islam in the U.S. May I ask if some of you in other countries please keep open minds to realize that American TV, movies, and bad corporate activity is not reflective of many, or even most, Americans.

Gee... do I sound like some old Hippie? Ah well. Peace and love, all. :)


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 15, 2002
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It's bad enough that people in other countries form opinions about America based on junk like Jerry Springer, but what really worries me is what happens when those TV signals travel through space and reach an advanced alien civilization. They are likely to warp across space post haste to stamp us out before mentally defective hillbillies take over the universe! :)


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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Originally posted by Duke of Earl
It's bad enough that people in other countries form opinions about America based on junk like Jerry Springer, but what really worries me is what happens when those TV signals travel through space and reach an advanced alien civilization. They are likely to warp across space post haste to stamp us out before mentally defective hillbillies take over the universe! :)

LoL--ok this time I wasn't able to hold my coffee down. Good one Duke!!



Level 3
Legacy Gold Member
Oct 7, 2002
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Originally posted by izopod

How little you know about the real America... Trust me when I say this, but the real America isn't shown on T.V. There is a good reason for that. You'd be bored to tears if all you saw were average people going off to work everyday, coming home to do homework with their children, and occasionally going out with some friends once in awhile. That's America. I suspect you could say the same for the UK as well. The stuff you see on t.v is hyped, and sensational to keep brain dead people like you glued to the station.
Same for UK except alot of our TV is actually boring anyway,even if it is hyped.


Old Timer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 3, 2002
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Originally posted by Duke of Earl
It's bad enough that people in other countries form opinions about America based on junk like Jerry Springer, but what really worries me is what happens when those TV signals travel through space and reach an advanced alien civilization. They are likely to warp across space post haste to stamp us out before mentally defective hillbillies take over the universe! :)

No.. Duke... you are so naive. :rolleyes: The Aliens have already decided to destroy us and started their effort. Have you ever looked closely at the mole on the back of Jerry Springer's head? That is no ordinary mole... in fact, it is not a mole at all but rather a trans-dimensional communo-portal. :weird: Also, has anyone ever seen Jerry Springer travel to Area 51? See... that proves it. He goes back and forth undetected :eek: :eek:


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 15, 2002
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Originally posted by DomeBase

No.. Duke... you are so naive'

The Aliens have already decided to destroy us and started their effort. Have you ever looked closely at the mole on the back of Jerry Springer's head? That is no ordinary mole... in fact, it is not a mole at all but rather a trans-dimensional communo-portal. Also, has anyone ever seen Jerry Springer travel to Area 51? See... that proves it. He goes back and forth undetected :eek: :eek:

:laugh: That would explain a lot of things! And his show has done more to undermine our civilization than anything else I can think of off the top of my head!


Old Timer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 3, 2002
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Originally posted by Duke of Earl

:laugh: That would explain a lot of things! And his show has done more to undermine our civilization than anything else I can think of off the top of my head!

off the top of your head? yikes. you don't have a mole there too, do you? :eek: :eek:


Level 8
Legacy Gold Member
Oct 5, 2002
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I can understand that if a lot of people watch GS then the advertising can pay for the show and make money. I can't see what you can advertise on a site about a little girl that was raped and murdered though, unless it is to link to illegal sites.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 23, 2002
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Well you're all going to shake your fingers at me for this one, but when I started buying Domain names a few months ago, there was one questionable Domain that came up, and I registered it, This was the name of the flight that went into the pentagon on September 11th. What was really weird was it was owned by some guys in India the day the attack happened, and they let it drop this year. I always wondered why they picked this name? Any way I waited a few hours before I registered it, I didn't want it to fall into that french dudes hands, the guy who claims the whole incident was staged by our government and Israel. Now I wouldn't think twice if anyone from an official September 11th site contacted me to give it up free, by the way Sept 11th is my Birthday. And I'd also like to add that I love Jerry Springer, I would watch his "show" over any of the propaganda news crap that's really controlling society. But the reason people reg these names is for the chance at instant fame, and the lure of money. And that's the same reason they go on Springer!


Level 8
Legacy Gold Member
Nov 15, 2002
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Originally posted by domainAddict
Dont you watch Jerry Springer? Thats my vision of 70% Americans :)

OK, hehe.. First of all, before yaa all flame my ass out - This was kinda joke :) Exaggeration even. I was just waiting for your response, and it seems Ive gotten it :] hehe..
I know Jerry Springer is totally ****ed up shit, so called "show" and I cant understand why would anyone want to watch it :) I know, that my 70% prediction was pretty harsh, but still - There are more than just a few of these out there in america :) Offcourse, you have these allaround the world, not just in america :) States are just a riddle :p


Level 8
Legacy Gold Member
Nov 15, 2002
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Originally posted by Duke of Earl
It's bad enough that people in other countries form opinions about America based on junk like Jerry Springer, but what really worries me is what happens when those TV signals travel through space and reach an advanced alien civilization. They are likely to warp across space post haste to stamp us out before mentally defective hillbillies take over the universe! :)

Bullseye :) I like your thesis. LOL


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 9, 2002
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Originally posted by Duke of Earl
It's bad enough that people in other countries form opinions about America based on junk like Jerry Springer, but what really worries me is what happens when those TV signals travel through space and reach an advanced alien civilization. They are likely to warp across space post haste to stamp us out before mentally defective hillbillies take over the universe! :)

No, they will warp across space just to be on Jerry Springer show.


Level 8
Legacy Gold Member
Nov 15, 2002
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EDITED: Decided to erase.. lets not talk politics, when business is much better :]
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