I watched her show exactly one time in my life. True story, I was staying in a hotel room the night before the bar exam and that show came on.
It was a dispute over car ownership and she was absolutely wrong on the law of the case.
The only small claims rules I'm familiar with are those of the State of Delaware. If you intend to be represented by an attorney, you have to provide notice to the other side prior to the hearing.
Blasphemy! Judge Judy rules!!
Actually it's fun watching the bizzaar twists of logic by the people who appear. Last week, for example, a guy was being sued because he rented a house, turned the master bedroom into an indoor pot farm, and it caught fire while he was at work from the hot lights used to simulate sunlight. He was trying to say it wasn't his fault and shouldn't have to pay for repairs. Then there are always the loser boyfriends with hot girlfriends who bail them out of jail, then come to court saying 'I never said I would pay her back' for the bail money. There there are the ultra low lifes who get into disputes over the proceeds of welfare fraud, and are dumb enough to take it to court. Hilarious stuff!
Anyway --- no lawyers allowed in Small Claims courts around here:
"Small claims court is a special court where disputes are resolved quickly and inexpensively.
In small claims court the rules are simplified and the hearing is informal.
The person who files the claim is called the plaintiff.
The person who the claim is filed against is called the defendant.
While you may ask a lawyer for advice before you go to small claims court,
a lawyer cannot represent you in court. "