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Snapnames Douchebaggery

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Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2011
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If you made a payment online and mistakenly entered the wrong routing or acct number and your payment was never processed and you were charged a late fee, is that your fault or the fault of the payment system?

Not all payment systems are alike, just like automated catch systems are no all alike, one might catch it and the other not... Was is it intentional? nothing you posted suggested that it was, So because their not as efficient as NameJet, you call them douchebags?... Seem you have a problem accepting responsibility.

Your bank analogy has no bearing on this situation. I'm not arguing that every mistake I make in life should be forgiven. And I would have no problem accepting responsibility if I felt that my error was the cause of this charge, but it's not my typo that caused Snapnames to implement a policy of charging for backorders that they don't actually perform. That's the point. Snapnames should not EVER be charging backorder fees unless they're actually performing a backorder. You're getting hung up on the typo, but it's irrelevant to my argument. Whether I entered the name on purpose or by mistake, they shouldn't pretend to be performing backorders when none are actually happening. And yeah, I think that they know the difference between whether a domain is already registered or not, so I'm having a tough time attributing this to simple error especially since it seems this problem has been brought to their attention in the past.

In any case, it's not just me that feels that Snapnames should differentiate between available and registered domains, even Snapnames agrees with me. Here's what it says on their front page:

"Just search the Snapnames database for the domain you want, and we'll tell you if it is available now, or if it's expected to be available within the next 30 days."

Too bad they don't actually honor that promise.

To their credit, Snapnames refunded my money. I'm not happy that it was as difficult as it was to resolve this, and I'm even less happy that the problem persists so that others may end up in the same place, but at least in this case they made good. You apparently think that what they did was ok. No problem. Next time you put in a $500 bid on a typoed domain that is actually available for registration, go ahead and pay them. I think I'll continue to handle things my way regardless of your opinion.


Country hopper
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 9, 2005
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"Just search the Snapnames database for the domain you want, and we'll tell you if it is available now, or if it's expected to be available within the next 30 days."
Your interpretation of 'available' must not be the same as mine. In the context of dropcatching 'available' is more likely to mean the domain is in a status like pending-delete or prerelease status, or available at auction.
Snapnames is a dropcatching outfit, do you expect them to send you a notification that the domain you backordered is available to be registered at your usual registrar ? :rolleyes:

They did the job, but one month late. This is a moot point though. Would you really have been happier had the registration taken place the same day ? Of course not.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2011
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Your interpretation of 'available' must not be the same as mine. In the context of dropcatching 'available' is more likely to mean the domain is in a status like pending-delete or prerelease status, or available at auction.
Snapnames is a dropcatching outfit, do you expect them to send you a notification that the domain you backordered is available to be registered at your usual registrar ? :rolleyes:

They did the job, but one month late. This is a moot point though. Would you really have been happier had the registration taken place the same day ? Of course not.

This is not rocket science. No, I don't expect them to send me any emails, or to direct me to my favorite registrar. What I expect is quite simple. Instead of a search yielding results with backorder buttons next to every single domain regardless of status, they could show results with "backorder" when that's appropriate, or the words "available", "unregistered", etc.. in the case when the domain can be registered, or they could just reject the available domains the way Namejet does since people don't go to these sites to perform basic registrations. I can't believe this is so controversial.

In any case it doesn't just say they'll tell us if it's "available", it says "available now". I don't see how that can be interpreted your way since "available now" is being contrasted with "available within the next 30 days". If it meant what you're saying it means, they would only have had to say "if it's expected to be available within the next 30 days". The "available now" part would have been unnecessary and redundant.


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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A drop catching service using the word "Available" can safely be interpreted as a registered domain that is either expired or in pending delete status, Available to catch...

If you think it has the same meaning as a Registrar, you clearly haven't been in this business for very long.

I would have no problem accepting responsibility if I felt that my error was the cause of this charge, but it's not my typo that caused Snapnames to implement a policy of charging for backorders that they don't actually perform. That's the point. Snapnames should not EVER be charging backorder fees unless they're actually performing a backorder.

Where do you get off claiming that Snapnames has a policy charging for backorders they don't perform? actions are NOT policies... You exposed a flaw in their system from a mistake that YOU made, It's wasn't Snapnames that entered the typo, it was YOU... Would this of happened if you entered the domain correctly? Would Snapnames be smeared on a domain forum if YOU entered the name correctly?

I find it almost laughable that your faulting Snapnames for failing to catch a mistake that YOU made, and then trashing them on a domain forum.. You say they didn't perform a backorder, but they actually did, they fulfilled the backorder you made and you were charged for it.... And they refunded you because it was the right thing to do, that is NOT an admission of guilt.

When I entered the wrong bank account number for auto pay, leaving out the last digit, I didn't call them on the phone and call them douchebags, it was MY mistake, and if their system was incapable of catching that mistake, it's still MY mistake.

In any case, it's not just me that feels that Snapnames should differentiate between available and registered domains, even Snapnames agrees with me. Here's what it says on their front page:

"Just search the Snapnames database for the domain you want, and we'll tell you if it is available now, or if it's expected to be available within the next 30 days."



Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2011
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A drop catching service using the word "Available" can safely be interpreted as a registered domain that is either expired or in pending delete status, Available to catch...

If you think it has the same meaning as a Registrar, you clearly haven't been in this business for very long.

Where do you get off claiming that Snapnames has a policy charging for backorders they don't perform? actions are NOT policies... You exposed a flaw in their system from a mistake that YOU made, It's wasn't Snapnames that entered the typo, it was YOU... Would this of happened if you entered the domain correctly? Would Snapnames be smeared on a domain forum if YOU entered the name correctly?

I find it almost laughable that your faulting Snapnames for failing to catch a mistake that YOU made, and then trashing them on a domain forum.. You say they didn't perform a backorder, but they actually did, they fulfilled the backorder you made and you were charged for it.... And they refunded you because it was the right thing to do, that is NOT an admission of guilt.

When I entered the wrong bank account number for auto pay, leaving out the last digit, I didn't call them on the phone and call them douchebags, it was MY mistake, and if their system was incapable of catching that mistake, it's still MY mistake.


You gave me an analogy so I'll give you one back. Let's say I was booking a flight on an airline and I wanted to fly first class, but mistakenly booked coach. I get my ticket, I fly coach and grumble all the way through the flight. Now I get home and find that I've been charged for first class anyway. I call the airline and complain, but they tell me that their system is "flawed" and they charge first class fares even when people fly coach -- they can't help me. If I told you this story, no doubt you'd be endlessly fixated on the fact that I made a mistake and be telling me that if only I had correctly chosen first class when I placed the order, I would have gotten what I paid for, which is technically true, I guess, although a somewhat bizarre point of view. My opinion, and also the opinion of the law, is that whether I make a mistake or not, a company has an obligation 100% of the time to only charge for services they actually provide or goods they actually deliver. My mistakes don't free them of that legal obligation.

If I had mistyped the name and the name that I mistyped corresponded to an actual registered domain that Snapnames subsequently caught on the drop, I wouldn't have uttered a peep of protest. They would have earned their money and been entitled to keep it and I would have taken my lumps. But they didn't do that. They charged me for a backorder they never actually performed. To you , it makes no difference, but to me it's the difference between a legitimate charge and one that isn't. You apparently think that once a customer makes a mistake, pizzerias are allowed to send empty boxes and charge for pizzas, car dealers are allowed to ship used cars as new, etc., etc.. That's fine. Live your life that way.

Again, the idea that "available NOW", means available to catch is a bit weird. Please tell me what the word available means when they say " expected to be available in the next 30 days". You can't backorder it yet, but you'll be able to backorder it soon?

As far as I know, there is not a single other company that allows available domains to be "backordered". It can't be done on Pool, or Godaddy, or dynadot, or Name.com, or backorderzone, or Domainmonster, or Namejet, or Hexonet, or Pheenix, or 1isi, or any of the half dozen other piddly little drop catchers I've tried. All these companies must really blow your mind with their "mind reading" abilities and "efficiency", but there you have it. Somehow, this technical jedi-master feat of techincal wizardry appears to be the norm in the business.

Now, since I'm sure you've grasped nothing, feel free to remind me that I made a mistake. It may not have been relevant yesterday or the day before, but this is a new day and maybe your comment will now magically start to make sense.


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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They charged me for a backorder they never actually performed.

Where does it show in the TOS that SN will actually "Perform" it? Legally the question is; Did they fulfill their part of the service? fulfilling a backorder that you placed? and the answer to that is a resounding YES... Again, the system did what it was supposed to do.

Unfortunately we don't live in a perfect world where every online site has mechanisms in place to catch every customer screw-up, SN is now on notice to plug the hole, and I have no doubt they will.

As for your analogy, Apples and Oranges.. Did the Airline fulfill their part of the service by charging you for First Class? of course NOT, and you would be entitled to a refund of the difference.

I'm done.. You can beat the dead horse by yourself.

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Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2011
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Where does it show in the TOS that SN will actually "Perform" it?

What? lol I don't know where you come from, but in most of the world, performing the service for which you charge is a legal requirement regardless of what it says in any TOS.

Legally the question is; Did they fulfill their part of the service? fulfilling a backorder that you placed? and the answer to that is a resounding YES...

Well, if you use the word "resounding" I guess it must be true. Like I said, you're entitled to your opinion, but I think most people will agree that, by definition, an unregistered domain can't be backordered. Basic logic.

Again, the system did what it was supposed to do.

Right. It did what it's supposed to do, AND, it's also flawed and needs fixing. Thanks for that insight.

Unfortunately we don't live in a perfect world where every online site has mechanisms in place to catch every customer screw-up, SN is now on notice to plug the hole, and I have no doubt they will.

Your confidence is touching, however, if you'd taken the time to read some of the other posts you would have discovered that this is a longstanding problem which has impacted others besides me and which Snapnames doesn't address despite knowing about the issue.

As for your analogy, Apples and Oranges..

I'm sure you already know I disagree, but I think it's also worth pointing out that within the context of drop-catching, I'm free to interpret "Apples" to mean "Oranges", and that once we perform that bit of massaging my point of view becomes unequivocally validated. You taught me that.

I'm done..

Praise the lord.


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
Your interpretation of 'available' must not be the same as mine.

Nor is it for most anyone else, Only in the book "Discobull-tionary" are words given new meanings to help win arguments and blame others for own ***k ups.

The newest one being "backordered" which is defined in the good book as; "Acquiring a domain that is registered and expiring" It cant possibly mean anything else... :rolleyes:
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Country hopper
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 9, 2005
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I think there is a reason why SN accept backorders for unregistered domains, in fact for any domain.
They don't process the orders themselves, instead they send the catch orders to their partner registrars. Whichever registrar 'catches' the domain gets a cut of the backorder fee or final amount of auction from SN.
I think it's something like that.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2011
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Nor is it for most anyone else, Only in the book "Discobull-tionary" are words given new meanings to help win arguments and blame others for own ***k ups.

The newest one being "backordered" which is defined in the good book as; "Acquiring a domain that is registered and expiring" It cant possibly mean anything else... :rolleyes:

You're right. Until I came along the word "available" was generally used to mean "already registered", and the word "backorder" referred to a fresh registration. I redefined "available" to mean "unregistered", and "backorder" to mean "the acquisition of a registered domain" because I wanted to win an argument. Clearly I'm the only person that uses these terms this way and I'm very ashamed of myself. You've set me straight. As of right now, I intend to use these terms in accordance with their universal meanings. To get the ball rolling I'd like to mention that tomorrow I will be contacting Namejet and asking them for a complete list of all available domains. I will also be contacting Godaddy and asking them to place backorders on some great domains I've uncovered that have surprisingly never been registered. I can't tell you how good it feels to know I'm finally being understood. Anyhow, I've learned my lesson. Only an emotionally arrested imbecile would try to redefine words for the sake of winning an argument.


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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I will also be contacting Godaddy and asking them to place backorders on some great domains I've uncovered that have surprisingly never been registered.

Throughout this entire thread you have posted as though Snapnames is a Registrar, they are NOT.. They provide a SERVICE using multiple registrars that acquire domains the user enters into the backorder system, They acquired the name YOU entered and your *****ing because they did just that.

Is it unethical for Snapnames to allow unregistered domains to be entered in the system?, intentional or not, I agree with you that IT IS... The majority of online sites use all kinds of trickery to sell products we don't need, but in the end it's up to individual to protect themselves from falling victim to it, You do this by reading and crosschecking what you enter, which you clearly did NOT do in this case.

I've been using Snapnames long before they went to the auction format, and not once did something like this happen to me.. But if it did happen, I would have picked up the phone, explained I made a mistake and asked for a refund, which I have no doubt they would have given considering my purchase history. What I wouldn't do is trash them on a public forum for a mistake that I made.

Grow up.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2011
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Throughout this entire thread you have posted as though Snapnames is a Registrar, they are NOT.. They provide a SERVICE using multiple registrars that acquire domains the user enters into the backorder system, They acquired the name YOU entered and your *****ing because they did just that.

Is it unethical for Snapnames to allow unregistered domains to be entered in the system?, intentional or not, I agree with you that IT IS... The majority of online sites use all kinds of trickery to sell products we don't need, but in the end it's up to individual to protect themselves from falling victim to it, You do this by reading and crosschecking what you enter, which you clearly did NOT do in this case.

I've been using Snapnames long before they went to the auction format, and not once did something like this happen to me.. But if it did happen, I would have picked up the phone, explained I made a mistake and asked for a refund, which I have no doubt they would have given considering my purchase history. What I wouldn't do is trash them on a public forum for a mistake that I made.

Grow up.

If your reading comprehension wasn't as poor as it apparently is you would know 1) that I never said anything to suggest they were a standard registrar, in fact I explicitly stated that nobody goes to Snapnames to register fresh domains and 2) I did phone them and they refused to refund my money.

Thank you anyway for your input. I appreciate knowing that although their system is flawed, it did what it was supposed to do, and although what they did was "unethical" they were right to charge me. Makes perfect sense. Sort of like how "I'm done" seems to mean "I intend to continue shooting my mouth off". Must be another one of those weird drop-catching specific definitions....


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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that I never said anything to suggest they were a standard registrar,

You posted plenty to suggest they should function like a Registrar.

I did phone them and they refused to refund my money.

Did you start the phone call out by saying; "Hey you douchebags" or was it; "hey you poo poo face, you ripped me off"?

With your attitude I wouldn't of given a refund either, is a matter a fact I'd terminate your account for trashing my company on a public forum.

All because your didn't READ what you TYPED.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2011
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You posted plenty to suggest they should function like a Registrar.

Then you should have no problem citing an example. Cue crickets in 3...2...1...
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