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So who do you guys reccomend?

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Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 16, 2004
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I have looked at all this domain parking sites.
It seems that sedo has the only reasonable option (and templates to support it) for searching to buy domains.

can anyone recommend anther parking sites or domain brokers where you can get statistics on traffic and bids on each domain ??

I found another one who gives something like that service:

but they don't give you all the statistics and prices seem strange
e.g for top prices:

Domain name Min. offer Asking Offer Expires 750,000.00 779,000.00 n/a 500.00 675,000.00 n/a 200,000.00 202,000.00 n/a 125,000.00 200,000.00 n/a 100,000.00 200,000.00 n/a 59,900.00 199,000.00 n/a 500.00 125,000.00 n/a

any suggestions are welcome


Level 3
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 11, 2004
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I have used Sedo, Afternic, DomainSpa, GoldKey, ParkingSite, Skenzo, TrafficClub, and several others I can't think of right now.

I recently moved most of my portfolio over to TrafficClub and had the best revenue month ever. Very happy with the payout. I initially set new domains to auto-optimize, but I check every couple of weeks to compare the stats for each domain and manually optimize for whatever seems to be doing the best. You really need to have domains with traffic to do well at TrafficClub.

I've also have been happy with GoldKey. I like their stats options and the payouts are pretty good and always on time. You also can specify your own keywords and add keywords to each domain's site map. If you don't have traffic already coming to your domains, you can advertise your portfolio and the clicks you get from those visitors will still pay.

ParkingSite is also pretty good (and you earn DNF$ too). I have to admit that I'm not too keen on the format for viewing stats. I also can't tell where the traffic is coming from.

I used Skenzo briefly before switching to TrafficClub (includes Skenzo), so I can't really comment specifically on Skenzo.

DomainSpa wasn't doing very well for me, but I really liked their templates. First I discovered that I was getting paid for only a tiny percent of the clicks, then I realized they run multiple popups and you can't turn them off. I emailed the admin requesting that they turn off the popups or at least give an option for the user to do so. A couple of days later I got a really LAME response from a guy who could barely speak English and didn't seem to have a clue about customer relations. I immediately stopped using DomainSpa and don't plan to ever go back there.

Afternic is okay, but nothing to brag about, IMO.

Sedo is okay too. I haven't been too happy with the revenue, but I park a few there just to get them "out there" on the 'net; I noticed that my incoming links and PR go up slightly when I park at Sedo. I also think they are about the best place to sell domains. The domains are marketed and the sales commission is only $15 (do I remember this correctly?) when you have your domain parked at Sedo and receiving traffic prior to any offers being made.

Overall, my experience is:
Best paying: TrafficClub
Best stats and reporting: GoldKey
Best place to park if you're looking to sell: Sedo

As others have pointed out, everything is relative. Try 2 or 3 services, play around with the options they give you, evaluate the clickthrough rates and per-click/per-visitor revenues, and you'll eventually find out what works best for your domains. I suggest giving each parking service a full month before trying out another. One month seems to provide a fairly good idea of what you can expect from that service over the longer term.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 9, 2005
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Pretty well said DNportfolio. The only thing I'd disagree with is running a month on each system. If at all possible try 2 or 3 services at the same time splitting your traffic. Less chance for comparing apples to oranges that way.



DNF Member
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Mar 15, 2005
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DNportfolio said:
The domains are marketed and the sales commission is only $15 (do I remember this correctly?)
I think the sedo commission is $50 or 3%. which ever's higher. Not totally positive though


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 26, 2006
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Although DomainSpa filters foreign traffic, they do give you the option to redirect this questionable traffic to another source. I use DomainSpa as my main parker and have the foreign stuff redirected to Sedo. Quite a nice arrangement actually.

Although pop-ups are standard all you need do is ask and they are disabled. Another advantage to DomainSpa which I don't think anyone else offers is the search engine optimization. For example if you enter the term 'beatcandy' into google my parked page will show up as:

BEATCANDY.COM Without music, life would be a mistake | CDR ...BEATCANDY.COM, Without music, life would be a mistake. | CDR Business Cards | Blank CDR | Mini CDR | | Cheap CDR | Blank CDR Media | CDRW Media ... - 6k - Cached - Similar pages

I have a page called parked at Sedo and here is the result of a similar search:

Sorry, no information is available for the URL

If the URL is valid, try visiting that web page by clicking on the following link:
Find web pages from the site
Find web pages that contain the term ""

If people can't find your parked page with a search engine then you will need to rely solely on type-in traffic. Not a wise move IMO.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 26, 2005
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I would suggest trafficz and trafficclub and i have been using them and im happy with both...


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 24, 2005
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mmm... "Demo"

I know Domainspa has great looking landers, but it all can all mean jack if the pay is low. You can have all the frills both front and back end, but what it comes down to is the pay.

I don't want to rely on search engine traffic to make me money on my domains (its just an added bonus)... its rat race out there in the matrix. What I do rely on is pure type-in (hopefullly it will last forever).

I have used domainspa before and to be honest I have earned better on other ppc services for the same name.

Any thoughts on DomainSpa...Guys


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 11, 2006
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I tried on NameDrive then switched to SedoPro and then went back to NameDrive. The CTR was about 50% higher on NameDrive than SedoPro (I attribute it to some customization that NameDrive did for me). PPC was a bit higher at SedoPro when I switched, but when I returned to NameDrive PPC at NameDrive grew, and was higher than SedoPro.

NameDrive has been very professional in their customer service and approach throughout my relationship with them.



DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 26, 2006
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domainspa pays a variable rate depending on the ad. For example I received $14 for 10 clicks on a finance site I have also received as little as .01 for a click on a cat food ad.

When I was with Sedo I received either .03 or .11 per click. I am doing much better at Domainspa - not to say there are not any better. Also, DomainSpa uses overature (yahoo) for ad feeds whick I prefer over Google/Sedo...

btw - demo is my cat

richrf - I get nothing when i try


Trying to Retire!
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 15, 2003
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Namedrive Rocks!

With that said, I find my domains split between Sedo and Namedrive. I just got serious about using Namedrive in January and am finding that about 2/3 of my names do better at NameDrive.


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May 3, 2005
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simon said:
i tried using but they say min of 100,000 traffic for the whole portofolio.
how serious are they?

There's an easier way to use Skenzo. Skenzo is the #1 partner for Klickerz. Using this program I've nearly TRIPLED my revenues from what they were with Hitfarm, Fabulous, Goldkey, and DomainSponsor. Not every domain works well but MOST of them do.

I started Klickerz but I'm not the majority owner/shareholder. The Direct Navigation Alliance is the largest shareholder and is organized as a co-operative that anyone with at least 100 domains and/or 100 uniques a day can join as a full equity-owning member. So in reality Klickerz could be every Domain owners company. But you do not need to be a DNA member to use Klickerz nor do you need to use Klickerz if you are a DNA member.

You also don't need 100,000 users a month to use Klickerz, just 100 a day is sufficient. Our revshare on the Skenzo portion starts at 80% and quickly escalates to as much as 95%. So even if someone does have 100,000 uniques a month it could pay them more to go thru Klickerz than with Skenzo direct. This will be especially true as we build out additional rev generators.

I'll be at the Domain Roundtable, AdTech, and TRAFFIC if anyone want to meet up in person and talk about it.


Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2006
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Just don't use, use Sedo, Domainspa will rip you off.

cursal For Sale!
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 27, 2003
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I've tried sedo, Domainhop, TrafficClub, GoldKey, and NameDrive.

I think NameDrive has the best stats and breakdown. They have oneclick landing pages which is a plus. The $ per click seems low, but still better than anywhere else I have parked.

I sent ND a email last week asking for them to "optimize" the names for me if they had the time. Still haven't heard back from them.

GoldKey would be my second choice. They were good when I was with them for the first month, then traffic slowed and clicks were almost non-existent. But I have wanted to get some names back over to GoldKey since they have "upgraded" to see how well they perform now.

The others, imo, are not much to talk about. Although ,TrafficClub still holds the highest paying click I have gotten from any Parking site, but I would rather get the stats and develop my own landing pages once I know what the site really targets.......hence my pref to namedrive. Wish they would have sent a reply to my email. That really is the only "complaint" I have with them.



Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2003
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I ilke Namedrive for parking and sedo and afternic for selling.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 10, 2005
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ProudPapa said:
goldkey, trafficz, traffic valet

I'm a corporate domain consultant with over 200,000 domains to adminstrate from several top hat players. I've tested most of the PS and have compiled hundreds of pages of analysis of the results of domain values.

Here's the breakdown:

• If you got 30 days to test, wins (tell them i sent you)

• If you want control over your domains and building out the high traffic/low CTR domains, then TrafficZ is KING. Best domain stat reporting and landing page customization, hands down. Your low traffic domains can be built out for FREE to bring in SEO on a free website. I tripled revenue with a simple 100 word content addition relevant to my domain without whoring the keywords. For building out your domains, you can't get this anywhere else but TZ. (tell them i sent you)

• If you want to sell your domains, and get quick and professional results, SEDO is it, but they have a horrendous domain parking stat management backend. Who can figure out how to simply find out what one domain earned in the last five months? What a mess.... Try TrafficZ out for domain stats and customization... beautiful, wonderful and easy. As for domain sales brokers, afternic is the absolute worst. When was the last time those guys even updated their website, 2002?

• Domainspa -- too limited, not directed for domainers testing, they want you to stay because they build out your sites... but their payouts aren't brag material as far as I've heard

• TrafficClub - just another private label service using Yahoo or Google or domainsponsor or someone as their feed, so you're splitting revenue with an extra person in there somewhere.

• TrafficValet - trying hard, giving 90% payouts, but i compared same domains at 90% with TrafficValet with Domainsponsor's 65% and Domainsponsor beat them 2 to 1 in revenue. It's all about which parking service has the most domains parked with them, because the search engines will give much better percentages to the bigger player. Since Domainsponsor has more domains parked with them than four the the other top parking services combined, they have way better payouts once your domain is optimized. But this usually takes a month or so.

• GoldKey -- ummmmm... tried to park domains with them, and it was a mess, apologies and nothing never got going. Hey, maybe they got their act together now that bought them, but who wants to trust Buydomains with their domain payouts?

• Fabulous -- great place to buy domains, their own SE feeds are decent, surprised nobody mentions them here. Unfortunately, they don't do Paypal and no referral commissions, so why should i spend time promoting them? LOL. However, they're a legit company with serious attitudes towards fighting click fraud, which i support highly.

which brings me to...

• I do NOT recommend SKENZO. Why? Because I see some weird and suspicious manipulations of traffic and Clickthrus with large portfolios. I will gladly have an open discussion with anyone from SKENZO regarding traffic stat charts comparing a month of stats of their numbers on the same domains compared with Domainsponsor a month later. I'm sure SKENZO would not like to have these comparison stats reported here, or anywhere. But who knows - they might have the guts to do it. If they do, it could reveal some very questionable traffic numbers, and how this company, SKENZO, based in India, was able to beat Domainsponsor with over 100% more uniques and CTR's -- as high as 90% CTRs on many domains. I never saw those kind of numbers before. Skenzo's uniques were five times more than the same domains parked on Domainsponsor. I don't know, but that looks suspicious to me. It's something that we all should be concerned about. You know, truth in PPC, fight click fraud, and do everything that keeps our business legitimate or we all lose in the long run. I'd like to discuss those numbers with someone with Skenzo. I'm not saying they're doing anything unethical, I'm just reporting on stats I have that just look weird.

I'd also like to hear from anyone with experiences with SKENZO. How many of you use them, what are your results, and do you think they are extraordinarily better than any other Parking Service. If you have information on your traffic at Skenzo, please let me know, you can email me or post here. Screenshots would be great, especially comparisons between SKENZO and another parking service.

Stephen Douglas
[email protected]


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 11, 2006
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HI Stephen,

Thanks for your very informative reply. I would be interested in your recommendation for my domain I am looking into developing it myself (possibly a blog site with daily new content), but in the meantime I am parked with NameDrive with 700 views/day, 16% CTR, and .12 PPC. I tried out Sedo but ended up with about 30% less than NameDrive since NameDrive did build a partially customized landing page for me. Any recommendations/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 26, 2006
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• If you got 30 days to test, wins (tell them i sent you)

I've heard domainsponsor is good but they've got the worst looking landing pages in the business. Can you provide some additional backing to your claims?



Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 17, 2006
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Sometimes boring looking landing pages generate good money. I think that Domain Sponsor has a few different designs, but the one that they seem to use most often was a turn-off to me at first, but after learning more about the company and the revenue potential, I do not mind having domains parked there even though there are no fancy pictures like some of the other companies use.


MrGoodhost said:
I just tried DomainSponsor. Been using them for 3 days now. My traffic has gone down substantially from what it was at NameDrive. And so has my revenue. I've read that 'redirect' services don't capture all the traffic - don't know if that's true or not, but I'm thinking that it is because of what I've experienced at DS. My Click Thru Rate was higher at NameDrive also. I know alot of folks have said that DomainSponsor does really well, but I haven't noticed anything better than the rest of the average PPC's.

About the three days thing, I know that GoDaddy says "Domain forwarding changes can take up to 24 hours to take effect." I do not know if other registrars are able to have it done faster.

Also, here is what Domain Sponsor says:
"How long does it take for a domain to optimize?"
"Full optimization can take anywhere from a day to a few weeks. Domains with lower traffic numbers may take longer. An entire portfolio typically optimizes in 7-10 days."

Domain Sponsor also has a few different ways to send traffic to them, not just redirecting.


Level 3
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Oct 11, 2004
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cayars said:
If at all possible try 2 or 3 services at the same time splitting your traffic. Less chance for comparing apples to oranges that way.

Okay, so now I'm trying to figure out how to split-test my domains. I have a small php script that will "rotate" my URLs, but I'm unclear about how to pass the traffic from one parking service to another. Some of the parking services require that I change the DNS for my domains. How can I test their service against others that allow me to use forwarding?

Thanks in advance for any assistance!

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