They file a UDRP
Would't it have not been easier for them to just buy the domain for the 2k+ this cost them? I mean it was going to cost then 2K+ win or lose right?
I worked had for this one so I am celebrating today!!!
One, that your stated intent to use the domain for your site was disregarded because of not providing evidence of 'demonstrable preparations'. In other words, just saying you are going to use a domain for a site won't fly unless you show evidence of the development work.
Secondly, if the complainant had not used a 3rd party as the buyer and also had changed the whois to their info after the first purchase, you more than likely would have lost since it would be evident on this second time around that you knew about the company and their marks. In other words, they screwed up. But obviously, they are not too smart for paying 4K for a domain and then letting it drop. Perhaps Mr Woods is at fault in this regard. Having lost this case, I am sure they are going to be watching so be careful how you use the name in the future. It would be my guess that they won't approach you again to try and buy it. It obviously wasn't too important to them if they let it drop, but I could be wrong. If they do, I'd be sure to squeeze them hard the next time. Congrats again.
Exactly. For some valuable domains ALWAYS go for 3-member panel. The biggest SOB panelist is "Richard W. Page", he is example of why one should go for 3-member panel. Because to get this panelist = you lost the domain. Wouldn't surprise me one day some "accident" happens to this SOB when he strips of valuable generic domain someone who does not like to get foked from some moneyless salon communist with temporar power...Just be aware that each panel is different and could make a different decision on the same case.
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