Hi pertosda. Just a little clarification for your post.
Here in the states, the domains I listed are the accepted forms that are used by the Mexican and Central American population.
Boleto Gratis here in the states is the form used for "free ticket".
Mi Boletos is the form used for "my tickets".
El Chico La Chica is the form used for "the boy the girl".
La Chica y El Chico is the form used for "the girl AND the boy".
Rayo Equis is the form used for "x ray".
And yes, El Hermanos should be Los Hermanos because hermanos is plural, and yes El Tomo has no distinct meaning (the volume). But that's why they're listed for $77.
Your location is stated as Barcelona, Spain. No doubt the translations and accepted word forms are different from here in the states.
Maybe next time you could specify that you want domains with the accepted word forms for the Spanish language that is spoken in Spain. I'm sure others here would like the same info.
Buena Suerte with you search.
Just for the record, my mother is from Santa Ana, El Salvador, and my father's home is Puebla, Mexico.
Again, good luck with your search.