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Stealing DNF's Lunch

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DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 15, 2002
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There has been so much infighting here the past few days I really hesitate to start another scuffle, but I just can't bring myself to ignore this. There are many domain business people on this forum who make a significant amount of money by promoting their enterprises here. No problem so far....the ability to get the word about our businesses out to the net's largest domain community is one of the main reasons we are here. However, I am apalled at the lack of common business courtesy I have seen in a few rare cases. Are there really adult business people who don't understand how incredibly obnoxious it is to try to directly undercut your host on their own venue?

Last week Greg announced that $39 Snaps would be among the perks offered to his members. Today, one of those members told people he would give them the same thing if they went to his site and became a member. Knock Knock. Is anyone with any business ethics home? Nothing wrong with posting your site address, as most of us do, but to try to blatantly steal customers for a specific product from the venue that is giving you the free advertising platform to begin with is really lame. In many ways it is worse than spam. At least with Spam you are just wasting someone's time and bandwidth. By doing this kind of thing you are actually trying to steal money from your host as well.

Even worse, despite deriving the advertising benefits from DNF, this particular poster has not even taken a membership on the site. Personally, I would not make that kind of a post, even after paying a $50 membership fee, but at least it would be a little less distasteful if you were giving something back. I am talking strictly about business people now, not the casual posters who never want to pay (I've already made my argument there and don't care to revisit it). I would just say, if you are going to go that far over the line to grab business, at least have the decency to support the forum at the same time.

This is where they will launch their "I already paid with my great posts" speech. Maybe someone else will buy that, but I don't. I think I have the 3rd largest number of posts on this board (many of dubious quality to be sure), but I have easily been repaid for my posts via the knowledge learned from other posters. I think that is true of everyone. However, the benefits I have gotten for my various businesses is so far beyond the value of my posts it's ridiculous. That is why I supported paying a fee, at least for business people, long before Greg even started thinking about one. I felt guilty about how lopsided the value equation was in my favor.

In another case, you have a guy, obviously not a serious business person, who has decided to stick the name of a competing forum in his signature here. I guess he thinks he is making some kind of "political" statement. In fact, the only statement being made is "I'm a Guy You Will Never Want to Do Business With". What are people thinking with this kind of idiocy? Anyhow, that's the end of my rant. I've spent too much time on this and similar topics so I'm moving on...however, feel free to discuss among yourselves. :)


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 27, 2002
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Originally posted by Duke
Last week Greg announced that $39 Snaps would be among the perks offered to his members...................

Really, Very well said, am agree with you 100%, really.



Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 10, 2002
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Thanks Duke. Had I posted something similar I would have been raked over the coals. Then beaten to a pulp and left in the desert for vultures to pluck my eyes out.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 15, 2002
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Originally posted by gregr
Thanks Duke. Had I posted something similar I would have been raked over the coals. Then beaten to a pulp and left in the desert for vultures to pluck my eyes out.

Nonsense....there is no way you would have gotten off that easy. :)


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 7, 2002
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This might be related to the fact that DNForum angered a lot of people with that ridiculous pay-to-post scheme. When you make people mad people, some people are going to try to put that right back on you. I'm not saying it's right to try to take advantage of DN Forum's big mistake, I'm just saying that it happens.

DN Forum has squandered a lot of good will in the last few weeks. It's unfortunate to watch what's happening, both in public and behind the scenes.

One more time, I'm not condoning this behavior, I'm just pointing out the obvious.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 20, 2002
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Originally posted by DomainGoon
ridiculous pay-to-post scheme......

.......DN Forum's big mistake

......DN Forum has squandered a lot of good will

.......unfortunate to watch what's happening, both in public and behind the scenes.

......I'm just pointing out the obvious.
GOON - you just can't let it go huh? Got to keep going for the cheap shots. That's ok buddy. At this point you are like a fly buzzing around. No big deal - and barely even annoying. Don't fly too close though - or we might swat you!

DUKE - Great Post! :)

DNFORUM.COM - Whatever doesn't kill us.... only makes us stronger! :)


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 7, 2002
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Originally posted by NamePopper.com

GOON - you just can't let it go huh? Got to keep going for the cheap shots. That's ok buddy. At this point you are like a fly buzzing around. No big deal - and barely even annoying. Don't fly too close though - or we might swat you!

DUKE - Great Post! :)

DNFORUM.COM - Whatever doesn't kill us.... only makes us stronger! :)

Hey, I like the site, that's why it's maddening to see this happen. I'm still here, though. Hopefully this will pass and we can all be one big happy family again. :)


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 20, 2002
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Ok man. It just seemed like those choice of words were trying to rub our noses in it. If you don't mean it that way though - then I will take your word for it - and not call you a fly anymore.

Hehe :) (no hard feelings)


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
May 22, 2002
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Hey Duke,

I think you've made a fabulous post. Behaviour on forums should and will reflect your own behaviour in reality. Although I'm not part of the paid membership, I don't condemn it. In fact, I think, on Greg's part, it could be a very smart business move.

Anyhow, I personally feel that the amount of crap that DNForum has taken in the past 2 weeks is really terrible. When are you people ever going to let it rest. Greg MADE his decision - can't you even respect that ?

Going around promoting your own forum in direct competition to DNForum, through PM spamming and signatures is bad enough. Trying to lure members over to the new forum by advertising the same features, that's the limit ! I run a forum of my own and if this happens on my forum, I'll personally show the guy the way out ...

Guys, let it rest. You had wonderful times at DNForum and so have I - can't you just let it remain at that and remember all the good times .... why must you persist in demeaning a perfectly legal business move ?

Let it rest. I want to remember DNForum as the place where all members were ever so eager to share their experiences and their knowledge .... not a place where whiners keep harping on a decision that has already been made. ::pEACE::


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 27, 2002
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Originally posted by DomainGoon
This might be related to the fact that DNForum angered a lot of people with that ridiculous pay-to-post scheme. When you make people mad people, some people are going to try to put that right back on you...............

Not exactlly like that, there are people that makes things like that even when everything was free..... so........



DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 15, 2002
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Originally posted by oneguy
why must you persist in demeaning a perfectly legal business move ?

Thank you oneguy. That is the most troubling aspect of this whole affair to me. When did businessman, capitalism, and entrepreneurial risk-taking become dirty words? Greg put up the money to buy the place, put up the money to make tremendous improvements (state of the art chat, live auctions, etc), put in the endless hours to pull it all together and continues to put in endless hours to keep it running.

Despite this, for some reason you have this whole cadre of neo-communists who don't think he is entitled to make anything from his efforts. I would like each one of them to post here and tell us what jobs they currently work at without pay. Tell us why you are entitled to enjoy the benefits of his work and investment capital while contributing nothing? As I pointed out above, the argument that you pay with your posts does not hold water. You are also paid back by the posts of others. There is tremendous added value here beyond that.

If you don't see any added value to you, by all means do not sign up....but please, enough already with this nonsense about how the forum deserves to be dissed because it is no longer giving you a free ride. This whole notion of being "entitled" to something for nothing should be relegated to the failed welfare states around the world. Not trotted out here in the industrial world where hard workers who put their capital at risk produce most of the benefits our society enjoys.


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 27, 2002
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Originally posted by Duke

Thank you oneguy. That is the most troubling aspect of this whole affair to me. When did businessman, capitalism, and entrepreneurial risk-taking become dirty words? Greg put up the money to buy the place, put up the money to make tremendous improvements (state of the art chat, live auctions, etc), put in the endless hours to pull it all together and continues to put in endless hours to keep it running.

Despite this, for some reason you have this whole cadre of neo-communists who don't think he is entitled to make anything from his efforts. I would like each one of them to post here and tell us what jobs they currently work at without pay. Tell us why you are entitled to enjoy the benefits of his work while contributing nothing? As I pointed out above, the argument that you pay with your posts does not hold water. You are also paid back by the posts of others. There is tremedous added value here beyond that.

If you don't see any added value to you, by all means do not sign up....but please, enough already with this nonsense about how the forum deserves to be dissed because it is no longer giving you a free ride. This whole notion of being "entitled" to something for nothing should be relegated to the failed welfare states around the world. Not trotted out here in the industrial world where hard workers who put their capital at risk produce most of the benefits our society enjoys.

Wow, can I hire you to make speachs on my meetings with my employers? :D really thats true, very well said.



DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 15, 2002
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Originally posted by Sheva
Wow, can I hire you to make speachs on my meetings with my employers?

Mike, do you think I would prostitute myself by cashing in on my core principles for mere money? The answer of course, is YES - how much money are we talking about here? :laugh:


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 10, 2002
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Originally posted by Sheva

Wow, can I hire you to make speachs on my meetings with my employers? :D really thats true, very well said.


Tell me about Mike. Duke is very impressive. He is an immense asset to this site. He is one of the few that I feel guilty about charging a membership fee to.


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 27, 2002
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Originally posted by Duke

Mike, do you think I would prostitute myself by cashing in on my core principles for mere money? The answer of course, is YES - how much money are we talking about here? :laugh:



Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 10, 2002
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Originally posted by oneguy
Trying to lure members over to the new forum by advertising the same features, that's the limit ! I run a forum of my own and if this happens on my forum, I'll personally show the guy the way out ...

Can I please show DomainRetriever the way out. :)

He probably doesn't have a forum YET but he did announce here that for those that signed up for his paid services they will be getting $39.00 Snapbacks.

He has also been outspoken in his opposition to paid memberships here. He has also continued to spam his services here.
He also has made thousands of dollars in profit directly attributable to this site.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 15, 2002
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Originally posted by gregr
Can I please show DomainRetriever the way out. :)

Individual cases are your call. Freedom of speech is a good thing, but like all freedoms it comes with certain reponsibilities. Your freedom to swing your fist ends where my nose begins. You can invite people into your house for a party, but you don't have to let them stay if you catch them trying to take your wallet.

In another thread you announced you were formulating a new set of forum rules. Since common sense seems to be in short supply, I would definitely include one that spells out active promotion of directly competing services will not be allowed. CBS doesn't run ads for NBC. Budweiser doesn't tout Miller Beer in their Super Bowl commercials. All of this should go without saying but apparently doesn't, so say it.


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
May 22, 2002
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Originally posted by gregr

Can I please show DomainRetriever the way out. :)

Your call Greg ...

Duke -> Spot on. Once the forum goes through the gears in becoming fully paid membership based, I think Greg will have an easier time making the members follows the rules. Think of it, the members have already paid up cash for access and I think common sense would tell them to either follow the rules or be ultimately shown the door.

They could jolly-well pay the membership fees again for re-entry as a different member but now, at least there is a higher cost to entry !

Best of luck Greg.


Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
May 6, 2002
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>Then beaten to a pulp and left in the desert for vultures to pluck my eyes out.

I trust that if this WERE to eventuate, the MPEG would be made available to download from here for free?
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