now the crap registrations can really start flowing in!
with only 1 year regs we'll be seeing more's coming soon..
I thought Pred took all the submarine mobis?
I think if anyone had any doubt that .mobi is nothing but a well exceuted marketing strategy without a real product behind it, now it should be clear to everyone..this is almost like a product on the home shopping network can get not one, but two pieces of crap for the incredibly low price of what we will make you believe is a good deal for nothing.. pro: "but how come people spend so much money on them?"
answer: "People bought the Ford Pinto as well"
ah, how very insightful.. that made absolutely no sense.. thanks for stopping by.
Great analogy BTW (if you're 11 years old)
I suggest you reg some more mobis...and tell yourself you are a genius with a vision...I wonder what your parents say when they find the credit card bill....prepare to move out of their basement
This is good news! thank you for the info.
I'm sure allowing 1 year reg's is good news... it's bound to help publicize the .Mobi.Maybe in a few months they can do a 0.99 special.......
On a similar theme, i noticed today a LOT of TV ads for mobile broadband, i havnt seen these sort of ads until today on mainstream TV.Things are moving along nicely.We're still WAY behing China on tech though.
They all had the opportunity to start today, but they are all doing when it suits them by the looks of it.Does anyone know of a registrar doing one year mobi regs?
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