Originally posted by jag5311
Im sure curious. Since microsoft bought tabletpc.com, does that mean that any name bought with the idea of like
tabletpcsale.com or tabletpcchoice.com or somethign of that nature is trademark infringement?
I would definitely stay away from the term TabletPC. Microsoft has trademarked that term so saying TabletPCSales.com would be the same as saying SonySales.com for instance.
Tablet computers is a generic term, just like notebook computers and desktop computers. It is not trademarked and will be widely used to describe this class of computers (which will be made by many other major companies including Hewlett-Packard).
Morel was exactly right in saying TabletComputers.com could be as big as LaptopComputers.com (or NotebookComputers.com) one day. It all depends on how the product is accepted in the marketplace. Microsoft will spend tens of millions to let the public know about it and I think there is a nice hole in the market between PDA's and notebooks that their new TabletPC's can fill.
They will be very expensive at first like all new technology, but will likely come down quickly like everything else in consumer technology.
With the two .US domains I have, I am hoping tablet computers and .US all reach critical mass at about the same time a few years from now
P.S. Microsoft registered both TabletPC.com and TabletPC.net. They did not register .org .info .biz .us nor any of the plurals, but they did not need to. If they want any of them they can just take them based on trademark infringement if people registered those after MS registered its TM.