47k high bid... takedown has 2 mins left to close before he/she/they waste alot of money..
bidder mangas now high bid at a flippin' $51,100.00 4 mins to breakdown
lmfao...I have to find out who this buyer is seriously, I'll be rich..
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Auction Details:RefreshCurrent High Bid: US $58,100
4 mins to total destruction..
WAIT...wtf holy shnikees
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Auction Details:RefreshCurrent High Bid: US $65,655
Auction End Time: 4m
Jul. 6, 2009 12:59 PM PT
Bid History: 273 bid(s) from 231 bidder(s)
High Bidder: domaintool
...2 mins
they must be bidding for an end-user at this point..
You are not the current high bidder.
Auction Details:RefreshCurrent High Bid: US $69,100
Auction End Time: 4m
Jul. 6, 2009 1:02 PM PT
Bid History: 275 bid(s) from 231 bidder(s)
High Bidder: takedown
(word around the campfire is that the seller bought this for under 20k and is auctioning it off on NJ for a flip..not bad)
1 min........
ok, now it's just a pissing contest I think..geez I have names that are better than this I can't get 50k for lately....
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Auction Details:RefreshCurrent High Bid: US $70,100
Auction End Time: 4m
Jul. 6, 2009 1:06 PM PT
Bid History: 276 bid(s) from 231 bidder(s)
High Bidder: mangas
Current High Bid: US $75,100
Auction End Time: 4m
Jul. 6, 2009 1:07 PM PT
Bid History: 279 bid(s) from 231 bidder(s)
High Bidder: mangas
...2 mins til hopefully an end-user gets this name because parking it is going to be 150-200$ mo
..under 1 min
high bidder mangas 75,100.00
..wow this might seriously hit 100k
Auction Details:RefreshCurrent High Bid: US $78,100
Auction End Time: 4m
Jul. 6, 2009 1:12 PM PT
Bid History: 280 bid(s) from 231 bidder(s)
High Bidder: mangas