sounds like they should have stayed
I only know what I know and where I have been. It would be easier for me to list continents instead of country.
I have been to every continent except South America, have not been to Australia although my brother owns property there, and I have not been to either Pole. But I do know, no matter where I go, there is always beautiful women. Germany is awesome, amsterdam stunning, Italy is my fav. Italy is such as tourist mecca that perhaps I am seeing so many from different nations and continents.
Funny how this turned into a beautiful woman site (I did it) but hell, I like the good ol usa. And the women. If I had to pick a country or nation to move to it would be Italy. Architecture, history, culture, art, cuisine, opera, natural beauty, wine, women, and song. Great beaches, great coast, Sardinia, Sicily. Then jet or drive or rail to every where else to our heart's content.
Seriously, that is Pred in the Profile. He is my daddy.
Doc, you really are rather fetching! :smilewinkgrin:
You should see me when I give that bitch a perm!