Don't sweat it my friend,
Theres more than one way to skin a cat.
If your going to spend time and money finding and buying domain names then you have got to spend time and money on finding buyers,and if your lucky hopeful your just spend time and not much money to find the buyer.You can have unlimited success in selling.You can have all the products in the world but if you don't know how to sell them, then what good are they,unless you have a product that sells itself,which is another topic and want go into.
For example,there was a boy that was on a local news station near my hometown,he lived about an hour from me,he was 13 years old and on his summer break from school he got a web design software and starting looking through the yellow pages at businesses that didn't have a .com in there ads and would call them up and ask them if they wanted him to build them a website for there business and made alot money building businesses websites ,he was making 25.00 an hour not bad for a 13 year old.
"Sometimes you have to walk through the sh!t to get to the cow.''
If i didn't think i could sell my names i wouldn't be buying them.But i also know that im going to have to work hard at selling my names.Instead of buying and hoping someone contacts me.
As for appraisals go,i don't buy names just to see what people on here think about them.I throw them on the board for my own personal entertainment.Maybe you should to
Remember its all about the selling,and the more people you know the better it makes it,and the more people you know with silly money really makes it better.
It's like that old saying
"I Can Sell IceWater To An Eskimo"