E X A C T L Y.
With one other thing. It's already too late.
So WLS is gonna be a disaster for .coms...
BIG DEAL. This, at the very worst, will be the end of the market for .coms and .nets... It doesn't mean the online real-estate industry is gonna collapse like the Tacomah Narrows bridge. Contrary to popular beleif, the market extends past .coms. In 2 years, we'll all still be trading .tlds or internet keywords, but the tld's will end in .us and .biz.
If WLS meets anti-WLS folks' apocalyptic predictions, there will eventually be less interest .coms, and only the following companies will be hurt in the long run:
-Verisign, but then again, the morons deserve it.
-BD and UltSearch, since fewer folks will be interested in .coms. Then again, the market would be well served by getting rid of them.
-Anyone who has LOTS of money invested in .coms. Don't feel too bad for them... their domains will still be worth something.
Small domainers will benefit whether WLS goes as Pro-WLS folks say or Anti-WLS folks say. They can either get a chance at decent expiring .coms, or they can register decent names that end with .us, and the market will move there. I don't see what the big concern is.
On another note, this forum ought to start an anti-WLS mutual fund... We could all buy stock in NeuStar (.us), Afilias (.info), and NeuLevel (.biz). They're the registries that will see more interest and registrations if WLS fails miserably. Maybe we could short-sell Verisign while we're at it...