Amazing JP, because all the generics I sell are usually in the 15 year + rev range with some in the 20,25 year range...of course that kind of money is only paid for top names.
Remember, the Internet is going to be here in 20 years..I can guarantee it. What you can buy today for 10k will literally be extinct in 5 years, maybe less. A few years back with good letters could be had for a fraction of their value now. Yes, not many are selling for HUGE money now because they have been all bought up already for the most part. Domainers that spent 40k on them sold for 150-300k each, some much more. Thus, values will go up, with big traffic - up even more. Not everyone is making their money in the short-term domain flip game. Compared to stocks and other "growth" industries, there is no better market for overall long term growth than generic traffic domains. has alot of potential target audiences and big possible end-users and buyers. Also, do not miss the novelty value of owning the "" the potential brand is huge, it's an unforgettable short powerful 1 word domain.
It's kinda like being a really rich pothead domainer and owning weed dot com or something, even if it costs 5 million
Some people just decide they want something and there is nothing to stop them from having it. This is not everyone's reality, just some. It's a nice name imo, would not be suprised to see it fetch 200k.