Pretty neat names, but without someone having a specific gameplan for them they aren't worth much. The stars would have to align and you would need to get lucky. They are so much better than the usual horrible names seen in this section, but they wouldn't really fetch much, if anything, if you tried to sell them on the forum.
These are the types of names that if you have enough of them in various categories you eventually pay for the renewals by having a few sales, then you can parlay the profits into more names and keep churning. The problem is that these particular names don't ever have to get an offer in your lifetime, and there really isn't a target audience that would make it worth your while to put in the time searching for end-users (nobody really needs these names). The time you spent searching for buyers would quickly eliminate the profit margin, since time is money, and you can't expect to hit a homerun even if you do get lucky and find a willing buyer.
But they still make sense, even if they might grow old and lonely in the vault.
$40 each is my appraisal. If you ever did get lucky and get an inquiry or find an end-user, you would of course sell it for a few hundred. It is kinda not worth anything in a fire-sale, but worth low XXX if you did find a buyer.