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TQ going from a 10 to a 1

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David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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My TQ score has finally hit the bottom, going in date order over past few mos from 10 to 9 to 10 to 2 to 8 to 2 to 3 to 1 :?: That really sucks especially since I know my traffic is definately good quality and 80-90% U.S. based with lots of typeins in good categories.

Odd thing is my sites and traffic are the same now as when I was a consistent TQ 9-10 for weeks on-end and when my revenue was roughly triple what is now.

Anyone else see these swings?

Donny Simonton

DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2004
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trader - I don't think you are actually a 1. It looks like the formating we are getting in from Yahoo may have changed a bit. Give me a day or so to get it figured out. This may give me time to change to include more countries while I'm at it.


David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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trader - I don't think you are actually a 1. It looks like the formating we are getting in from Yahoo may have changed a bit. Give me a day or so to get it figured out. This may give me time to change to include more countries while I'm at it.


OK, thanks.

p.s. it's been a 1 for two consecutive TQ updates.

Donny Simonton

DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2004
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Trader - Actually it's correct, I'll PM you and explain.


David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Donny did PM me rigt away saying the reason for my TQ 1 was all attributable to one domain (also my best name at parked) which allegedly did not convert well for advertisers and that was the problem.

I seriously doubted :?: it was correct information (since the domain is very well targeted with 90% typeins) but the name was immediately moved away from Parked.com anyway to a different provider to see if there was any validity to what Donny said.

Looks like I was absolutely right in that with no traffic coming to parked from the domain at issue and after at least 2 weekly traffic quality updates my TQ is still a 1. What a bunch of nonsense this is :rolleyes:

Donny Simonton

DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2004
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trader - Since you moved the domain away, you don't have a TQ score anymore, because you don't have enough traffic to generate a score anymore. Your TQ score is no longer a 1.

You need to look at the chart again.

If you don't believe me about the domain, send it to another Yahoo provider and after 2-3 weeks see what your score is. Trust me I want all of our customers to keep all of their domains with us, but sometimes it just doesn't work that way.



Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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A score of 0 means it's time for nuclear domain winter. But the formula is no secret anymore.

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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trader - Since you moved the domain away, you don't have a TQ score anymore, because you don't have enough traffic to generate a score anymore. Your TQ score is no longer a 1.

You need to look at the chart again.

If you don't believe me about the domain, send it to another Yahoo provider and after 2-3 weeks see what your score is. Trust me I want all of our customers to keep all of their domains with us, but sometimes it just doesn't work that way.


Really? I just double checked and it it still a 1 and is not a zero :?:

Plus why would I not have any score when even without that name I still had 683 clicks in past 7 days on other names with you. That makes no sense Donny like everything involving the traffic quality score mystery.

How can you say this is not enough traffic to get a score? This is crazy.

last 7 days: Visitors 3,050 Search 2,124 Clicks 683

P.S. DNF member survey, who here had a TQ score with less than 683 clicks in 7 days? According to Donny no one did.
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Donny Simonton

DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2004
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Trader - As I have said since day one, you need at least 100 clicks per day in a market say like the US to get a TQ score. And you are not averaging more than 100 clicks per day in the US. You are close, but not there. And I'm just passing the information from what I am being provided.

I'm logged into your account right now and if you look at it says the last TQ score you had was 10/5/2009. The last two weeks you haven't had a score. I never said your score was a 0, I said you didn't have a score, we technically say it's NA, but in Yahoo's world it's actually a -1.



Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 18, 2007
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the thing i don't like about having no score is that payouts suffer. i noticed i made nearly double when i had 10's compared to no score even though just because i don't have enough clicks to make a score (i never had 100 clicks in a single market though..) doesn't make the traffic worth any less or convert any different I would think.

Donny Simonton

DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2004
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I just checked, we have people with TQ scores and less than 50 clicks a day, and people with more than 200 clicks a day and no TQ score. That's why I have always said it's 100 clicks a day for about 2 weeks and normally you have a TQ score, whether good or bad.

DomainsInc - Yeah, a 10 will always be better than no TQ score at all. I do agree with you and I have brought that up to Yahoo a few times.


David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Trader - As I have said since day one, you need at least 100 clicks per day in a market say like the US to get a TQ score. And you are not averaging more than 100 clicks per day in the US. You are close, but not there. And I'm just passing the information from what I am being provided.

I'm logged into your account right now and if you look at it says the last TQ score you had was 10/5/2009. The last two weeks you haven't had a score. I never said your score was a 0, I said you didn't have a score, we technically say it's NA, but in Yahoo's world it's actually a -1.


OK Donny, wow a -1 score must mean my domains suck big time in Yahoo's non-valid opinion. Didn't even know scores could go negative. I can tell my well targeted domains (in good categories with lots of typeins and 90% US traffic) are not too welcome at Yahoo and Parked.com and plan to move all of them away soon.

Ironically, I was averaging about 200/clicks/day until I had to move my #1 (but allegedly a non-performing name) away from you 2 weeks ago.

A score of 0 means it's time for nuclear domain winter. But the formula is no secret anymore.

I am now a -1 in Yahoos view. What kind of war will it be worse than nuclear?

...doesn't make the traffic worth any less or convert any different I would think.

Exactly, why are the clicks more valuable to Y if you avg 101 a day vs 99 a day or whatever :?: Seems BS and bogus, imo.
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Donny Simonton

DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2004
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trader - the click counts I have always mentioned are not an exact number to get a TQ score. There is no published formula that Yahoo or Google tell people on how they handle TQ or Smart Pricing. When we took your big domain and moved it to a sub-account all by itself that one domain got a 1 which I told you before in a PM or an email.

Domains can be well targeted domains but that doesn't mean that they convert well for all of the advertisers.

What DomainsInc was talking about is that if you have a TQ of 10, you will get paid more than somebody who doesn't have a TQ score at all. But no TQ score is paid higher than a TQ of 1.



Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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Now how awesome would it be to start giving the advertisers an "AQ" score..as in Advertiser Quality...that would really throw them for a loop. The lower THEIR quality score the MORE they pay per click, based on conversions of course. If they don't have a good offer or track conversions properly then THEY pay for it. :eek:k:

A domainer can always dream can't he? :smokin:

Donny Simonton

DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2004
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Focus - We actually already do something similiar for our secondary providers. It's fun when you explain to them what we do. They actually sometimes get pissed.



Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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Hahahaha, that's cause you rock Donny..make em' pay I say! :yes:

Traffic ain't free biznitches! :no:


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 5, 2004
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Trader - As I have said since day one, you need at least 100 clicks per day in a market say like the US to get a TQ score. And you are not averaging more than 100 clicks per day in the US. You are close, but not there. And I'm just passing the information from what I am being provided.

I'm logged into your account right now and if you look at it says the last TQ score you had was 10/5/2009. The last two weeks you haven't had a score. I never said your score was a 0, I said you didn't have a score, we technically say it's NA, but in Yahoo's world it's actually a -1.


I remember that previously you said that with the new TQP implementation Yahoo will be able to assign TQ score with much less than 100 clicks a day, has something changed since then?

P.S. My last PM has been left with no reply.

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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This TQ crap is exactty that, BS nonsense courtesy of Yahoo!

I would match the true quality of my traffic against anyone here and bet it was near the top, but according to what Donny said in post #9 above I am a MINUS-1. Call me bitter if you want, I guess I am.


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2006
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...the reason for my TQ 1 was all attributable to one domain (also my best name at parked) which allegedly did not convert well for advertisers...

When an advertiser take out a print ad and it does not produce the advertiser doesn't get their money back. Same with every other advertising medium, tv, radio, etc. Conversions are THEIR problem,... either market better, produce a better product or stop advertising.

I use Yahoo to advertise some of my sites, I never get money credited back for the lack of conversion.

I agree to create an attractive website and to place ads in a location that is conducive to being seen and be actionable. The ad stream provider is responsible for placement of relevant ads. If all of these components come together and the advertiser can't convert, well tough sh*t for them.

Fraud is one thing, subsidizing an advertiser by essentially providing free links is quite another.


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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Amen brother.
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