As far as branding goes for a trading website, it just doesn't ring a bell for English as I want to pronounce it as trade-ella, except it comes out as trade-lah. It can be confusing to spell if spoken and won't pass a radio test. Try and do a test with native speakers over Skype or some other form of voice communcation to see if they can spell it correctly with you pronouncing it. It would be even worse if in Spanish for "LL" as that part is pronounced as "y" in "yes" or "ill" in "million" (trad ehyeaha).
There seems to be a Finland business using the domain Tradella dot Fi that from what I can tell is a brandable Finnish name for a management/consulting/marketing (branding in particular) firm; assuming Google Translate is correct and it's not a trading website, as Tradella from Finnish to English is "trade serves" (which is a poor translation). This makes me believe it's about trading, but don't have an English/Finnish dictionary to see its translation and proper usage or if thereâs a specific spelling of it using an âaâ with two dots above it (an umlaut, making it an IDN).
Furthermore, when it comes to branding, I like to own all 3 (.com/.net/.org) if possible. The .net and .org are available. What makes the .com so special at this point? If anything, it devalues it even more.
It does appear to be a surname. Not too many of them out there according to Ancestry. Additionally, it states that there are 4 military records associated with that last name. Using that information, I searched another resource that I have access to that shows me which component of the Armed Forces (US) they belong(ed) to, whether they're actively serving or retired. Unfortunately, it won't display any that got out when their contract is up (meaning they have to be active, reserve or retired-which contradicts my first statement somewhat). So, there could have been 4, but there aren't any more and couldn't tell you who or where they are now.
As far as the valuation of this domain goes with that information alone, I would say that it is worthless. However, it is worth a shot to contact the owners (after the acquisition of .net/.org if you want to risk it) of the Finland website to see if they want to take their business to another level and go international. This would require reading, writing or speaking Finnish though. Is it worth you to hire someone to call to inquire? If so, you're taking an even bigger gamble with preparing the .net and .org on top of hiring someone to talk to them. Would you even profit at that point? I don't know the reach of their company, so I couldn't tell you. You may walk away with a hundred bucks or so if they want the .com, who knows?
I would play this one safe, list it for sale and if no bites (even at $10), let it drop in 2015 and learn from your mistakes. This is because I can't see pursing anyone for this domain name except for the Finland based company.
A better tip would to go shorter, 5 characters at maximum, that is pronounceable and make a flip. Continue investing and flipping until you can build a solid portfolio of pronounceable 5 letter domains and purchase at least 1 CVCV (4 character, C = consonants, V = vowel) as they seem to hold their value and go up as time goes on (there are a lot of major corporations using 4 character CVCV's: Vuze, Hulu, Vevo, etc.). They are much pricier, even at reseller, but can make a larger ROI (percentage and dollar wise) if you wait it out. Flip a couple of those and you could be on the right track.
Or you can get out of brandable names all together as anything can be a brand and fairly cheap to register on your own; as you have just did, for about $10 with this many characters. As an example, and possibly more are available to purchase, easier to pronounce without confusion (besides the double 't' and 'm') and can be branded in the same manner as this domain.
So what makes this domain so special? Nothing in my opinion. What is it worth? Nothing in my opinion. Can you sell it? I think you could, not for much, but it would take too much of your time to close a deal and you would make, nothing. I only say this because some people are so good at sales that they can sell a hamburger to a vegetarian. So, is it worth anything for you to do other than parking it and seeing if there are any nibbles?
There is 1 person found in the white pages with that name and has a public phone number. I would call and see if he would like it. Ask him what he would buy it for and take his first offer unless it's 0, then tell him if you haven't sold it by 2015, you're letting it go to auction where he will pay premium prices for it if he changes his mind.
In addition to my $0 to $0 valuation after time and money invested, I suggest you read the forum, see what people are buying, see what is selling and learn from that. If you have a specific hobby, that will help you out more as you can develop long tail keyword domains from your point of view and update them frequently to earn (somewhat of a) passive income until they sell⦠or let them grow enough where you donât need to sell them. Anything that can make above reg fee a year, I donât drop. A penny profit is still profit.
Good luck and welcome to the wonderful life of sit & wait or be proactive & earn through domaining. If this is your only name, it looks like you've got a lot ahead of you.
PS: I would make it a 'make offer' domain on Sedo or set a more realistic price. A listing of $8,990 is just dreaming. However, you never know. I had some domains that I forgot to update prices on Sedo sell through Sedo MLS with a very low BIN.
PPS: If you don't want to read this message in its entirety and learn something: $0.