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TRAFFIC West 2005 Las Vegas In May!!

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Rick Schwartz

DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 4, 2005
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Good Afternoon folks!!

Anyone can put on a tradeshow or try to put on an event, but there is no guarantee of success. However, in order to succeed, there must be a PURPOSE to that tradeshow. The purpose of T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 2004 was to bring domainers together for the first time and end the isolation that we have behind our keyboards and monitors; to give legitimacy to an industry that is HUGE but unorganized. And the time we picked was at the lowest days, recognizing that the brightest days would be in our immediate future. We nailed it!

So to have another show there MUST be a PURPOSE.

TRAFFIC WEST, will not only have a PURPOSE, it will have the single most important purpose. TRAFFIC WEST will be devoted to preventing Domain Hijacking by bringing this problem into the national spotlight.

The GOAL of TRAFFIC WEST will be to hire a powerful lobbyist on behalf of Domainers. The World Association of Domain Name Developers will take a percentage of all proceeds from sponsors (If we have any) and start a fund solely for this purpose. Sponsors can either have a presence at the event or support the effort financially.

In addition, $200 will be set aside into the Fund from each EARLY BIRD Registration Fee of $795.

$300 will be set aside for the general admission $995 fee for those that register after the March 31st deadline..

We will announce who our lobbyist is and bring him to address the convention at T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 2005 in Delray Beach in October.

There is absolutely no more meaningful way that you can support the industry and at the same time protect your domains than by assisting us in this project. It is time to be PROACTIVE and not REACTIVE. For those of us who have been victims of a domain hijacking, we can tell you what a SICK and HELPLESS feeling we have experienced.

We will EXPOSE registrars and others that are turning a blind eye. They will either support our efforts or lose our business and therefore GO BROKE! As we all know, nobody is worse than Network Solutions in failing to protect domainers from hijackers. They will be our "Poster Company" along with several others that are KNOWN to turn a blind eye. Anyone supporting these companies should rethink what they are doing.

Yes, we realize that for a $6 registration, they have little incentive to protect us. However, we intend to change that attitude. They can try to take us to court for slander, but we will fight them and EXPOSE them for their indifference INTERNATIONALLY.

NOW is the time to take control of our destiny. Like anything else it takes MONEY and IDEAS to make this happen.

In addition to some very serious business, this will also be a FUN event with lots of entertainment, food and other exciting activities. Plus a POKER TOURNAMENT!!

We will also be focusing on mergers and acquisitions and why hijacking domains is preventing venture capitalists and others from investing in domains.

The domain business, while rewarding, is also RISKY. On any given day you can wake up and have your most prized domains missing and who you gonna call? Ghostbusters?? ICANN'T?? WHO??

If you are not Microsoft or eBay or other large entities, NOBODY will take you seriously. Therefore, we are going to invite Local law enforcement and a representative of the FBI to join us and answer questions on the procedures to follow to protect your property.

We will also identify legislative folks across the country who have expressed an interest in participating in preventing domain hijacking. We will focus our initial efforts in the state of VIRGINIA, the home of Network Solutions!!

Curing this problem is no small undertaking and will take YEARS to accomplish. But as I have stated before, the first step is also the biggest step. While some believe that ICANN can be an instrumental organization, their history says otherwise. What should have been fixed on DAY ONE, remains the single biggest threat facing domainers. Anyone in this space that does not understand the importance and urgency is not really a domainer.

As I post this there are DOZENS of CRIMINALS plotting to STEAL your domain. Those folks need to be in a prison with BUBBA and that is our goal: to make domain hijacking a crime that brings with it undesireable consequences rather than riches.

The event will be held at the VENETIAN HOTEL in VEGAS BABY!!! We have secured a $209 rate for their oversized suites. Dates will be Tuesday, May 24th thru Friday May 27th.

PLUS this is only HALF of what we are doing!!

The other HALF will be in my next post.

TRULY EXCITING!! It will focus on Mergers and Acquisitions and we will be joined by the BIGGEST and the BEST in this space. WOW!!!!!



CEO - iMonetize.com
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 25, 2002
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Rick Schwartz said:
Good Afternoon folks!!

Anyone can put on a tradeshow or try to put on an event, but there is no guarantee of success. However, in order to succeed, there must be a PURPOSE to that tradeshow. The purpose of T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 2004 was to bring domainers together for the first time and end the isolation that we have behind our keyboards and monitors; to give legitimacy to an industry that is HUGE but unorganized. And the time we picked was at the lowest days, recognizing that the brightest days would be in our immediate future. We nailed it!

So to have another show there MUST be a PURPOSE.

TRAFFIC WEST, will not only have a PURPOSE, it will have the single most important purpose. TRAFFIC WEST will be devoted to preventing Domain Hijacking by bringing this problem into the national spotlight.

The GOAL of TRAFFIC WEST will be to hire a powerful lobbyist on behalf of Domainers. The World Association of Domain Name Developers will take a percentage of all proceeds from sponsors (If we have any) and start a fund solely for this purpose. Sponsors can either have a presence at the event or support the effort financially.

In addition, $200 will be set aside into the Fund from each EARLY BIRD Registration Fee of $795.

$300 will be set aside for the general admission $995 fee for those that register after the March 31st deadline..

We will announce who our lobbyist is and bring him to address the convention at T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 2005 in Delray Beach in October.

There is absolutely no more meaningful way that you can support the industry and at the same time protect your domains than by assisting us in this project. It is time to be PROACTIVE and not REACTIVE. For those of us who have been victims of a domain hijacking, we can tell you what a SICK and HELPLESS feeling we have experienced.

We will EXPOSE registrars and others that are turning a blind eye. They will either support our efforts or lose our business and therefore GO BROKE! As we all know, nobody is worse than Network Solutions in failing to protect domainers from hijackers. They will be our "Poster Company" along with several others that are KNOWN to turn a blind eye. Anyone supporting these companies should rethink what they are doing.

Yes, we realize that for a $6 registration, they have little incentive to protect us. However, we intend to change that attitude. They can try to take us to court for slander, but we will fight them and EXPOSE them for their indifference INTERNATIONALLY.

NOW is the time to take control of our destiny. Like anything else it takes MONEY and IDEAS to make this happen.

In addition to some very serious business, this will also be a FUN event with lots of entertainment, food and other exciting activities. Plus a POKER TOURNAMENT!!

We will also be focusing on mergers and acquisitions and why hijacking domains is preventing venture capitalists and others from investing in domains.

The domain business, while rewarding, is also RISKY. On any given day you can wake up and have your most prized domains missing and who you gonna call? Ghostbusters?? ICANN'T?? WHO??

If you are not Microsoft or eBay or other large entities, NOBODY will take you seriously. Therefore, we are going to invite Local law enforcement and a representative of the FBI to join us and answer questions on the procedures to follow to protect your property.

We will also identify legislative folks across the country who have expressed an interest in participating in preventing domain hijacking. We will focus our initial efforts in the state of VIRGINIA, the home of Network Solutions!!

Curing this problem is no small undertaking and will take YEARS to accomplish. But as I have stated before, the first step is also the biggest step. While some believe that ICANN can be an instrumental organization, their history says otherwise. What should have been fixed on DAY ONE, remains the single biggest threat facing domainers. Anyone in this space that does not understand the importance and urgency is not really a domainer.

As I post this there are DOZENS of CRIMINALS plotting to STEAL your domain. Those folks need to be in a prison with BUBBA and that is our goal: to make domain hijacking a crime that brings with it undesireable consequences rather than riches.

The event will be held at the VENETIAN HOTEL in VEGAS BABY!!! We have secured a $209 rate for their oversized suites. Dates will be Tuesday, May 24th thru Friday May 27th.

PLUS this is only HALF of what we are doing!!

The other HALF will be in my next post.

TRULY EXCITING!! It will focus on Mergers and Acquisitions and we will be joined by the BIGGEST and the BEST in this space. WOW!!!!!


How does one obtain an invite, is it the same as the other TRAFFIC? :huh:

Rick Schwartz

DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 4, 2005
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HOMEY1234 said:
How does one obtain an invite, is it the same as the other TRAFFIC? :huh:

If you have been on our mailing list and have been getting updates for TRAFFIC 2005 you are automatically enrolled and approved for TRAFFIC WEST in Las Vegas.

Write admin at targetedtraffic.com to get on the mailing list for all updates.

Rick Schwartz

DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 4, 2005
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Will be held at the Venetian.


You have until March 15th to get the "Early Bird Special" of $795.

Again, please make hotel reservations DIRECTLY WITH HOWARD or MYSELF!

howard at neulaw.com
mr800king at aol.com

Have a GREAT day!

I can not respond to PM's for some reason but I can read them.

Please choose the email option for folks that need to contact me. TIA!!


CEO - iMonetize.com
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 25, 2002
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actnow said:

Very impressive that Forbes picked up the press release.

Good luck with the tradeshow.

Hell's Yeah, that definitely help with the credibility of our trade...

Rick Schwartz

DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 4, 2005
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Hi Folks,

There is just 10 days left for early bird registration with a $200 discount.

And if you ever wanted to deal with a live person from the "Google Team", they will be one of our keynote speakers at TRAFFIC WEST and are willing to take some heat over how they have treated domainers over the years.

EYTAN ELBEZ discusses the problems domainers have with Google.

You can see the Itinerary as it stands right now at:


We are waiting to hear from Microsoft who may also be joining us. With MSN.COM new search, they are certain to want the traffic from domainers. So competition is heating up BIG TIME and domainers are directly affected.

Rooms can be reserved by contacting me at mr800king at aol.com

More than half the rooms have already been spoken for as the Venetian is a top of the line hotel. Seating is limited so don't delay!!

For those that don't think they can afford to come......I say again.....you can't afford not to come!

Rick Schwartz

DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 4, 2005
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Morning folks!!

I don't usually do this but this is something I posted earlier today and think I would like to share it with you as well.

We have a DYSFUNCTIONAL INDUSTRY and it is NOTHING to be proud of!!

We have folks that are shaping YOUR destiny and YOU have NO VOICE. No say. No nothing! Just WHINERS with NO POWER.

The CHOICE is to be PROACTIVE or REACTIVE. So far we are just reactive and THAT is a recipe for DISASTER.

We are a billion dollar industry with NOTHING to show. I watched the adult industry go down in flames cuz they were too busy partying and nobody wanted to pay attention to the iceberg in their path. They paid a HUGE price for their inaction and inability to see things BEFORE they happened.

Yes, we have different business plans and different agendas. But NONE of us can afford for others to make laws that are NOT in our best interest. Sitting on the sidelines is not an option. But it sure is the path most domainers are on and that will turn into a disaster as we move forward.

One only has to look at history to see what is coming. THEY will pass the laws and you will pay dearly for it. You won't even see it coming unless you are involved. They will defeat us before we even know there is a war.

Hijacking is just the tip of the iceberg. Passing laws that directly impact your future is what lays beneath the surface.

My claim to fame is seeing things before they materialize. I have PROVED that time and time again. Not only in domains but in my past business lives. Well, I see this disaster coming and inaction will cause others to believe they can do what they want at the expense of domainers. MARK MY WORDS.

You can either take control of your destiny or leave it to others that have the intent of making sure you'll never pass on your domains to your family but rather those domains go back into the public pool.

There are so many things coming that will rock your foundation I can't even think about it without getting sick to my stomach. The time to act is BEFORE they start on this path. If now, they will steam roll us into oblivion.

I can only ring the bell and sound the alert. That is my job. Your job is to recognize what is coming before it comes and do something about it. People power and numbers do have great weight. WE have great weight but we are not using it at all. We just whine and complain and are not at the decision making table. That MUST change.

The first part and biggest part of ANY undertaking is the first step. Without the first step there can be no progress. No better vision. No nothing.

Like minded people can move MOUNTAINS. Do what seems impossible. If WE don't move this ball forward, others will move the ball for us and I repeat, this is a RECIPE for disaster.

You buy insurance for all the THINGS you own. THINGS that can be replaced. But when it comes to your livelyhood....where is your insurance????? Where is the forethought of what may happen? Where is your plan for the unexpected? NOBODY is looking out for the best interests of YOU.

I can't do any more than point out the future events BEFORE THEY UNFOLD and it is too late. So I ring the bell now and HOPE domainers recognize the importance of being proactive.

By taking the FIRST step. THE single most important thing on ANY journey!

That is why I decided to FOCUS on HIJACKING DOMAINS at TRAFFIC WEST. An issue that only CROOKS could find fault with. Finding COMMON GROUND is the first step. From there we can branch out to other meaningful issues and FINALLY give us a voice and give others notice that we are serious. Until now, the FOX has been watching the hen house. What do you think you will get with that recipe other than a lot of dead chickens? I can't find fault with the FOX as that's what a fox does.

So we can't blame registrars and others for getting away with what they have gotten away with at OUR EXPENSE!! We give them a license to screw us by not being organized. By standing for nothing. By having no agendas of our own.

For those that plan on making a living on their domains for the rest of their life and then passing it on to their children.....THIS is the key issue.

Either we start to change the system or watch the system eat us alive. WE HAVE THE CHOICE!! There will only be TWO groups on this issue.


WE have the opportunity to be doers and sponsors have the opportunity to support our goals which is in THEIR best interest as well. I know I sure will be more apt to do business with a sponsor that helps as opposed to one that sits on the sidelines and watch us get eaten up.

As you saw with TRAFFIC 2004....where there is a will and a direction there is a GREAT success.

Have a GREAT day!!

EM @MAJ.com

Visit MAJ.com for domain forsale.
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 10, 2002
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Hi Rick,

I enjoy reading your post and I truely believe that we need to start something to protect our properties and to move forward understanding our rights as domain names businessman/woman. To learn other business diversion on how to maximize the use (revenue) of our domain property.

I'm still checking my schedule if I can join this coming May if not on October eastcoast.

If a members can't attend this may event, do you have other option such as webcast or recorded video CD for us to buy?

Best regards,

Rick Schwartz said:
Morning folks!!

I don't usually do this but this is something I posted earlier today and think I would like to share it with you as well.

We have a DYSFUNCTIONAL INDUSTRY and it is NOTHING to be proud of!!

We have folks that are shaping YOUR destiny and YOU have NO VOICE. No say. No nothing! Just WHINERS with NO POWER.

The CHOICE is to be PROACTIVE or REACTIVE. So far we are just reactive and THAT is a recipe for DISASTER.

We are a billion dollar industry with NOTHING to show. I watched the adult industry go down in flames cuz they were too busy partying and nobody wanted to pay attention to the iceberg in their path. They paid a HUGE price for their inaction and inability to see things BEFORE they happened.

Yes, we have different business plans and different agendas. But NONE of us can afford for others to make laws that are NOT in our best interest. Sitting on the sidelines is not an option. But it sure is the path most domainers are on and that will turn into a disaster as we move forward.

One only has to look at history to see what is coming. THEY will pass the laws and you will pay dearly for it. You won't even see it coming unless you are involved. They will defeat us before we even know there is a war.

Hijacking is just the tip of the iceberg. Passing laws that directly impact your future is what lays beneath the surface.

My claim to fame is seeing things before they materialize. I have PROVED that time and time again. Not only in domains but in my past business lives. Well, I see this disaster coming and inaction will cause others to believe they can do what they want at the expense of domainers. MARK MY WORDS.

You can either take control of your destiny or leave it to others that have the intent of making sure you'll never pass on your domains to your family but rather those domains go back into the public pool.

There are so many things coming that will rock your foundation I can't even think about it without getting sick to my stomach. The time to act is BEFORE they start on this path. If now, they will steam roll us into oblivion.

I can only ring the bell and sound the alert. That is my job. Your job is to recognize what is coming before it comes and do something about it. People power and numbers do have great weight. WE have great weight but we are not using it at all. We just whine and complain and are not at the decision making table. That MUST change.

The first part and biggest part of ANY undertaking is the first step. Without the first step there can be no progress. No better vision. No nothing.

Like minded people can move MOUNTAINS. Do what seems impossible. If WE don't move this ball forward, others will move the ball for us and I repeat, this is a RECIPE for disaster.

You buy insurance for all the THINGS you own. THINGS that can be replaced. But when it comes to your livelyhood....where is your insurance????? Where is the forethought of what may happen? Where is your plan for the unexpected? NOBODY is looking out for the best interests of YOU.

I can't do any more than point out the future events BEFORE THEY UNFOLD and it is too late. So I ring the bell now and HOPE domainers recognize the importance of being proactive.

By taking the FIRST step. THE single most important thing on ANY journey!

That is why I decided to FOCUS on HIJACKING DOMAINS at TRAFFIC WEST. An issue that only CROOKS could find fault with. Finding COMMON GROUND is the first step. From there we can branch out to other meaningful issues and FINALLY give us a voice and give others notice that we are serious. Until now, the FOX has been watching the hen house. What do you think you will get with that recipe other than a lot of dead chickens? I can't find fault with the FOX as that's what a fox does.

So we can't blame registrars and others for getting away with what they have gotten away with at OUR EXPENSE!! We give them a license to screw us by not being organized. By standing for nothing. By having no agendas of our own.

For those that plan on making a living on their domains for the rest of their life and then passing it on to their children.....THIS is the key issue.

Either we start to change the system or watch the system eat us alive. WE HAVE THE CHOICE!! There will only be TWO groups on this issue.


WE have the opportunity to be doers and sponsors have the opportunity to support our goals which is in THEIR best interest as well. I know I sure will be more apt to do business with a sponsor that helps as opposed to one that sits on the sidelines and watch us get eaten up.

As you saw with TRAFFIC 2004....where there is a will and a direction there is a GREAT success.

Have a GREAT day!!

Rick Schwartz

DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 4, 2005
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Hi Em,

Yes, We have a CD coming out soon with TRAFFIC 2004 and both events in 2005 will be available on CD. But to be 100% honest, it is the NETWORKING that makes it all worthwhile. Deals are made that really can change ones life and direction. There is a lot of 1 on 1 time as well as lunches and dinners that you always break bread with different people and get to know what they do and what you do. Then IDEAS are hatched and those ideas equal dollar signs.

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
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Apr 15, 2002
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TheWatcher said:
.....If a members can't attend this may event, do you have other option such as webcast or recorded video CD for us to buy?

Looks to be an amazingly beneficial conference. Thanks for sponsoring it Rick.

Also doing a SimulcastTelecast would be fantastic. What with all the new telecast-simulcast technology it could almost be the same as being there in person.

Rick Schwartz

DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 4, 2005
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trader said:
Looks to be an amazingly beneficial conference. Thanks for sponsoring it Rick.

Also doing a SimulcastTelecast would be fantastic. What with all the new telecast-simulcast technology it could almost be the same as being there in person.


I'll have to look into the Simulcast and see if we could pull it off.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
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Due to the tremendous response we have received, we are pleased to announce that our first block of rooms at the Venetian Resort is SOLD OUT!!! We have a second block of rooms that we have secured. If you want to reserve a room (all suites) at the discounted group price which is as much as $100 a night less than what is available, let Rick know at [email protected] ASAP and he will put you on the list.

Due to the great demand, we are extending the deadline for the discounted registration price of $795.00 by 48 hours until Wednesday at midnight. ($200.00 off the price that will be in place on Thursday, March 17th) .

If you want to register for the event with a form of payment other than Paypal, let me know at [email protected] and we can arrange payment by check, wire transfer or Credit Card. Look forward to seeing you all there! We have a number of surprises coming that I know you will all be thrilled with and make your time and money well spent.

EM @MAJ.com

Visit MAJ.com for domain forsale.
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 10, 2002
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HOWARD said:
Due to the tremendous response we have received, we are pleased to announce that our first block of rooms at the Venetian Resort is SOLD OUT!!! We have a second block of rooms that we have secured. If you want to reserve a room (all suites) at the discounted group price which is as much as $100 a night less than what is available, let Rick know at [email protected] ASAP and he will put you on the list.

Due to the great demand, we are extending the deadline for the discounted registration price of $795.00 by 48 hours until Wednesday at midnight. ($200.00 off the price that will be in place on Thursday, March 17th) .

If you want to register for the event with a form of payment other than Paypal, let me know at [email protected] and we can arrange payment by check, wire transfer or Credit Card. Look forward to seeing you all there! We have a number of surprises coming that I know you will all be thrilled with and make your time and money well spent.

Hi Howard,
Great to know that this conference is going to the right direction. Thank you for initiating this conference in behalf of all domain businessman/woman.


Rick Schwartz

DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 4, 2005
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Afternoon folks!!

Early bird registration for TRAFFIC WEST in Las Vegas is now CLOSED.

The price is now $995 for attendees and will be going up to $1295 On April 16th. As a courtesy of those here that may have forgotten, we will honor the $795 price thru 5PM TODAY EST. After that, ALL registrations will be $995. NO EXCEPTIONS!

We are securing an additional block of rooms from the hotel as the first block has been sold out. So please email me directly at mr800king at aol.com for hotel reservations. Our rate is as much as $120 lower per NIGHT per room.

For those waiting to hear from me about a room you emailed me about, I will be getting in touch with you on Friday when we get the new block released.

For those that have not checked out the itinerary lately.....it is powerful and it is updated almost every day.


As with Delray, we expect the show to be SOLD OUT. We have already booked more rooms at the Venetian than we did in Delray so the interest and the domainers will be there.

Have a GREAT day!

Rick Schwartz
mr800king at aol.com (For hotel reservations and questions)

Howard Neu
howard at neulaw.com (For current sponsorship slots)

EM @MAJ.com

Visit MAJ.com for domain forsale.
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 10, 2002
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That's great news Rick.

If I can't make it to Las Vegas, I will in Florida. Good luck to all.

Cheers to success,

Rick Schwartz

DNF Member
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Feb 4, 2005
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If anyone here is thinking about attending TRAFFIC.....

Rooms at the Venetian are about sold out at our contracted rate. The rates they are getting now are as much as $300 a NIGHT higher!!

The event itself should be sold out well before the actual event. There is NO on site registration.

If you have not been to the website lately you should check it out. The biggest and the best will be there including DNForum.com!!


and the updated Itinerary is at:


Hope to see you there!

Rick Schwartz

DNF Member
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Feb 4, 2005
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Our rooms at the Venetian are now sold out and it is doubtful they will give us any more rooms at the $209 rate. However I still see they offer a $239 rate and a $269 rate fwiw.

They expect the hotel itself to be completely sold out given what is going on in town that week as well as the upcoming Memorial Day weekend.

Plus there is just 10 days left before prices jump $300 a ticket. Right now they are $995. Of which $300 goes to hiring a domain lobbyist and the remainder just goes for the cost of the FOOD, which is TOP NOTCH, entertainment and just the expense of holding the show!!

Sign up early, we expect the show to be in a SOLD OUT status within the next 30 days.

If you haven't been to the Venetian, it's a GREAT and WONDERFUL hotel. The favorite of many that go to Vegas.


Rick Schwartz

DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 4, 2005
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Good Morning folks!!

There are only 3 DAYS left to get tickets to TRAFFIC WEST in Las Vegas at $995 before prices JUMP to $1295 and $1495. So save $500 a ticket by booking NOW!

Join the biggest and the best domainers, sponsors, registrars, end users of traffic and others. Ask yourself if you can afford not to join them in Las Vegas? DomainSponsor, Fabulous, Overture, Google, TrafficZ, Marchex, Highland Capital, Walnut-Ventures, Moniker, Directnic, Domain Name Catalyst, SmartNames, Dotster, Verisign, FindWhat, Kanoodle, and MANY MANY others not to mention many of the TOP domainers in the world, the best lawyers on the net and a few surprises sure to impress!

We have also secured one more block of rooms to TRAFFIC WEST at the Venetian but we can get no more. They should be available by mid week. The price is $209 a night and you must use our special code.
They will honor that rate before and after the show as well for one day.

Don't delay....seating is limited!! The event WILL BE SOLD OUT!! We don't want to turn anyone away so register right now.


See you at the Venetian!!
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