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Trafficclub - November Payments?

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Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 26, 2004
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"In the meanwhile, however, they should pay us the revenues we're entitled to as per our contract."

If you translate the "lawyer speak" in the T&C's of any parking program, you will find it says:
1. We can pay you what we want when we want.
2. If we even think you MIGHT be cheating, we can pay you nothing.
3. Even if we just dont like you, we dont have to pay you.
4. We can cut payouts because we lost your account and just tell you its fraud.

That "contract" you think you have was written by lawyers to protect the Parking company, not you. Legally, they dont have to give you dick, and theres not a thing you can do about it.
I know it's not all that easy. However, contracts are just that, and they should be reasonable and specific and I'm quite sure a judge would agree with me about that. There's no mention in the T&C of TC about the right to do late payments nor about the right to do a correction 90 days after dato.

I know it's not all that easy. However, contracts are just that, and they should be reasonable and specific and I'm quite sure a judge would agree with me about that. There's no mention in the T&C of TC about the right to do late payments nor about the right to do a correction 90 days after dato.

In addition to all this, Moniker/ have a (somewhat blemished, lately) reputation to uphold. It's relatively easy for a reputation to be completely tarnished by an event like this, just because of the very nature of the business and the way people post on message boards.

Here's the last email I got from TrafficClub:

"December and January TrafficClub earnings will be paid to you as credits to your DomainSponsor account. These credits will be applied to your account at the same time as your February DomainSponsor earnings, which will occur in early March."

There's no mention of November earnings? but I'm assuming they'll begin paying out next week.
I just re-read this and realise they're illegally delaying December payments as well. It gets more ridiculous by the day. American domainers, stop being inert and take legal action! I'll gladly donate.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 28, 2002
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Weird thing is, I haven't seen anything for November payments at all. I all I got on Feb 7th is what I earned with DomainSponsor. I made $x,xxx in November with TC and I don't see that in my paypal account. Should I be worried :uhoh:


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 26, 2004
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Weird thing is, I haven't seen anything for November payments at all. I all I got on Feb 7th is what I earned with DomainSponsor. I made $x,xxx in November with TC and I don't see that in my paypal account. Should I be worried :uhoh:
Your payments will come some day, but they will be cut short and apparently you can't count on them being on time.

I don't understand why this issue isn't getting more attention. This is large-scale fraud with hundreds of thousands to potentially millions of dollars taken away but nobody seems to care...
Oct 29, 2003
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I apologize for not jumping in earlier. We have been trying to let folks know that happened with November. The system reporting was not updated to the actual traffic and revenue information before and after our merger with Oversee. So what is usually adjusted prior to payments were not. Both Skenzo and Google did their monthly fraud audit as they do every month prior to payment. The difference is that the accounts did not get updated in TRAFFIC club reporting so the information in the system was pre audit numbers and were not adjusted prior to payment.

The payments issued were correct and accurate.

In the very near future, payments will be sent 7-10 days after the close of the month instead of 45 days and there will be much better customization and performance over time so we are excited for the consolidation of both systems.


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 26, 2004
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I apologize for not jumping in earlier. We have been trying to let folks know that happened with November. The system reporting was not updated to the actual traffic and revenue information before and after our merger with Oversee. So what is usually adjusted prior to payments were not. Both Skenzo and Google did their monthly fraud audit as they do every month prior to payment. The difference is that the accounts did not get updated in TRAFFIC club reporting so the information in the system was pre audit numbers and were not adjusted prior to payment.

The payments issued were correct and accurate.

In the very near future, payments will be sent 7-10 days after the close of the month instead of 45 days and there will be much better customization and performance over time so we are excited for the consolidation of both systems.
I'm sorry, I don't buy this nonsense.

I want to see proof of this 'fraud'. I think the only fraud here is by Moniker and Skenzo. It's impossible that across the board, suddenly 25-50% of traffic is fraudulent.

Furthermore, you haven't been 'trying' at all 'to let folks know', you have been busy doing marketing. It's so difficult because it seems you have to make up excuses for this fraud. A simple email to all is all it takes. I still haven't got an email (apart from the one you just sent me on my request). Most of your loyal affiliates aren't reading this thread and will never get to know what reasons of his payment being short are being presented.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 28, 2002
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Monte, why haven't I seen a payment? Were checks sent out just a few days ago?
Oct 29, 2003
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Skenzo and Google did not defraud us...they adjusted for click fraud like they do for every parking company. the adjustments were not put in to final November results before payments were made. As stated, the payments received were accurate.

No one on this thread has reason or justification to question our or my ethics. We run the most ethical process and company in this industry.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2006
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Skenzo and Google did not defraud us...they adjusted for click fraud like they do for every parking company. the adjustments were not put in to final November results before payments were made. As stated, the payments received were accurate.

No one on this thread has reason or justification to question our or my ethics. We run the most ethical process and company in this industry.

Hi Monte,

I am not quite understanding this.
I have used Trafficclub for a while and never experienced an adjustment to the revenue numbers (not at the end of the week or month or when payment was made). Why was November different?


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 26, 2004
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There's no understanding to be because it's a lie, either from Skenzo that suddenly decided to decrease TrafficClub's revenue share retro-actively after getting note about the (DomainSponsor) takeover, for example, or from TrafficClub, or from both.

We run the most ethical process and company in this industry.

Smooth marketing talk. I don't think there's anything ethical in paying over a month late, 25-50% too little, and not communicating about it (you still haven't).


DNF Member
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Oct 26, 2002
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Both Skenzo and Google did their monthly fraud audit as they do every month prior to payment...
The payments issued were correct and accurate.
Well, so the said audit found about 30% fraud in November only? And all TC members sent fraud traffic? As we are aware there were no such things in October and earlier. Not sure what will happen with December and Jan. earnings. And all this happened just after TC was acquired by Oversee.
And there are no such situations with other parking companies, including google-based ones.

It is unbeliverable.

BTW, Skenzo are not using exclusively google, are they? So ALL skenzo partners should have performed that mystical November audit?

Well, IF we were underpaid actually because Oversee acquired TC... And, in this case, if Oversee would not pay ALL what we earned... Again, IF it is the case... Then there is a good phrase in Romeo and Juliet (by William Shakespeare) : "A plague on both your houses". Not all former TC members may decide to support either Oversee or Skenzo by swithching the domain names to either direct feed after this unfortunate situation. No doubts some members may nevertheless end up with either direct feed and simply "eat" what was underpaid. Finally we may never find out the truth.

All members would appreciate if Oversee - a high-respected player - could make an official announcement (it should not be a forum post) to begin with. The said announcement should be more clear. Oversee should recognize the debt they owe to prior TC members as the result of November and probably December/Jan. earnings.

Monte you should have already received December TC payments from Skenzo
to your bank account. The payment should have been processed by Skenzo on or about Feb. 15th. Did you recieve full payment?


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 26, 2004
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Exactly my thoughts. These are obvious lies and money is being stolen from us by a company who call themselves the most ethical in the industry. What a joke. I wish I were there at TRAFFIC West now.

I'm not an American, I'm not certain what the right institution is, but is anyone going to report this fraud (Moniker/Skenzo/ to the FTC?

Some heads have to roll here.


DNF Newbie
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 12, 2005
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I can´t even find the right words of TrafficClub´s behavior toward its customers.
If you compare with other companies this would never have been accepted. I don´t buy a word of what it´s said regarding the audit...well maybe some of it. Anywayws....all of a sudden when Moniker is bought by Oversee this thing happens. Each time TC have changed something weather it´s an audit or "new system change" the customers have never been noticed. Not until everyone is complaining about their earnings. (I think last time was in June of last year when they had some changes to their system. Just do a search here on DNF)

As its been said here before....all of a sudden everyone´s portfolio is being cut by around 25%. If I had my names elsewhere that same month I would have never been deducted that amount. Isn´t the share TC was taken from our portfolio enough?

What most disturbs me it´s not the audit itself it´s the way we are being treated. I just hope that transparency in this business will make a difference for us.


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 26, 2004
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I don't understand why so little attention is being given to this issue. Is it that most people still haven't been paid so they haven't been confronted with this fraud or has this somehow become acceptable?

Does anyone have reports on November payments from other Skenzo resellers, for good measure?
Oct 29, 2003
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we do not seem to be communicating. In the past, the adjustments were made while stats were being you would not see the adjustments anyway. The stats would be reported live as traffic and revenue is being displayed in TC and from their systems.

This adjustment did not come until the end of the month this time through a click fraud audit...then the stats were posted prior to the adjustment. Reporting closed so the wrong stats and revenue were shown in accounts. The adjustment was not made equally across all accounts, they were domain and account specific.

no one stole any money and we were hit as a company for this audit. No one gained a thing. If each of you make less, we make less...our payments were decreased by the same amount.

we do not seem to be communicating. In the past, the adjustments were made while stats were being you would not see the adjustments anyway. The stats would be reported live as traffic and revenue is being displayed in TC and from their systems.

This adjustment did not come until the end of the month this time through a click fraud audit...then the stats were posted prior to the adjustment. Reporting closed so the wrong stats and revenue were shown in accounts. The adjustment was not made equally across all accounts, they were domain and account specific.

no one stole any money and we were hit as a company for this audit. No one gained a thing. If each of you make less, we make less...our payments were decreased by the same amount.

and we are all dealing with Google ultimately.......


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 26, 2004
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we do not seem to be communicating. In the past, the adjustments were made while stats were being you would not see the adjustments anyway. The stats would be reported live as traffic and revenue is being displayed in TC and from their systems.

This adjustment did not come until the end of the month this time through a click fraud audit...then the stats were posted prior to the adjustment. Reporting closed so the wrong stats and revenue were shown in accounts. The adjustment was not made equally across all accounts, they were domain and account specific.

no one stole any money and we were hit as a company for this audit. No one gained a thing. If each of you make less, we make less...our payments were decreased by the same amount.

we do not seem to be communicating. In the past, the adjustments were made while stats were being you would not see the adjustments anyway. The stats would be reported live as traffic and revenue is being displayed in TC and from their systems.

This adjustment did not come until the end of the month this time through a click fraud audit...then the stats were posted prior to the adjustment. Reporting closed so the wrong stats and revenue were shown in accounts. The adjustment was not made equally across all accounts, they were domain and account specific.

no one stole any money and we were hit as a company for this audit. No one gained a thing. If each of you make less, we make less...our payments were decreased by the same amount.

and we are all dealing with Google ultimately.......
I know you probably didn't gain anything, and because of your company's extremely poor handling and non-existent communication you only lost. However, the issue remains and I don't really care who is to blame, Skenzo or you. For me ultimately it's you.

In prior months such a big adjustment has never happened. I do monitor my stats. My domains don't have 25% fraudulent clicks.

You still haven't sent out mass communication with affiliates about this. No apologies have been made about the late payment (are you afraid it will stir more unrest?).

As above poster mentioned, worst about this fraud issue is the way it's handled by Moniker. Absolutely unacceptable.

Now you're here anyway, why don't you answer the question why the payment is over a month late and why some affiliates still haven't been paid? And why don't you answer tony's question about the December payment? Are you going to pay interest? These are serious questions and deserve a serious answer.


DNF Newbie
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 12, 2005
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I am communicating....and understand what Monte is saying. (Politicians also tend to repeat same answers when people complain on certain things but never speak out on the topics that are most true.)

How can I compare things....hmmm. Lets say Moniker was acquired by Oversee (ok, I know it happened guys)....They agreed on terms of "x" amount of money. When the wires are made out to Moniker 2,5 month later they receive "x-y", which would be less than what they expected according to contracts (in our case it would be our stats). After that no notice is delivered to the acquired company.....and later they are told that know.... some things came up so we are paying you" x-y"....end of discussion. Now...would´t that stir up some heat? Yes it would. Would the acquired company even care of what excuse the other part have to say for not paying the negotiated sum? Well, not really since they came to an agreement. Do you feel me? So no wonder people are a little bit upset.
I just can't believe that all of a sudden my portfolio and everyone else's has 25% fraud clicks. I have had the same portfolio with TC for over 1,5 years without such problems. I have yet to hear someone not experiencing any decline in rev.

Now...nobody is commenting on Dec and Jan lets see what surprise we get.
Last edited:


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 26, 2004
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Monte Cahn and other lurking Moniker reps:

Let's recap. This thread has been alive for quite a few days. In the mean time, lots of affiliates still haven't been paid their November earnings.

On another forum, "Jrzeygirl" and "MonikerChris" have gone out of their way to spew some standard, however completely empty salestalk. On this forum, Monte has made the effort of telling some lies, doing some more sales talk and talking about his corporate ethics.

In the meanwhile, NO ONE from Moniker has addressed the late payment, given an explanation for it, let alone acknowledged that they still haven't paid November revenues to a large share of their affiliates.

Monte, you claim I'm unjustifiably bashing you and your company. I don't just bash for no reason. I've sent numerous emails to all imaginable persons and departments, NEVER getting an answer. My sales representative NEVER replies to inquiries. I NEVER get an answer from support, or a general sales address. Only when I emailed you, Monte, personally a few days ago did I get an answer, which however didn't help me because it was a mix of misinformation and lies. On another board it was claimed by some sales reps that Moniker is the most secure and customer service-driven registrar on the market. Moniker know that their excellent customer service claim is absolute nonsense. Some reps (like the one who posted in that other thread) may happen to be relatively dedicated (judging from the speed she answered in that thread at), but her colleagues clearly aren't. That's just not enough. Moreover, they know it, so why lie about it again on the forums? For months my anger level regarding Moniker has been climbing with every unanswered email. In January, with your unauthorised and unannounced switch of parking feeds my anger level doubled. Of course, I emailed about it but didn't get a reply, which naturally added to my discontentment. When November payments didn't arrive in January, I patiently waited, but with every day of lack of communication my anger grew again. When, a month later, my payment was over 25% short of what it should be, I emailed support, sales and my sales rep again, all unanswered. Even then I waited. I even waited for a few days when I started reading threads indicating I wasn't the only one with the problems I was having. But when after a while there was still no form of communication whatsoever, that was the last straw. I have every reason to be absolutely furious, and every lie, piece of incomplete or false information being posted or emailed to me you, Monte Cahn, adds to my fury.

Hell, in absolute terms the amount to which you have defrauded me is insignificant. Your extremely poor handling of the situation has been what made it infinitely worse. Still, none of your affiliates have had official communication about this horrendous and unacceptable situation. If you have the time to answer threads and such here, why not write up an email? Why do you never answer these questions?

You're telling me again how Moniker is the most secure registrar in the world. That's a disputable claim, and I don't think it's true. As far as I've seen, the only extra security measure you've imposed is an extra code one has to enter when doing transfers and such. Your excellent competitor, just to name one, have measures that go way further. Do your research.

Your customer service claim however, as explained above, is absolutely indisputably untrue, and so are your Monte Cahn's claims about your company's ethics.

Marketing gets really powerful when the marketed products conforms to implied standards. When marketing claims are false, such as in Moniker's case, this is what you'll eventually get. There will always be a backlash some day, and I think you haven't got your fair share of it (meaning to say that while I've withdrawn all my domains from TrafficClub, I know I'm not the only one and I expect numerous threads like this popping up in the near future). And to do my part, I'll keep bumping this thread until we have got satisfactory explanation and compensation.


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 26, 2004
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Why is this thread dying? I still haven't got an update on this, neither have others as far as I can see. and / DomainSponsor reps have finally shed a little light on the issue - they told me that indeed (as I had postulated earlier) Skenzo, immediately after suddenly terminating the contract after the takeover, have done an unusually stringent fraud adjustment of November revenues.

It's clear to me this is theft of money that is owed, and between the lines, this much is clear to the reps in question as well.

I was also told that Moniker are yet to be paid December revenues by Skenzo. Again, this is against contract (although it was unilaterally terminated).

If this is all true, lot of blame in this issue should go to the cowboys that Skenzo are.

However, for me, I blame, because they are the ones that are supposed to pay me and I'm not dealing with Skenzo. Why don't Moniker fight this in court? The case is as clear as it gets. Naturally, we don't know about other provisions their contract may have had. I feel to believe, though, that this can be held up in court.

I blame Moniker for their extremely poor handling of the issue. Would they have communicated with us about it, everything would have been different. The principles are the same - Moniker is supposed to pay us and we have little to do with Skenzo, but humanity would have given us some more patience.

However, Monte Cahn has been telling some blank-faced lies and categorically omitted lots of information, as other Moniker reps have done. This is unforgivable.

The reps mentioned still don't answer my repetitively asked question why there has never been any form of communication. Moniker fail in communicating properly, hence the need for this post (and bump of this PR drama).

I expect some more replies and will post to inform.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 26, 2002
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Well if it was indeed skenzo who decided to adjust November payouts... they created a bad karma for their comany. This adjustment affected too many people.

Why I am referring to sanskrit/religious term in a domain forum? Simply because it seems that the bad karma already returned back to skenzo. I understand that domain forum is not the best place for theological issues, but I could not resist... Skenzo recently emailed all customers a "very good news" that they are dropping google and are now at yahoo feed. I would not be surprised if it was google who dropped skenzo and not vice versa. Indeed, switching from google to yahoo is something unusual for established parking providers. One can find some info on Sedo experience with yahoo right on this forum, they tested yahoo feeds last year and finally returned everything to google.
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