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TrafficClub update

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DNF Newbie
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 12, 2005
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I have seen that the stats are up again but have you guys noticed a drop in earnings?

My earnings dropped like 40%. RPC from .23 to .16 the last three days.

Anyone experiencing drops in earnings?


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2006
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Yup. Its the new templates from Skenzo. They still havent updated all the days yet either.

Revenue for me is down about 50-120%


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
May 17, 2007
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i'm hoping it's just that they don't have the stats updated yet - i'm down about 40% - both traffic and earnings.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 24, 2004
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weekend stats was quite ok with new templates
since monday though I see many traffic names with 0 clicks ..or small amount of clicks
maybe is a stats reporting issue


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2006
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My revenue on TrafficClub is down 40% per day since Friday 5th.

The traffic is exactly the same. What I noticed is that the RPC is way down. About half of what it normally is.

I hope someone from TClub is on here and can give us an update on the issue.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 26, 2002
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YES, definately RPC is down. And it does not seem to be template issue since not all domains with RPC down have new templates.


DNF Newbie
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 12, 2005
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I am also seeing no clicks on many names that usually get clicks. RPC is way down. Landers where not changed for all of my names. Some of my names kept the same landers as before with same keywords but making half of what they did a few days back.

Something is not right here. Wonder who is getting the rest of the revenue. Is there someone from TrafficClub who could explain what is going on?


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 28, 2002
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I don't think its changing :

July 10, 2007 - Stats Updated: Skenzo stats should now be up to date. Note that the recent system upgrade at Skenzo was designed to more accurately reward domains with good quality traffic. As a consequence, some domain revenues may go up, and others may appropriately go down, as determined by their traffic quality.

My traffic has been cut dramaticlly and rev is down nearly 50%. It seems my love for trafficclub has lost its luster :(


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 26, 2002
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Anybody seen "domain revenues going up" for any domain?

The question is who actually implemented the change - TC or Skenzo.


DNF Newbie
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 12, 2005
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Well...I have been in contact with their support team and asked them if they could post on the forums to clear up all the questions some of us have.

Here is the reply I got:

The stats delay and changes were due to Skenzo's recent upgrades to their
own optimization and traffic evaluation systems.

We have been told that the main reason for this upgrade at Skenzo is to
more accurately calculate revenues based on incoming traffic quality to
domains, and based upon the additional standards recently put forth by
their upstream partners and advertisers to assure higher conversions and
ROI to them.

While it is certainly possible that some domains will have lower revenues,
we are assured that it is more likely that overall domains will see higher
revenues once the changes are completed- all depending on each domain's
type in traffic quality and behavior with regard to advertiser

Please feel free to address additional concerns and feedback to Monte
Cahn, or CEO, who is being copied on this reply.


Well, I guess I understand now more why the drop in rev, ctr and cpm. It´s too bad because I really liked it who it was before :)
I just have to start looking for other places to park. Too bad though because I was really enjoying some of their landers and was expecting good things from their new adult landers.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 26, 2002
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Maybe I am wrong, but all those "quality" initiatives are somewhat "made-up". Indeed, google advertisers are now shown what domain names they have ads at and may exclude any domain. If the ad is shown and clicked - it means that the advertiser did not exlude itself from this domain name - and we the domainers should receive honest % of what they paid. Correct me if I am wrong.
Now, I remember domainsponsor also announced that "traffic quality" initiative some time ago. As the result, a lot of domains switched away from DS to another PPCs, including the same google-based ones, and, what a surprise, "traffic quality" and payouts magically returned back to normal. I can confirm this with some of my domains I switched away from DS at that time.
The problem is that both DS and skenzo post stat reports in real-time while receive google reports after 3-4 days. So all our payouts at TC are simply what TC/SKENZO are willing to pay regardless of real google results.
As such, I beleive they are playing with numbers now. Who knows what would be an outcome, maybe its time to switch some domains away.

Especially in this situation, for TC it definately makes sense to implement manual domain optimization, lander selection and domainforwarding features ASAP - all those ARE available at skenzo and already provided by other skenzo resellers. Skenzo is still one of the best players, but with TC as their reseller many important skenzo features are missed and we are losing even more money.

Domain forwarding feature is especially important in these "traffic quality" circumstances. For example, I have high-traffic adult domain and I know that about 50% is Turkish traffic. Now, I can only use DNS forwarding to TC and indeed overall traffic quality is not the best. So I bet I am now paid $0.00001 for each click (after the "upgrade"). TC, please let me use domain forwarding instead. I will be happy to exclude Turkey on my side. There are a lot of other ways to monetize such a traffic. After this, traffic quality of this domain name would be increased.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 13, 2002
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I'm down about 50%.


DNF Newbie
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 12, 2005
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We that park the names are the ones loosing out the most in revenue. I can´t believe Skenzo or TC would be happy by cutting their rev by half.
I wonder if there is a portfolio parked with TC that have increased earnings caused by recent change.

As Tonyk2000 mentioned TC lacks the manual optimization. Everytime I ask about a change for a lander or certain keyword I always get a no.

This is a letter I´ve gotten in the past:



Domain listings are set by the partner on their side, we do not determine
the listings as they are much more aware of their advertiser base and
specifications for targeting the listings.

The listing's theme (including landers) is determined by the domain name
itself, the amount of incoming unique traffic that it receives, the
behavior of this traffic (what they are searching on and clicking when
there) and the amount of advertisers targeting them. Skenzo does not use
information of other domains to make this determination, its based on each
domain itself.

In short, the more unique traffic that you receive incoming, the quicker
that your domains will optimize to the theme that is most likely to
convert to sales for the listings shown- whether it be the theme you
yourself have in mind, it will be the one that the majority of your
visitors are showing response to.

I hope that this information was helpful. Please let us know if you have
any other questions.


TrafficClub.com Support
Fax: (954) 969-9155


Well....guess what I still have names showing non-related content to targeted names, which probably gotten over 100k vistors this year. Strange. TC are saying that they don´t have control over anything here. When I had my Skenzo account and BigJumbo account I told them the lander I wanted and the keywords I wanted and they had it fixed in no time. Support at Skenzo is really good so I am wondering what´s going on at TC. They provide parking service on autopilot.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 23, 2005
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I am down from an average EPC of about .12 to .08 - .09. I am so tired of getting screwed like this. They change the landers with no warning, we have ZERO control over it. I am also tired of the 100 names I have that get 200% CTR (low traffic though) and they pay me ZERO for that traffic. When I ask why they tell me it was not quality or redirected? From where not from me.

Why can't they just leave the landers alone. They are all the same a Porn lander does not work on an anime domain as the CTR on that do mian today was less that 3%. One of my best domains was down to 98% ctr that was consistently 110% or higher.

Also I think they are loading these new templates with low cpc terms. Which is another reason we are seeing a drop. If they are not just dropping the cpc to what ever they feel like. And the adult templates are all based on the colors and theme of porn.com's template which I was discussing last week with that parking company, and I told him I was not crazy about it. It looks like Skenzo is following this logic.

Someone paid $9,500,000 for Porn.com so lets copy what they are doing becuase they must know what works best. SORRY GUYS IT DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY! Those colors suck! They are an instant turn off.

Is there a place that has skenzo feed that let's up choose and or modify the templates? If so please PM me I am ready to move all of my names over if I can find one. I might just pull all of my adult traffic go directly to an affiliate program, they pay on time, they pay several time a month in some cases.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 24, 2004
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Update :
income is cut by $20-40 daily of what is used to be
visits shows ok - a little bit down but this is due to summer
I do see some names getting 50 or 100% more income (very small number).

I do see country names with clicks never counted - I suppose this is due to
the country of origin (low quality) but is hard to believe that there is no advertiser paying a very low CPM for such traffic. (I have no turk , korea or chinese traffic)
So I used a proxy within the same country and visited the domain ADS ARE SHOWING UP meaning that someone is advertising for this region

I can live with the 20-40 daily cut - what I don't like is typein targered country traffic NOT to be payed


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
May 17, 2007
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well i'm ready to jump ship - anyone have any suggestions of where to go?
Although the drastic drop doesn't change my situation - It's b.s.
Why don't they say " We promised a new client impossible results, so we now have to figure out how to give it to them by cutting your share (not ours)"
Instead we get spoonfed how they're improving things by dropping OUR bottom line.
well - they didn't improve anything for me
I made this much at sedo, guess I can go back there.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 4, 2006
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what types of domains are you seeing the problem with?

Adult? non adult? What niches etc?

Maybe define the problem deeper.


On a side note. IM buying trafficclub portfolios. Pm me with stats and get paid same day.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2006
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what types of domains are you seeing the problem with?

Adult? non adult? What niches etc?

Maybe define the problem deeper.


On a side note. IM buying trafficclub portfolios. Pm me with stats and get paid same day.

I would say on most of my names in there, both adult and non-adult, the PPC is down. I will give it a few weeks before I make any further judgement.

PS....I would buy trafficclub portfolios as well.... :lol:


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 4, 2006
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After further research I tend to agree that some of the new landing pages are not working well.
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