Originally posted by DRPiNG
who gives a damn about what koolkid says, email.me........
go get out the right side of ya bed m8y, cos joo is talking sh*te
Originally posted by President Gringo
does anyone really pay for e-mail?
Originally posted by DRPiNG
read thread Whats the worth of me.uk domain
What would any of you pay?
Originally posted by DRPiNG
thank you zaq
good input, friendly input & WORTH while input, again thx.
anyone who just can not see the value of EMAIL.me.uk is fooling them selfs, just be honest and reply "yeah DoccyPinger you sure got a winner there, i wish you the best of luck with it" or something along those lines.
Simply no need to get all unfriendly towards me cos i find a damn good name, and i just happen to be a NEWBiE aswell, i really don't know sod all about this game, HONESTLY i don't, but I KNOW FOR SURE eMail.me.uk is worth bux and i'm sure Kiss.me.uk is too....
Anyways good luck to you all, some of need it:laugh: :laugh:
*the exceptional businesses of our esteemed moderators