Just check out the domain name ****.me.uk what a classic this is what you will find:
The domain ****.me.uk is owned by me, Adrian K*****, but I have given permission for my ISP Andrews & Arnold Ltd to sell sub domains and email forwarding under this domain for personal use. Contact them if you are interested.
If you are lucky, you may be able to get your surname, e.g. smith.me.uk which would allow your whole family to have subdomains and email address at no extra cost - e.g.
www.john.smith.me.uk and
[email protected] . Some people may sell or give away sub domains under their surname, and we can provide DNS, email and web space for this for a small fee. See smith.me.uk , jones.me.uk , patel.me.uk , gates.me.uk and kennard.me.uk for free subdomains.
This guys nows the biz the only problem is crap site design!!