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Uniregistry: 1.5 million domains in one day

  • Thread starter Andrew Allemann
  • Start date

Andrew Allemann

A whole lot of domains, but probably not much revenue.

How successful was .xyz’s promotion at Uniregistry?

Judging by volume, quite successful.

Uniregistry put out a press release today saying that 1.5 million domain names were registered at the registrar over 24 hours.

If the domains were all .xyz, this represents a whopping…$15,000 in revenue.

I suspect that other domains that are part of Uniregistry’s summer sale were also part of this number. But most of these are less than a buck, so we’re not talking much money here.

Uniregistry says the registration spike proves that its registrar can scale, and that’s probably the biggest win for the registrar to tout. I’ve noticed a couple “wait time” problems at the registrar over the past couple days, but nothing that couldn’t be fixed by refreshing the browser.

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