I will try to answer a few more questions here - again I must tell you this is not my department with our company. I manage domain and websites sales and buys, brokerage services and domain retrievals for our companies online group. We have a full Domains Department that manages all reseller and retail domain accounts, not only at ENOM but several other registrars as well. I believe that I am the only member of our company that belongs to this forum so I am trying to help with limited first-hand knowledge. I have been looking into some of these questions both with our company and ENOM all week long and here is what I know so far -
No one likes prices increases - including me (my budget for domains we own just went up over $125K) that means I have to make that much extra from my side of the business to hit the nut in the next 12 months. My dept. pay's the same as our lowest priced resellers from our company now - $7.95 for every domain name we own for renewals.
Here is some more I learned this week - since early 2001 our company has been one of the larger master ETP's at ENOM with thousands of reseller and retail accounts under our management. Our base rate for all major ext. for all this time has been $6.95 across the board. These resellers that are complaining in this thread, have had till now, pricing on their accounts at the same rate we paid for them. Other words - zero profit for over 6 years on every $6.95 reseller account we managed. No hooks - no higher extra costs, no paid redirects, no forced hosting or parking program - no nothing. Just the rates as charged the same to us. I just found this out - real bad business on our companies part and ENOM in my opinion. This is the first price increase we raised to any account in over 6 years. I can assure it will not be the last. ENOM does have a new tier pricing model and our Domains Department will be using that as a guide to re-adjust pricing on accounts over the next year or so. The more domains under management â the cheaper the prices but never below the $7.95 base rate. Do not like the increase â then take your domains and leave. That is the new attitude as I understand it, not only from our company and I guess ENOM, but from a number of registrars that I know. The basic reason here is that no company can run any kind of support department with 800 numbers and email support, 12 hours a day â 7 days a week for free.
Next â this Raider Girl in this thread claims she bought a reseller account from our company which is wrong. We never sold her an account of any kind. Never even heard of her before. Guess we never sold very many accounts at all â usually just set them up for free. She bought this account she is complaining about from a sub account of ours. True it appears that her transfer in rates (as well as some other accounts) raised in mid 2006 and from I have found out from ENOM â it was a glitch that happened after they offer a reduced transfer rate as a promo. When the sale was over â for some reason the accounts transfer in rate only, jumped to $7.95. Our domains department tells me they tech supported a few that contacted them and the rates were re-set to $6.95 by ENOM when they were notified. They say they never heard a word from this Raider Girlâs account so they could never have know that her account was affected. This person now has demanded that our company refund what she paid another person for the account in full, over 2 ½ years ago. From what I saw in her account, only a limited number of her transfers were affected. I went to bat for her with ENOM and our company and they both say â no refund. I even offered to pay her the difference out of my pocket â instead she wants to play it out on this thread. If she did not like the price at the time she should not have made the transfers and should have sought immediate tech support. Instead of after the fact, in an open forum over a year later. Kind of like complaining that I had to pay $3.40 a gallon for 680 gallons of gas today to fill up my boat â a year or so later. Bet Mobil Oil would be standing in line to help me out then.
Last â the lowest price any reseller account can be set at ENOM right now is $8.95 â that is their suggested bottom line reseller price right now, I have been told. No ETP or reseller can set an account any lower than that â give it a try. We asked them to reset all accounts at $7.95 to try and save our client base some funds. I have been told that will yield a profit to our company on every domain year of .50 or actually about 7% gross profit, before charge backs, fraudulent transactions, etc. Do the math folks â that is a pretty small margin for any business group to work on before expenses. Takes a great deal of volume to pay the overhead at those small numbers â glad it is not my department. If you do not like your account under our management â contact ENOM and I will personally approve the move of your account to their management if they want to do it (I have heard that the price might be more). This is the last post I plan to remit on this issue on this forum. Please PM me or email me and I will help any way I can or PLEASE contact our Domains Department. Appreciate the support from a few of my old friends in this thread but I do not think these few folks complaining here have a problem with me as much as they have a problem with the price increases â or maybe just a problem period - Steve