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.us biggest problem

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Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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DryHeat said:
....the difference probably is they do so while not sitting outside and looking at the sky but rather with their ipod stuck in their ears and eyes fixed on some type of screen...

I will say this. Kids today have the ability to access way more information about their world then we did. So it's not all bad. I think though before I would put my kid in front of a computer screen, I would teach him or her how to think abstractly about the world around them. The computer would then aid them in the discovery process.

With respect to how "domain names" will viewed among tomorrow's future visionaries, my guess is they will view them much like we do today. When the TV first came out back in the middle of the 20th century, I'm sure few thought we'd still be turning to "channel x" as we still do today to access our favorite shows. Simplicity has no shelf life (izopod, 9/05). What has changed since the TV came out is the way in which this media has been presented to us. It has also crossed over to different platforms. You can bet this will continue and domain names will have a significant role to play in this.

How? Maybe for the first time instead of tuning into "channel 10" for the news you'll type "www.news.com" on a "digital media device". I'm not totally convinced "voice recognition" access will be used. At one time I did, but if this were going to happen, we'd have have seen the TV "remote control" morph into a "voice recognition" device. My guess the reason for this is that I don't think it's natural to "surf by speaking". WE WILL however speak to machines to access the home network...to "turn things" on or off, up or down (i.e Jack, set temp to 72). Short, quick, commands will be heard every morning. Just imagine the fights that will be created because of this. In essense no two people can agree on the comfortable levels of a room temp...Maybe the network will "average" the two commands?

Anyways, you can be sure the bar for website design has to get even higher. I think firms who will design these "types" of "media destinations" do not even exist yet. The "coding" for these sites still has yet to be invented. What does this mean for you? It will mean that things are going to get awfully expensive. Your domain names will still have the ability to be seen, but you can be sure you will have to pay a lot more to have "cross multiple" application design encoded in your "digital media" pages. NOTE: WebTV type solutions will still be available, but won't be seen "by everyone"

How will all this affect domain names? It depends. This is a key point. Whoever is the one to "create" this "new" platform will have a lot of influence over how we access content whether it be a TV show, or a "digital media" page with information on it. Think Microsoft! Their influence is still being felt some 20 years after their launch. All because of the "software" they created. To give you an idea how this will change domain names think about what happened when we went from 3 chanels on the TV to hundreds. All of a sudden you had the history channel, family channel, racing, playboy channel...etc. The TV landscape segmented itself into groups. With the increase in channels no longer were we sure where our favorite shows could be found, so "stations" were created. This could be similiarly compared to portals found on the internet. I know exactly where to get my "World Series of Poker" fix....The Travel Channel. I have no idea what channel it's on. All I do is look for the Travel Channel logo as I channel "surf".

To position yourself for this "merging" process, I would carefully pick your domain names. Another thing to realize. This technology is not to far away. Who do you think is in the best position to capitalize on their IP address? Yup, Yahoo DOT COM. Google DOT Com... and... GermanName.De... etc etc. Brands seem to carry forward because they have the most clout and Money.... Nonetheless, my feeling is that "content" will become even more KING. The reason: There will be millions of other top notch sites in your category. The one who does it "right", making it stand out will garner the most attention. You won't need to have a .com for this per se, but of course just like today wouldn't hurt. The reason: People who "channel" surf (will be the largest market in this new medium) don't care what the channel is rather they will look for familiar brands and content that is of the highest quality. You could be www.whatever.st and get traffic if the content is there. One caveat: The same business rules apply ...you'll still need a brandable name, and have some type-in value. This is so "word of mouth" advertising get's repeated "correctly" every time.

I know I went off here, but hopefully I gave you a glimpse into the future... You need to prepare yourselves now for the day when all this "happens". The arguments we've been having as to whether or not dot US will gain strength is quite silly. In reality you should be asking yourself, "Am I prepared to pounce" on the next technology with what I have. d:)

Good luck and as always thank you for the intelligent debate! It's way better than kicking around ideas on how to capitalize on today's PPC income models and all that crap. (PPC income will morph...It will become more complex including more interactive technologies not yet created, and will generate results beyond your wildest dreams...These are the things I think we should be talking about! IMHO anyways!)
Domain Days 2024


Telling it like it is
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 8, 2003
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izopod said:
"...US isn't "graviting" to anything local persay..."

izopod said:
"...You won't need to have a .com for this persay..."

Uhmm, it's not "persay" - it's "per se" (Latin).


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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sasquatch said:
Uhmm, it's not "persay" - it's "per se" (Latin).

I was using the english form of the word---lol!! (good catch)


izopod said:
To position yourself for this "merging" process, I would carefully pick your domain names.

Using what logic, pod? I have picked my domain names a long time ago, but I can't afford to buy them :emba:


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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mole said:
Using what logic, pod? I have picked my domain names a long time ago, but I can't afford to buy them :emba:

Category names (i.e Weather, Sports, Business). The logic behind this rests on the human brain's ability to take information. If there is too much we tend to break things down so we can digest it better. With google indexing over 8 billion pages you can be sure only a small amount of those pages will be visited by anyone on a regular basis. I myself "thought" I had decent names until I realized that I didn't have squat because I wasn't out there testing. I have begun to do that and found my highly generic .pro names to be very "categorized"...

I don't think the "digital media" device will be all encompassing meaning, you will still watch TV, but you will have the ability to have a spllit screen, or a "Box in the corner" that will access the world wide web. Advertisers will for the first time be able to show someone a TV commercial and allow potential customers slip right into the store. People who are watching a TV show will be able to "slip" over to a Fan site...This will drum up traffic for "digital media pages" better than anyone previously seen before. How awesome will that be!

If you don't have a brand name in a Category right now, you can always build one. It's what I've been saying this whole entire thread. Don't wait for Dot US or whatever to "gain" a foothold. If you do you'll see how foolish it was to wait for the "audience" to come.

Another thing you can do would be to create a "forum" site. I really think these things will be incredibly powerful. The forum would have to align itself with relavent "digital content programming" (izopod, 9/05). Let's take DNF for instance. Adam would definitely want to create a "How to Create Money From Domain Names" style TV show... (video podcast that can be accessed at any time). During the podcast people would be able to slip right into DNF to discuss things they liked or disliked about the "show". Communities will be a powerful thing in the future. .Org's play well to this, obviously .com's do. I think I've proven that certain .biz names can succinctly describe an entire industry. However my recommendation anymore is to just get one friggen name that is brandable and has some type-in features...then build. Don't quit until you have a stable group of people visiting...Then start working on the "digital media pages"---Get ready for the day!!

One last comment on what will work in the future

Since TV will merge with the computer you can be sure each device will carry with it certain characteristics. With TV, it's all about "mass appeal". With computers it's about finding information. The two formed together create a very seductive and lucrative environment. It will be the "ultimate" device in that people will be able to communicate real-time, whether through skype (think ebay), or via a Fan site discussing the latest episode of "ER" that they are watching. It will be like have thousands of people in your living room.

You'll definitely want to begin the process of creating "fan" type sites, and other sites that would have mass appeal when presented on the "digital media" device. Don't just think people will be sitting around the living room watching this device, with wireless broadband, and ubiquitous power supply points, "Lap Tops" will used as well. It's "media" where every you go. Advertisers will have incredible tools available to them in the future.


izopod said:
I think I've proven that certain .biz names can succinctly describe an entire industry.

So the value of .biz is to describe industries, and not generate type-ins :huh:

If people can learn to consume media in new ways, surely they know that the whole of the US is not just comprised of the Big Apple, and can easily understand that the Internet is not just comprised of .COM.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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mole said:
So the value of .biz is to describe industries, and not generate type-ins :huh:

If people can learn to consume media in new ways, surely they know that the whole of the US is not just comprised of the Big Apple, and can easily understand that the Internet is not just comprised of .COM.

Ok.. you win. Everyone will flock to dot US in less than 3 years...
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