The first 18 months with Pool, they caught a lot of nice names for me.
And, I was an aggressive bidder so they received a lot money (by my standards)
from me.
I lost a few of the domains because of the unprofessional, unethical registrars they
were using.
I finally figured out that Pool's business practices is all one way. They want the money
and they don't want to look back.
Their attitude is - "If you have a problem. It's your problem."
I decided 9 months ago, that I don't want to deal with them. I can live without them.
(There might be the time when I have to have the domain. But, that is very rare.)
Taryn and Hall have contacted me a couple times asking for me to come back. "Things have changed".
(First time, shame on you. Second time, shame on me.)
So, all of you guys who complain that they cheated you. You have been warned by
many of us.
The irony of this, is that, Snapnames is the exact opposite of Pool.
All of the firms are in the business to make a profit. What is important is how they
treat their customers especially when there is a problem.