nope, nope and nope..sorry guys! I wish I could let everyone win but I'm not rich...sorry!
It's just sitting there waiting for someone to pick it! Will you?
hint: playa
33,19,26,21,0,66,27,69,45,6,99,71,38,88,73,100,18 all picked so far..
That leaves only 83 possible! So your chance is 1/83 and so on and so forth..the more people that guess the better your chances are! k:
If you donate 200F$ to me you may pick a second time right away (only one per person)...this is a KICK A$$ 4 letter .com at stake people! :smile:
Easy push will be at Godaddy.
Pick your free choice now!
*the exceptional businesses of our esteemed moderators