Usman jamil
Dear Sir,
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
I am looking to sell my blog, gbtrend.com, a platform offering extensive and informative content that caters to a wide audience on the Internet. The sale includes the domain, which has an estimated value of $35,000. The package, consisting of 1,420 articles and the domain, is priced at $55,000.
For selling reason: i don't have budget to manage this big blog it needs SEO for getting traffic and turn on monetization it demands 4 to 5k dollars totally that's why I am selling please sell it its content value.
Total Articles: 1420
Per article: 15$ x 1420= 22000$
Domain value: 35k 2 years old
Total Value: 25k to 35k dollars
Blog and Domain: www.gbtrend.com
InshaAllah this blog will give you millions dollars per month its guarantee.
Muhammad Usman Jamil,
Email: [email protected]
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In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
I am looking to sell my blog, gbtrend.com, a platform offering extensive and informative content that caters to a wide audience on the Internet. The sale includes the domain, which has an estimated value of $35,000. The package, consisting of 1,420 articles and the domain, is priced at $55,000.
For selling reason: i don't have budget to manage this big blog it needs SEO for getting traffic and turn on monetization it demands 4 to 5k dollars totally that's why I am selling please sell it its content value.
Total Articles: 1420
Per article: 15$ x 1420= 22000$
Domain value: 35k 2 years old
Total Value: 25k to 35k dollars
Blog and Domain: www.gbtrend.com
InshaAllah this blog will give you millions dollars per month its guarantee.
Muhammad Usman Jamil,
Email: [email protected]
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