Gameman has his domain back. Someone cracked my account, stole a few domains names and sold one of them to Gameman (through Digitalpoint). I reported the theft to Godaddy, which investigated and determined that the scam artist did indeed steal the domain. Accordingly, GD pushed the name back into my account.
Prior to getting back my name, I contacted Gameman repeatedly because I sensed that he was an innocent buyer. Initially he refused to discuss the issue and any possible amicable solution. After GD pushed the name into my account, however, I contacted Gameman again and proposed that if he bought two other domains from me, I'd push the subject domain back into his account. He agreed. In sum, I received Zero $ for the subject domain but I was able to sell two other names to Gameman. Sadly, the scam artist got to keep Gameman's money. . . . but at least Gameman has the domain.