Originally posted by President Gringo
Acid rain isn't a force of nature, and has a negative feeling to it as its to do with the effects of pollution.
Still a good name IMHO.
Right -
Acid rain is formed when Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Dioxide is dissolved in water (rain). Sulfur dioxide is emitted primarily by power palnts burning coal to make electricity as well as paper mills. Nitrogen Dioxide is made when cars are driven (also, Nitrogen Dioxide is responsible for the brown haze you get in larger cities as the pollution accumulates).
When Sulfur dioxide dissolves it gives sulfufous acid and when Nitrogen Dioxide dissolves it give nitric acid. Acids kills plant life and we get the yellow leaves and pine needles that were mentioned before.
Alright Alright ------> </chemistry lesson>
(sorry - I am a chemical engineer and specialize in environmental stuff so I could not resist as this is right up my alley

Moral: AcidRain.com is a great name. Acid rain will be a problem until we stop burning coal as a power source - which will be for quite a few more years. You have a wining name. I can see it selling for 4-5 figures.