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We'll register all - We need your help (Not your money) :)

Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 13, 2002
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Before starting to share with you what we're going to do, I'd like to ask to all skeptics to avoid any possible negative comment because we're just asking for your help (as you'll read below), not for your money :)

This's a stange but true story of course even if I'll not share all details of it to safeguard the privacy of the interested parties.

One month ago, a friend of mine knew a rich businessman to a business seminar in Rome (Italy) so they took a coffee together and talked for few hours about multiple topics.
This person explained he's actually leading multiple successful companies (in diff. fields) with a turnover of few million euros per month.

He loves the capitalism but he's even more interested in new ways to invest his funds for an easy and high return.
He loves the risk especially where there's a chance to quintuple a big capital in few months.

Few days ago, I talked again with my friend about his businessman and I spend few hours to explain him what "web domains" are, the big speculation around this market etc .. ok he learned a lot by me so we decided to approach again "his new friend" to propose him a big and ambitious project: registering all remaining (excl those with 0-4) to dominate the niche.

Well, he had a first long phone chat with this businessman, he knoe what "domains" are but not the market around them and not even about the growing numeric market.
Now he wants to meet again my friend to discuss more in details the whole project and he'll come with other 2 rich partners.
We've given him a general idea of the needed investment before calculating the number of available 7N etc ... $15M
He didn't get impressed especially when my friend explained it's a totally legit activity and once we'll have reserved all these numbers, their market value will instantly start to grow.

Now he wants to know more details about this project and we're working on them.
He advanced we'll not administer his money (obviously) but his lawyer will do it by following carefully our instructions.
There're still many steps to follow, to write a legal agreement which will safeguard the interest of the involved parties etc ...

If he'll agree to move forward, this will probably happens in the first week of December.
My friend explained him this's a middle term investment but he confirmed to have no hurry to monetize the important is to have a way to verify his investment is getting a good return in terms of value of the acquired assets (as he called the "domains").

I know this will be an hard venture, we'll have to ask for the cooperation of our Gd agent to register a so big number of domains by getting directly in touch with the lawyer who'll adminster the funds etc ...

Ok this's our problem but if the investment should go through, "all players will benefit" by the growing value of this niche.

Why am I sharing this story with you ? :)
We've no way to check the availability of a so big number of domains and not even a way to be sure to have extracted all 7N without 0-4

May someome confirm the number if possible 7N combimation excluding 0-4 ?
We should be aroud 2,097.730 (more or less) but I'm not a mathematician so I've used some complex techniques to setup this list.

If someone has a way to quickly check their availability and to supply the full available list, we'd appreciate it.
Here's the full list of 7N (excl 0-4) that I've created:

If you can help with the following steps, the game will start soon :)

You can email the list to: domainsales (at)

Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 13, 2002
Reaction score
Thanks, exactly as expected so we only need to find a way to get the full list of the available ones to know exactly how much our investor would spend for this bulk acquisition.
Every week few dozens of thousands are sold out so we'll just give him an approximated idea of the needed budget while our Gd agent will grab all the remaining ones in bulk at the time of receipt of his funds.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 3, 2009
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Perhaps gd can continuously scan the maximum allowed and register those and repeat?

Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 13, 2002
Reaction score
They can surely do this simply I'm not sure they'll do the job for us without having a guarantee that we'll complete this bulk deal ... This might require a lot of resources I think but I'll ask to my agent at this point, who knows :)

Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 13, 2002
Reaction score
Of course, Gd will be surely happy to earn all that money with a simple few secs click :)

We'll be even happier once we'll start getting our 10% on the net profit of all deals which will interest this portfolio and for the whole duration of its life.

We'll convince him to reserve most of these 7N for several years so we'll safeguard/control the market, it's a dream which might become true very soon for us :)


Level 1
Legacy Gold Member
Nov 19, 2015
Reaction score
sounds interesting, good luck, hope ur dream come true

almost all 888 7N's are taken and repeating names as well e,g 1122333, are u sure normal 7N's will be good enough to give decent ROI?

Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 13, 2002
Reaction score
Next Friday my friend will have a first meeting with that businessman and his 2 partners to start discussing more in details about this possible investment.

We've done our calculations of course otherwise we'd never try to convince someone to invest few millions in a risky business.
Few weeks after all 7N will have sold out, the most common ones (w/out 0-4) will start to have a wholesale price of $20/22 min this mean that our investor will have more than doubles his original investment (if GoDaddy allows registrations at just $8.47/domain by joining their Discount Club, we suppose to get a much lower price considering the amount of domains we're going to register so you can easily calculate our ROI).

Obviously, we'll never affect the market by reselling them in bulk, the plan is to convince him to hold for years its assets and yes, there's a maintenance(renewal) cost but their value will grow substantially more, month after month.

With the time, we'll probably resell (privately and with discretion) very small bundles of names to other big domainers only so we'll never risk to sell them proposed in bulk on the public market.
This strategy should work perfectly exactly as it worked with 6N

There's something that just few people realized about 7N:

*All 6N have been taken (incl the negative ones) and we had 1M combinations there;
*Over 1M of have been registered (mainly in the latest few months) so basically their registrations are already beating in numbers the ones of 6N and this means there's a sinelty growing interest for this niche. Consider we've just studied the ones w/out 0-4 but it seems several thousands of those ones are sold out too.

*The lowest quality 6N are now worth a low $xx (wholesale price) while they were worth a mere reg fee until few weeks ago so we're sure the same will happen to 7N once they'll be all sold out so this make the investment quite attractive to us.
We've made the whole story public because this's just a big game and there's no fun in playing alone.

The impact over the market will be much higher now that many other domainers know what we're planning to do and we'll keep this thread updated once we'll have a first feedback from our investor.

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