Learn why POOT.com sells for a higher amount than DPAT.com etc. Why DR5.COM sells for a higher amount than V9S.com etc. Why DPT.net is more valuable than ZYW.net etc.
Watch the market closely every day, as it's the only way you'll learn. Don't read outdated articles and buy e-books about "How to make $xx,xxx monthly by selling domain names". Those might have a few good tips you can take with you, but the most important thing is to watch the domain market closely and participate in it.
1. Is the following interpretations correct? Did poot.com sell for a high amound than dpat because poot has two of the same letters?
In addition, did dr5.com sell for a higher amount because 5 is a smaller number than 9 and because d is a more valuable letter than v? Moreover, dr5 is a much easier to remember domain because v9s has a number in the middle of the domain?
dpt is more valuable because that domian consists of premium letters and ztw.net doesn't?
2. How can I watch the market more closely? I try to read ever 4letternoob blogpost though.