not only are you super clever Acro... your honest with it! some DN'rs would have just said "oh yeh i had it since adam and eve ate the apple!" :approve:
as for who has the oldest... not out of the "public 1st 200 etc" we know there is someone on here... from an old BBS we had in 84-85 that has 3 of the 1st NetSol names... maybe he will post here if this thread gets popular... or even if Adam / one of the mods.. maybe offers a prize for the oldest (before we get flamed) it will not matter if you picked it up on the drop / found it / got given it / bought it with a company etc, as the "oldies" amongst us will be sure to tell you when and where it really came from... :shy:
so can a mod tickle Adams fancy a bit and maybe get a little prize going for the end of May for the "oldest" domain... we feel a .org coming out of the closet!!!
this has got to be the most interesting thread on DNF since the scammers realized they could do charge backs on paypal 5 month after selling a stolen / hijacked domain :lol: