If you can, apply for a Fabulous.com business account.
.Com is $6.75
and registrations are fast.
Their phone support is excellent. The thing is, the last thing I want is to pay $20-30 for a phone call from Czech Republic to USA. I did it only once, when it was urgent and I knew that I couldn't rely on their email support. I have to admit that on the phone they were very helpful, that's a big A+. As far as email support, it has happened to me more than once, to send an email inquiry and get no response at all.
Moniker is the best registrar in all aspects and I have always been recommending them and referring customers to them , but unfortunately by far not the best when it comes to email support. I have been reading posts from forum members complaining about that for as long as I can remember and it's the one single thing that's moniker's weakness.
*the exceptional businesses of our esteemed moderators