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opinion What is a "Struggle Session" and why we should avoid them at DNForum

This is an opinion held by the original poster regarding the material discussed in the first post of the thread, be it domain name related or not.


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 12, 2003
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See, like I said. You just did what mr-x did to many others. Don't talk about the subject. Then, I already answered that question. I run a domaining Discord. This time write it down so you don't keep repeating the same question.

So you gave up on NP for discord but manage to find time to post here.

Then, I don't think you understand what you just did. By bringing up that donation example, you just used that as PR.

Like I said, in your head you're probably thinking you're helping, when you're doing the opposite.
I agree with you on this. Good deeds are best done in private. If wants good PR for Epik he should talk about the changes they are making. Like the bug bounty program.

You're going to be very lonely here if you keep going down that route.

Why do you care?

robmonster CEO
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 15, 2010
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Surprise, surprise. NamePros decided to run the "Registrar of the Year" poll right on the heels of the very high profile NP Epik hack thread that I am referring to as a "struggle session". You can see the poll here:

Traditionally these NP polls were run at most once per year. Lately they get run much more often. Epik won the poll in March 2020. I think that was not the plan of NP's owners/sponsors. It was won fairly and we deserved it.

Back then you had to pick one. Later the model was changed so you could pick up to 3 instead of just 1. This change in polling method made it easier to amplify Dynadot since logically they were in most people's top 3. Duh.

In December 2020, JB Lions ran a new poll. This new poll, was run by someone who at the time was a hardened anti-Epik campaigner. That thread was its own struggle session. There is apparently a new team of "JB Lions" now.

In the past you could see who voted but now only the moderators can see who voted so the framework for ballot stuffing and removal of votes is in place.

I am hearing reports that persons who are voting for Epik, or otherwise advocating for Epik in the comments, are receiving private DMs. If that is really happening at scale, it fits the sad profile of the struggle session. How lame!

While the exact nature of Dynadot's special relationship with Godaddy and NamePros is not a matter of public record, I believe there is a triumvirate of some kind that is apparently supposed to lock down the domainer channel.

For those of you who do courageously choose to think for yourselves, and not be brigaded by the NP hive-mind, we appreciate your support. May God bless you and yours and may your domain portfolios be abundantly prospered!

Just remember, all providence is from above. I explained this secret about domain investing on Namepros here. For anyone who really wants the deep dive, I recommend my favorite book of the last 500 years published for free here.

Tom K.

Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 15, 2005
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Hey Rob, I wouldn't worry much about the NP poll. It is not taken that seriously. If I were you I would be worrying about the security of Epik. Stopping the scraping of data of non-customers. Etc. There are bigger issues at stake.


Level 5
Jul 5, 2021
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This will be my official last post on dnForum. I'm going to re-join a more professional forum (namePros) as this place (dnForum) is looking like a joke fanboy joke site. ✌️
Yes go there and lick the Dynahole, would not be surprised to find out that NP is owned in all it's corners by them. :D

Tom K.

Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 15, 2005
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While the exact nature of Dynadot's special relationship with Godaddy and NamePros is not a matter of public record, I believe there is a triumvirate of some kind that is apparently supposed to lock down the domainer channel.

Yes go there and lick the Dynahole, would not be surprised to find out that NP is owned in all it's corners by them. :D

Before you start going after NP, I think you should build up a solid following first. Especially if you use allegations. It is too early to start a DNF v NP war. Just sayin'.


Level 3
Oct 1, 2021
Reaction score
Surprise, surprise. NamePros decided to run the "Registrar of the Year" poll right on the heels of the very high profile NP Epik hack thread that I am referring to as a "struggle session". You can see the poll here:

Traditionally these NP polls were run at most once per year. Lately they get run much more often. Epik won the poll in March 2020. I think that was not the plan of NP's owners/sponsors. It was won fairly and we deserved it.

Back then you had to pick one. Later the model was changed so you could pick up to 3 instead of just 1. This change in polling method made it easier to amplify Dynadot since logically they were in most people's top 3. Duh.

In December 2020, JB Lions ran a new poll. This new poll, was run by someone who at the time was a hardened anti-Epik campaigner. That thread was its own struggle session. There is apparently a new team of "JB Lions" now.

In the past you could see who voted but now only the moderators can see who voted so the framework for ballot stuffing and removal of votes is in place.

I am hearing reports that persons who are voting for Epik, or otherwise advocating for Epik in the comments, are receiving private DMs. If that is really happening at scale, it fits the sad profile of the struggle session. How lame!

While the exact nature of Dynadot's special relationship with Godaddy and NamePros is not a matter of public record, I believe there is a triumvirate of some kind that is apparently supposed to lock down the domainer channel.

For those of you who do courageously choose to think for yourselves, and not be brigaded by the NP hive-mind, we appreciate your support. May God bless you and yours and may your domain portfolios be abundantly prospered!

Just remember, all providence is from above. I explained this secret about domain investing on Namepros here. For anyone who really wants the deep dive, I recommend my favorite book of the last 500 years published for free here.

Like I said "He gets mocked for it because it comes off as disingenuous."

Who is that post for? Your followers you feel aren't too bright? For those that can't read? Why do you continue to be dishonest about things?

"NamePros decided to run the "Registrar of the Year" poll right on the heels of the very high profile NP Epik hack thread that I am referring to as a "struggle session"."

It's been a year since the last poll. They do a poll once a year. It has nothing to do with you. It seems you feel they started it because of the hack. There was no hack during the last poll where Dynadot won.

Dynadot is going to win this one.
Dynadot won the last one.
They would have won the previous one if they didn't count all the Epik employee votes. I just read that thread today, it seems they also banned you for spamming that poll.

In the future it will probably be Porkbun or Dan winning these polls.

"I think that was not the plan of NP's owners/sponsors"

It seems you're also trying to throw Ray under the bus, who supported you. He had Epik advertising on his blogs. NP had Epik advertising on their site. Let you start threads. You are one of the sponsors. You just tried to make it seem like you were on the outside and they were against you. I think you probably advertised more no NP and Ray's blogs than any other registrar. I think Ray did you a favor by not having the votes public, you should thank him.

"I am hearing reports that persons who are voting for Epik, or otherwise advocating for Epik in the comments, are receiving private DMs."

Something that not anybody can verify and DM's about what? Nobody is stopping people from voting. And then, people can't even see the vote since it's hidden, unless somebody mentions it publically.

"While the exact nature of Dynadot's special relationship with Godaddy and NamePros is not a matter of public record"

More domainers like Dynadot. You're trying to make it seem like there is some conspiracy. The reality is you never actually won a poll if you take out the employee vote. Dynadot is basically going to beat you 3 times in a row, plus some other registrars have higher votes.

You also made a recent comment that you won't post religious stuff anymore. That lasted about a day.


Level 3
Oct 1, 2021
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Can I join? Would you be kind enough to send me an invite by PM?
No, we don't accept crazy. It's private for professionals. In discussions with you, you have flipped from one post to the next. I tried to help you out with NP, told you your site was down. You thank me in one post, the next post accuse me of being somebody I'm not, then calling me names and flipping out. I think you've found your home here. I think that's a good thing, domaining is big enough that there is some place on the internet for everybody.

Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Jul 2, 2021
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No, we don't accept crazy. It's private for professionals. In discussions with you, you have flipped from one post to the next. I tried to help you out with NP, told you your site was down. You thank me in one post, the next post accuse me of being somebody I'm not, then calling me names and flipping out. I think you've found your home here. I think that's a good thing, domaining is big enough that there is some place on the internet for everybody.
There was no need to try to justify your BS. I only wanted to make sure that supposed discord server didn't exist and it was just another lie. I fully expected a negative answer (how could you let me join a non existant discord server. Rhetorical question, of course). I love to see the absolute "no limit" in lying more to back up the previous lies. I'm not very proud of it, but it's fun to watch (yes, pretty sad, but still kind of fun 👍 ).


Level 3
Oct 1, 2021
Reaction score
There was no need to try to justify your BS. I only wanted to make sure that supposed discord server didn't exist and it was just another lie. I fully expected a negative answer (how could you let me join a non existant discord server. Rhetorical question, of course). I love to see the absolute "no limit" in lying more to back up the previous lies. I'm not very proud of it, but it's fun to watch (yes, pretty sad, but still kind of fun 👍 ).
I just explained it to you. I don't know you, I don't know if it's some issues where it's not even your fault, like being bi-polar or you have some other behavioral issues. I go on what I know, what I see. Here you flip out from one post to the next. You are banned from Namepros. It takes a lot to get banned. You don't exactly have a great track record. I think there is a place for everybody. I think you should be happy now that you've found a home.


Level 3
Oct 1, 2021
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I was just reading on Namepros some of the reasons past supporters of Epik, no longer support them. So you can't use the hater excuse. These are people that supported Epik with their business, publicly, voting for them in the polls etc.

Obviously, the hack doesn't help things and then the response to it. Big thread on that already, so won't rehash all the issues.

But even before that:

Epik getting dropped by PayPal

Epik getting kicked out of the Afternic fast transfer program. Let me quote one past supporter:

"Epik was not on my top 3 this year, not because of their recent issues but because they've been kicked out of Afternic fast transfer program."

So there are real reasons for Epik dropping in the polls, in support. Address the real reasons, don't insult supporters with conspiracy stuff.


Level 3
Oct 1, 2021
Reaction score
Oh boy, do you see what's happening? Let me explain, follow along. Remember, when I said some of you guys are making it worse, when you think you're helping?

You had the post here in this thread about the polls and then the Epik fan boys at NP complaining about the Best Registrar Poll because Dynadot was running away away with it. They thought it was because people had 3 choices and figured if there was only 1 choice Epik would win. The sheer stupidity of that type of thinking. If over 80% of voters are not even putting Epik in the top 3, do you think if they could only pick 1 it would be Epik? That makes no damn sense.

So now you have 3 more polls, I think they're going to shut 1 of those down.

You have a new if you can only pick 1 registrar poll just started, which Dynadot will probably win. So now, Dynadot is going to win 2 best of the year polls.

Then you have the Worst Registrar Poll, where there is a good chance Epik will win Worst Registrar.

And you gave the NP polls legitimacy, since you put them on the front page of the Epik site, pinned on Twitter, posted at LinkedIn etc.

All this is happening because of the complaining you guys did, which now will make it worse for Epik.


DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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i had refrained from posting in this thread, until i was "tagged" previously.

still, after reading, it's apparent some are really struggling
the topic in itself, is a struggle to understand why it was even posted.... if you're looking for a motive or rationale.

as in, is the concern about making a place to do business?
is it about namepros, and what's going on over there and what and how it used to be?
is it about, who you are and why you came here, when in fact... we should be glad somebody is coming?
is it about giving folks benefit of doubt or doubting their benefit to the forum?
is it about religion and how faith and hope is going to restore glory?
is it about a pole, that only has validity inside it's own circle?

struggling, to stay on topic, in which the topic is a struggle in itself, can result in an internal explosion.

clarity must be found, in a most profound sense.
ambiguity and generalizations have to be discarded
and specifics have to be laid out to establish firm structure of the platform.

a goal or level of achievement has to be set and the guidelines drawn leading to that path must be adhered to.
all must agree to conform.

without it, there is no unity, no consensus, and therefore, no business.


Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Jul 2, 2021
Reaction score
ambiguity and generalizations have to be discarded
Like the ambiguity of talking of a specific thread at the beginning of your post and ending it by generalizations about the whole forum, you mean? 🤔 (If I even understood correctly the message)

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