Surprise, surprise. NamePros decided to run the "Registrar of the Year" poll right on the heels of the very high profile NP Epik hack thread that I am referring to as a "struggle session". You can see the poll here:
The voting will take place for the last two months of 2021 the poll closes on December 31,2021. You can make up to 3 choices. This way you will have plenty of time to think about your vote, you will have time to change your votes if you so desire. Employees are prohibited from voting. All...
Traditionally these NP polls were run
at most once per year. Lately they get run much more often. Epik won the poll in March 2020. I think that was not the plan of NP's owners/sponsors. It was won fairly and we deserved it.
Back then you had to pick one. Later the model was changed so you could pick up to 3 instead of just 1. This change in polling method made it easier to amplify Dynadot since logically they were in most people's top 3. Duh.
December 2020, JB Lions ran a new poll. This new poll, was run by someone who at the time was a hardened anti-Epik campaigner. That thread was its own struggle session. There is apparently a new team of "JB Lions" now.
In the past you could see who voted but now only the moderators can see who voted so the framework for ballot stuffing and removal of votes is in place.
I am hearing reports that persons who are voting for Epik, or otherwise advocating for Epik in the comments, are receiving private DMs. If that is really happening at scale, it fits the sad profile of the struggle session. How lame!
While the exact nature of Dynadot's special relationship with Godaddy and NamePros is not a matter of public record, I believe there is a triumvirate of some kind that is apparently supposed to lock down the domainer channel.
For those of you who do courageously choose to think for yourselves, and not be brigaded by the NP hive-mind, we appreciate your support. May God bless you and yours and may your domain portfolios be abundantly prospered!
Just remember, all providence is from above. I explained this
secret about domain investing on Namepros here. For anyone who really wants the deep dive, I recommend
my favorite book of the last 500 years published for free here.