Alright, I had to register just to express my feelings of disgust for such ignorance by EGS. Yusio in no way did anything wrong, EGS asked for a price, was provide one, then became stupid. End of story, you don't walk into walmart, target, best buy, circuit city, conns, target, whatever, and tell them you need something and become beligerent when they dont give it to you for damn near free. If the parts cost $500, then whats a reasonable amount for his time? Whats a reasonable amount for his investment, risk, warranty provided to you? Whats it worth for peace of mind that your computer is built properly when obviously you are a dipstick? Also I have spent nearly 100k at newegg in the past five years, and yes, many of those parts you selected are crap. Reviews dont mean a damn thing, what if somebody did a review stating that jumping off a bridge onto sharp jagged rocks was a ten out of ten? would it be good then? no, because they are words from another person and not an investigation with any intellect that you may or may not have. Now I could go on and on and on with this, but I am certain you will not read this in its entirety, and arguing on the internet is useless. Just throwing my point out there, so if I dont post again, its because you are a DIP!