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What is the minimum Google keyword search volume that impresses you...?

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Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
May 10, 2003
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Hi All:

In general, what is the minimum Google keyword average search volume that impresses you enough to consider buying or registering a domain?

I understand that other factors figure in (domain topic, length, etc)...
just trying to get an over-all sense.

For example, I have a two word .com I'm considering reg'ing that gets a 136,000 search avg.



Level 5
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 14, 2008
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Personally, I think your heading in a good direction. I see it much easier, and less time consuming, to start out that way.

I'd rather be #1 in a pool of 150,000 than #82 in a pool of millions.

Then, once you own the small pool, take a step up, but stay within your niche, and move to a pool of a million or so, with your already established website to back you up.



Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
May 10, 2003
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dcristo: Thanks for the question. Exact match Edited: broad match.

ZeRohiLL: I think you replied to a different post, but thanks anyway.
Last edited:


Level 5
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 14, 2008
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sorry -

so lets say your into, i dont know, dog treats-

ok, so a search of dog treats gives 1,780,000 Google Results.

Pretty big "pool" of results to start out in, IMO.

So, narrow it down, to say, dog treat recipes, and bam! only534,000 results come back, or only 30% of the total of "dog treats".

A much smaller "pool" of competition to try to rank higher in.

Get #1 for dog treat recipes, and then move on and tackle the bigger "pool"

hope that helps explain


I'm including developing in my scenario.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 20, 2008
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Personally, I think your heading in a good direction. I see it much easier, and less time consuming, to start out that way.

I'd rather be #1 in a pool of 150,000 than #82 in a pool of millions.

Then, once you own the small pool, take a step up, but stay within your niche, and move to a pool of a million or so, with your already established website to back you up.

I agree.

Just remember that if you are rating a domain based on its Google results, the words in the domain would obviously need to be keywords that pertain to your niche (the closer the description, the better).

For instance, if your niche was lawn darts and your domain was lawndarts.com, then you'd be golden.... even though those two words together pull up only 136,000 in Google, it perfectly describes what you are selling.

However, if your niche was lawn darts and your domain was throwingdarts.com (which returns a similar quantity of Google results), then you wouldn't be as well off.


Level 5
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 14, 2008
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If your just regging the name based on 150,000 results, and NOT DEVELOPING, it probably won't have a good enough ROI to really dive into.


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
May 10, 2003
Reaction score
I really appreciate you guys responding, but apparently I haven't made my question clear.
I will rephrase:

As a domain purchaser, what is the minimum Google keyword average search volume that impresses you enough to consider buying or registering a domain?
In other words, if you saw a post offering to sell ShoeToasters.com (made up name) and saw that it got a google keyword search average of 136,000, would that be impressive enough for you to consider buying it, especially if you dealt with shoe toaster domains ? :)

PS: I still have benefited from the advice given, and appreciate it.

OK, thank you dcristo, ZeRohiLL, and jsu1995.


Level 5
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 14, 2008
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No prob, I didn't mean to confuse...

But to get to the bottom of it, again, in my opinion, I don't see 136,000 GSER's justification for just regging a name in hopes to sell, without some development. If your parking it and waiting for a sale, I don't see how one could have that great of a ROI in one year (enough to justify the purchase), but don't get me wrong, is $10 not a positive ROI, if thats all one does, without marketing or advertising the name?

Now, if one is going to develop that name, and dominate that field of shoetoasters, and put a little time into it, link, advertise, and content the site, wouldn't one expect a higher ROI, because they spent TIME, MONEY, and TIME.

Hopefully all that time and money and interest in shoetoasters will bring good, targeted traffic to the site, where one could monetize with affiliate links or adsense. Now the ROI will start to justify the purchase, and hell, you might find that shoewarmers are the next big thing, and THEN decide wheather to sell, or hold on and just bring in the cash.

In conclusion, in my opinion, I don't see 136,000 goolge search results justification for regging and parking in hopes of a quick sale. One is better off regging to develop, bringing targeted traffic to the site, make a return on your investment and then some, then look to sell. You just testing the market.

This was actually near my exact model for getting into domains and making great cash. I was fortunate enough to find an untapped niche, not some trend or fad, but something that happens every day. I tapped that niche JUST THIS YEAR, claim the keyword.com, .net, .org, get butloads of targeted traffic EVERY DAY, who click on ads and other affiliate links on my site, which paved the way for me to branch out into my niche, dominate those keywords, and find my sites on the first page of PapaG, Y!, Msn, & Ask.

Time it took: 6 months. Name reg's for a year. So, instead of sitting my nichekeyword.com on a shelf, or parking for a year in hopes to sell, I built it, found that it was NEEDED ON THE INTERNET, and now enjoy enough visitors and adsense to justify my purchase, with plenty of time left on the reg to know.

And knowing IS half the battle. Doing something about what you know is the other half.



Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
May 10, 2003
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ZeRohiLL, thanks very much for your wel-considered answer.
And congratulations on your success!
You're an inspiration to those who hold out hope that there's still a
few bucks to be made in this biz :)

Big P

Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 16, 2008
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Are you talking about getting 136,000 results when you type in "keyword" to google, or are you talking about 136,000 searches a month according to the keyword tool?


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 3, 2008
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Interesting question and discussion.

Personally I prefer to use the Google Adwords click estimator tool and use exact phrase match with a high bid to get an estimate of how many clicks a top ranking ad would get for a specific keyword. Anything more than 10 clicks/day for the perfect keyword combination in the domain is pretty interesting I think, especially if the bid prices are high.

I really like the keyword estimator tool when used with exact match, but it is pretty inacurate and wildly fluctuating on different keywords. If I compare some of my top ranking websites on different keywords there is a huge difference in the numbers of visitors for keywords with similar amounts of searches according to the Google keyword estimator. Of course there are many factors playing in to this such as titles and descriptions shown in the rankings etc. but the difference is still a very large even taking this into consideration.

I am more of a developer than a domainer but it is fantastic when you pick-up a perfect keyword domain and you know how little it takes to turn that domain into a website with some traffic. :) Now all I have to do is figure out how to monetize all my domains without using Adsense...


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
May 10, 2003
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Big P: I've come to understand now that that the Google "Broad" search is far less impressive than the "Exact" match search. My 136,000 number was returned using the Broad search - the Exact search yielded comparatively dismal results. But I'm glad at least I know now :)

Warren2: Thanks for the good info.

adityas: I'd like more info on that as well.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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Folks have echoed my sentiments.

For niche names or sites, especially sites, I would rather be high ranking for 182,000 results than appear in the top 100 for 62 billion.

High rank + low results = higher market specific exposure


Level 14
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 20, 2003
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This is one of the more interesting threads I have read.

Warren2 your comments are too valuable to leave you a a Gold, welcome to Platinum,



Level 10
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 28, 2007
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There seems to be some confusion with the terms you are using.

Google keyword search volume = Number of Google searches per month for term. You can find this using Google Keyword Tool

Google Search Results = Number of search results using Google search. You will get a more accurate number using quotes or brackets around the term.
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