Here is how I'm going to treat things for the 2007 tax year (US - Florida). The numbers aren't actual, just examples.
Just curious if any others out there see any error in my thought process.
Parking Revenues ($1,000 paid in 2007)
Domain Sales
Cost of Sales
Domain Purchase Prices (only on sold domains during 2007) I bought a domain for $1,000 in 2007, and that $1,000 will remain in Inventory the domain is sold (lots of controversy here - this is the most conservative approach)
Renewal Fees (New Domain Registration in August 07 @7.50 is 4/12 expensed for 2007 (2.50 expense 2007 - 5.00 expense 2008)
Purchased Software ( Same Theory as above only over 3 year time period. August purchase at $150 4/36 or $16.67 or 2007)
Interest Paid on Domain Purchases
Arbitrage Expenses ( $100 paid to Google or Yahoo for clicks 100% expensed)
Jet Expenses - My personal jet expenses as I travel from domain auction to auction and back home again (none for me, but a legit expense.)
Did I forget anything - I probably did - the items above apply to me.
For me I have a $200 loss on 300 domains. No Domain Sales/Cost of Sales and Domain purchases of $1,370 (into Inventory). I'm all right with that after starting this 18 months ago.