Buy a foreclosure home in the United States. With their record low prices and our high dollar it's a major win. They will not stay in the hole much longer.k:
Guess again. Those that have been riding it out over the past two years have walked away. Many cities and municipalities that have been safe are now getting hit hard.
Bank foreclosures in reality are up but the reason they showed a dip in the market is because of the new financial regulations passed last fall and took effect in February. In other words, many of the newer foreclosures are tied up in paper work back logs.
Hey Whitebark - I am headed down to Gilbert on Apr 5th - will be there for a month was going to look you up,,
Though I did catch a statistical tidbit on the American news two days ago that said 10% of all homes in Florida are vacant! With so many Canadians already owning/vacationing in that state I'm surprised they don't advertise harder to Canadians to come down and buy. It's seems to be the perfect storm for us - record low prices with a nice high Canadian dollar.
more money flowing South
Yes, it will go lower. As I mentioned, those regions that did not see big drops will now start to experience them because the economy just can not continue to support them. Plus, everyone who held steadfast and were riding out the storm and thought this would be a short lived recession are now seeing how wrong they were.Buying now versus six months ago would have saved money but again - it cannot go much lower! LOL... or can it.
Yup, blame whitebark.P.S.: anyone noticed that this is in the .ca forum?
well, it appears some people would by real estate, virtual real estate, or both.++It was not about just buying real estate, it was about what would people do if they had 50-100K just sitting there.
I think it has been in .ca from day one.I remember when the thread was started it was in Domain Discussion section.
*the exceptional businesses of our esteemed moderators