This is starting to look like one of the first large protests I took part in when I was graduating in college.
It was a small community college in Mass but Govenor Weld was speaking :upset:.
A month prior to my graduation, Weld said "Public education is an oxymoron" (note: I was at a community college) while trying to promote a bill to privatize all education facilities in Mass (and he was running for the US Senate at the time, too). When asked if he was concerned that he would lose the vote from someone who had public education his response was "It's only one vote".
What did we do?
We all got large yellow buttons that had a check mark on them and said "ONE VOTE". They looked very nice against our black graduation gowns. Weld tried to shake the graduate's hands as they took their diploma. Most blew him off.
So people, don't think that your one vote or one voice will make a difference here, working together is what democracy (OK, we're in a republic) is all about. It is supposed to be the PUBLIC's government, not the corporations' government. Yes, you are one voice, but added in to all the others it is a very large choir and our voices will project all the way to DC.
(Time to get cliché):
One vote put Hitler into power.
One vote decided if we speak English or German here
One vote per US county put JFK into the president's seat
I'm sure there are many instances where we can find one vote had a huge impact.
Edit: Petition is at 901 as of now.